Project brings together research and industry in Baltic Sea region

Materials investigations at a Beamline of Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht at the DESY Site. Photo. HZG/ Christian Schmid
A project led by DESY and aiming to link research centres and universities with industrial enterprises is to receive some three million euros in funding from the European Union’s Baltic Sea region programme. As part of “Baltic TRAM”, national hubs are due to be set up in Sweden, Germany and Poland over the next three years, especially at universities. These hubs will serve as a network offering measurement and other services to industrial customers, locally and also by international exchange.
In the project, an international network for industrial research will be set up. One university per country will coordinate the research and measuring orders by the industrial users. If measurements cannot be carried out locally, they will be forwarded into the international network. The organisational structures to be developed for this purpose will be tested in pilot activities before being expanded step by step. The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht is a partner in this project and provides its measuring devices to interested companies.
The Baltic TRAM (Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion) project is one of several activities of the ScienceLink network, which is currently chaired by DESY. ScienceLink is a cooperative venture involving leading universities, research centres and regional development partners in the Baltic Sea region, whose aim is to turn scientific findings into innovations more swiftly. Through Baltic TRAM and ScienceLink, DESY and Helmholtz-Zentrum GEesthacht are helping to set up cooperative research ventures with the industry in the Baltic Sea region which can benefit both sides.
German Engineering Materials Science Centre (GEMS)
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