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Scientific Reports

HZG coastal researcher Eduardo Zorita has been appointed to the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports

HZG coastal researcher Eduardo Zorita has been appointed to the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports

Eduardo Zorita

Eduardo Zorita Photo: Jessica Wahl/Helmholtz.

Dr. Eduardo Zorita, Senior Scientist in the Department "Coastal impact and Palaeoclimate" at the Institute of Coastal Research, has been a member of the Editorial Board of the respected journal "Scientific Reports" since summer this year. The online journal publishes basic research from all areas of the natural sciences and medicine and belongs to the large Nature Research Group.

In his new role, Edurado Zorita will be responsible for the review process of manuscripts submitted by international authors for possible publication in Scientific Reports. He reviews the manuscript and decides whether it is potentially suitable for the journal. If so, he contacts external reviewers. At least two external reviewers should be found for a manuscript..

Eduardo Zorita: "I am looking forward to this new task. I think my own scientific work will be improved by this experience and I will be able to pass on some of this enrichment to my younger colleagues at the HZG". The scientific journals fulfil an important task by pre-filtering and measuring the quality of scientific results and then making them available to the public.

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Nature Research publishes more than 50 titles from the life sciences, physics and chemistry and applied sciences, including the Open Access journal "Scientific Reports" and numerous partner journals published in cooperation with institutions and scientific societies.