Klima Hero Istock-1218578263 Alexey Fedoren

Dominik Wippermann

Dominik Wippermann V2

Dominik Wippermann

Anorganische Umweltchemie

PhD Student

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1843

E-mail contact

Within My PhD project at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon I work on the investigation of potential inorganic emissions from offshore wind farms into the marine environment. As part of theOffChEm II project investigation of potential emissions from corrosion protection of offshore structures (e.g., galvanic anodes) were monitored within the North Sea and recently also in the Baltic Sea. Multi-Element methods were applied to different matrices (sediment, water, biota) from around offshore windfarms to assess the potential impact.

Within theMetro POEM project I work on the characterization of trace metals in seawater matrix (ICP-MS/MS), their isotope ratios (MC ICP-MS), as well as on the development of automated separation procedures prior to MC ICP-MS. The project aims to establish three Si traceable reference materials and to harmonize methods for measurement of polluting elements using mass spectrometric techniques.

The Plastic Trace project focuses on the development and harmonization of methods for the chemical identification, physical characterization, and quantification of released small micro/nano plastics, especially in drinking water, food and environmental matrices. Within the project I work on sample preparation strategies and measurements methods for small micro/nano plastics (< 10 µm /< 0.1 µm) using approaches of field flow fractionation (FFF) and LD-IR/QCL.

My focus in the field of environmental and analytical chemistry lies in the following areas: