Planning for Ludwig Prandtl II moves on
The data are impressive. A length of 30 meters, a width of 8 meters, a clearance height of 6.5 meters and a draft of 1.5 meters. This is what the new Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon’s research vessel Ludwig Prandtl II will look like. A model already exists and the first trials are planned. The next step is to find a suitable shipyard.

The model of the Ludwig Prandtl II. Photo: Hereon/ Volker Dzaak
The planning of a new research vessel is an extensive and demanding task that can only succeed in close cooperation with an engineering office for shipbuilding. The Hamburg-based planning office Technolog Services GmbH (TLS) was able to convince with its competence in the tender and was thus awarded the contract.
The Ludwig Prandtl II will have laboratories for coastal research, hydrogen technology (fuel cells and metal hydride storage tanks) and the testing of membrane modules for exhaust gas purification. The detailed plans will be designed by Technolog Services in close cooperation with the researchers involved. The key is to reconcile the requirements for scientific measurement operations with the needs of shipbuilding. For example, determining the position of the measurement system for recording the current velocity of the water body below the ship is an important task. Typically, an ADCP (Acoustik Doppler Current Profiler: ultrasonic measurement method) is located in the bottom of the ship near the bow to eliminate any influence of ship motion on the measurements. In the planning stage, the ship's hull was therefore optimized so that the flow measurement system cannot be influenced by the flow around the ship (bubble formation).
In order to validate the planning calculations and to test whether the new research vessel also cuts a good figure in a seaway, model tests will then be carried out. This has been commissioned to the Potsdam Shipbuilding Research Institute, which will start carrying out the model tests in December. The invitation to tender for the shipyard carrying out the construction work is planned for spring 2022.
On 16.12.22, the future name of the new research ship was found in an internal competition among Hereon staff. The ship will be called "Coriolis". The chosen name goes back to the mathematician and physicist Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis (1792-1843) and thus replaces the working title "Ludwig Prandlt II", which had been used until then.
Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
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Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon