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Myriam Covarrubias Guarneros, M. Eng.

Myriam Covarrubias Guarneros - WTI

Myriam Covarrubias Guarneros , M. Eng.

Infrastructure for stationary energy systems

PhD Student

Phone: Tel: +49 (4152) 87-0

Fax: +49 (4152) 87-2625

E-mail contact

PhD. topic

Process simulation modeling and experimental validation of a system integrated metal hydride and fuel cell


  • Master of Engineering: Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2022. Master's Thesis: "Modeling and parameterization of a PEM fuel cell stack for system integration into a metal hydride based hydrogen storage system".
  • Bachelor of Engineering: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México, 2015 Bachelor Thesis: “Possible relationship between sunspot groups and global planetary temperature on a secular scale”