Klima Hero Istock-1218578263 Alexey Fedoren

Pascal Hoppe

Pascal Richtarski (Photo: Private)

Pascal Hoppe

Anorganische Umweltchemie

PhD Student

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1864

Fax: +49 (0)4152 87-1875

E-mail contact

During my PhD thesis at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, I am working on the cooperative project with the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Office (BAW) “contaminant transport modeling in the Elbe River” (CTM-Elbe). In this project I am working on the investigation of the distribution of relevant pollutants in water, sediment and suspended matter to establish a data basis for the development of a transport model for the prediction of pollutant transport after e.g. navigation channel repair or deepening. In the CTM-Elbe project I will analyze inorganic and organic pollutants in water, sediment and suspended sediment samples to learn more about the distribution and transport of pollutants between these compartments. The results will be completed with the determination of the adsorption constants of selected pollutants on suspended solids in the Elbe River.

My focus in the field of environmental and analytical chemistry lie in the following areas: