Küste Hero Istock-1209864348 Anna Gorbacheva

Dr. Douglas Vieira da Silva


Dr. Douglas Vieira da Silva

Hydrodynamik und Datenassimilation


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1505

E-mail contact

Research Interest

• Continental Shelves Processes
• Lagoons and Estuaries
• Coastal Plumes
• Air-sea Interactions
• Tropical Meteorology

2024 - PresentEDITO-Model LabHorizon Europe project to develop the next generation of ocean numerical models of the European Digital Twin of the Ocean (EDITO-Infra)
2024 - PresentFOCCUSForecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus users
2023 - PresentCLIMB-CONFClimate analysis and coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling of extreme events in response to the warming of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Region.
2023 - Present
SIMOPECCoupled ocean-atmosphere modeling system for monitoring and forecasting climate extremes in the coastal zone of the Eastern Northeast of Brazil.
2021 - PresentIVIDES Open source collaborative for research and development

Professional Experience

2024 - TodayScientist (Post-doc)Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany Topics: FOCCUS
2023 - 2024 Post-graduated Internship CETESB Environmental Agency of Sao Paulo State, Brazil Topics: Hydropower and Dams


2019-2024 PhD in Meteorology Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil Title: Interaction of Coastal Squall Lines of the Amazon Coast with the Stratification of the Werstern Tropical Atlantic - Supervisor: Dr. Ricardo de Camargo and Dr. Doris Veleda
2016-2018 Msc in Physical, Chemical and Gelogical Oceanography Oceanology Departament, Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil Title: Circulation and Transport Patterns of Simulated Drifters in the Mirim Lagoon and Patos Lagoon's Coastal Plume - Supervisor: Dr. Wiliam Correa Marques
2011-2016Bsc in Oceanography Institute of Oceanography, University of São Paulo, Brazil Conclusion Work: Thermal Gradients at Sao Paulo Bight - Supervisor: Dr. Olga Tiemi Sato