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New Scientific Managing Director

On an interim basis Prof Regine Willumeit-Römer takes on the scientific management at Hereon

Prof Regine Willumeit-Römer has taken over the position of Scientific Director at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon on an interim basis from October 14, 2024. Before, the physicist led the Hereon Institute of Metallic Biomaterials for nine years.

Ms Willumeit-Römer takes over her new position from Prof Matthias Rehahn, who ended his regular term of office at Hereon in August this year. “I am looking forward to my new role and want to focus all my energy on it. Hereon is well equipped for its scientific future,” she says. One of the first tasks is the upcoming scientific review. Additionally, it is also important to fill the new strategy and with it an even stronger interdisciplinary collaboration in the center with life.

A natural scientist through and through


The new Scientific Director Prof Regine Willlumeit-Römer also wants to promote a sense of community at Hereon in her new position. Photo: CAU Kiel/Jürgen Haacks

Prof Willlumeit-Römer, who still lives in Hamburg today, studied physics at the University of Hamburg. She had always been fascinated by the interface between materials science, physics and biology. Later, she focused on questions like: What happens when metal implants meet human cells? And: Can magnesium screws for fixing fractures help to avoid a second operation by gradually dissolving in the body?

Her physics studies were followed by a doctorate at the Gesellschaft für Kernenergieverwertung in Schiffbau und Schifffahrt (GKSS), as the center was known at that time. Her dissertation topic was the localization of selected proteins in the E. coli ribosome using spin-dependent small-angle neutron scattering. She received a lucrative offer to work in the economic area but then decided to succeed her doctoral supervisor Prof Heinrich Stuhrmann as head of department. “That were several career steps at once and I could remain true to my science! So, I accepted immediately,” she recalls. Later, as part of her habilitation in biochemistry at the University of Hamburg, she also became involved in teaching: she has held the Chair of Biological Interfaces of Implants at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) for ten years.

Shaping the future together

Regine Willumeit-Römer considers herself as a team player and has already coordinated several large international projects as well as program-related consortia within the Helmholtz Association. “Only together we can achieve great things. I want to involve our entire workforce and expand our external collaborations with science, business and industry,” she says. The Hereon employees wish her good luck and a great start for her new position!


Christoph Wöhrle

Science Editor

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon I Communication and Media

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