The equipment of the department "Material Chemistry and Mass Transport" offers a variety of analytical instruments for the elucidation of mass transport through a membrane and thermal analytical methods.
Ion chromatography U-HPLC)

Foto: Hereon/allgemein
ICS-6000 von Thermo Scientific
- Dionex ICS 6000 DC
Potentiostat/Galvanostat (EIS)

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- Metrohm Autolab B.V., Filderstadt
Impedance spectroscopy, galvanostatic charging and discharging
Zeta Potential (SurPASS 3)

Foto: Hereon/allgemein
- Anton Paar, Graz/Österreich
For determining the isoelectric point of a membrane by titration.
Broadband Dielectric Spectrometer

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Novocontrol Technologies, Montabaur
Frequenzbereich: 3 µHz bis 40 MHz
Temperaturbereich: -200°C -bis 400°C
Dynamic heat flow differential calorimetry (DSC1)

Foto: Hereon/allgemein
DSC 1, Fa. Mettler Toledo
Messbereich: -150 bis 500 °C
Dynamic heat flow differential calorimetry with pressure and gas application (HP-DSC)

Foto: Hereon/allgemein
Dynamic heat flow differential calorimetry with pressure and gas application (HP-DSC)
HP DSC 1, Fa. Mettler Toledo
Messbereich: 22 bis 700 °C