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Helmholtz International Fellow Award

Five outstanding international scientists have now been honored with the Helmholtz International Fellow Award of the Helmholtz Association

With research subjects covering photovoltaics, Earth system science, motor neuron disease, the origins of the universe, and the health risks of climate change, five outstanding international scientists have now been honored with the Helmholtz International Fellow Award in the second round of this year’s nominations.

Helmholtz International Fellow Award

“Cooperation with the world’s best researchers is a key objective of the Helmholtz Association’s international activities. That is why we established the Helmholtz International Fellow Award,” says Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association. “We intend this award to further intensify international cooperation. I’d like to wholeheartedly congratulate the five prizewinners who have now been chosen. They are all making exceptional contributions to fields of research that are central to the work of our research association.” In addition to receiving prize money of €20,000, the winners will also be invited to conduct research at one or more Helmholtz Centers..

Prof. Dr. Kristie L. Ebi, from the University of Washington, School of Public Health and School of Medicine, has been nominated for the Helmholtz International Fellow Award 2019 by the Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht, Center for Materials and Coastal Research (HZG), and has now received the award. Kristie Ebi is invited to a research stay at the Climate Service Center Germany, GERICS, an independent institution of the HZG. Among other things, the first cooperations regarding the development of climate service products are to be established and intensified.

“We hope that this year’s prize winners will also continue to be active ambassadors for close international cooperation.”Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association says. The prize is intended to help intensify existing collaborations between Helmholtz Centres and foreign research institutions and to strengthen Helmholtz researchers' networks with excellent international colleagues.

Further prize winners and additional information can be found in the press release of the Helmholtz Association:
Press release of the Helmholtz Association