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AcronymTitleFurther information
REMEDHYSRecycled metals for aboveground hydrogen storage
REPTiSResponsible extraction and processing of Titanium and other primary raw materials for sourcing EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors
DurAMatSustainable production, processing and modelling of durable additive manufactured materials for enhanced performance and long-term service in complex environments
EarlyCorrEarly detection of corrosion by smart climatic test chambers
DigiPassHarmonization of advanced materials ecosystems serving strategic innovation markets to pave the way to a Digital Materials & Product PassportCo-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon
Tools4TestingH2Development of tools for cost-effective testing of materials' susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement for their use in H2 gas storage and distribution metallic components
Sure2CoatSustainable surface treatments of complex shape components for transsectorial industrial innovation
COMETAAdvanced chemistry and methods to obtain environmental-friendly Cr/P-free conversion coatings on metals
AUTOTREATNew autonomous power supply based on real-time electrochemical measurement for anodising treatments
CUIDETECTCorrosion under insulation detection and prediction in steel pipes