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Dr. Johannes Bieser

Dr. Johannes Bieser

Matter transport and ecosystem dynamics


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-2334

E-mail contact

My main research interest is the simulation of chemical cycles in the Earth system using complex three-dimensional models to further the understanding of the fate of pollutants in the environment.

Currently I am working on the influence of emissions from ship traffic in the North Sea on the air quality in the coastal zone and the air-sea exchange of mercury in the North- and Baltic-Sea region.

Personal data

Born 1983 in Lahr, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Scientific career

since 2011 Post-Doc at the Institute of Coastal Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrums Hereon. Currently participating in two EU projects, the FP7 project „Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS)“ and the INTERREG IV B project „Clean North Sea Shipping (CNSS)“.

2008 – 2011 PhD with Prof. Andreas Möller and Prof. Markus Quante in the field of chemistry transport modelling at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. Work about the influence of emissions on air quality. Development of an European emission model (SMOKE for Europe).

2007 Diploma in Environmental Sciences at the University of Lüneburg