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Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups

Call December 2023

Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups allow the Helmholtz Association to offer internationally outstanding postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to establish their own research groups. Up to 9 Young Investigator Groups are funded each year, identified through a highly competitive selection procedure, and funded for five years with a total of at least 1.5 million euros.

Setcard Helmholtz Young-investigator-groups

The program is aimed at young scientists who completed their doctorates two to six years ago. Periods of child- rearing that fall within the postdoctoral phase can be credited. Candidates must also have relevant experience abroad. This can be at least six months of continuous experience abroad during the doctoral or postdoctoral phase, the acquisition of an academic degree abroad, or the coordination of a major international project.

The Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups offer early scientific independence to international top talents. The funding generally amounts to at least € 300,000 p.a. for five years with an option of a permanent position in case of a positive evaluation.

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon can nominate no more than two candidates. Interested candidates should approach Hereon with a draft of their application. There will be an internal pre-selection process. Hereon will decide on the two nominees and request that they submit the complete application documents. If you want to apply, please contact Dr. Iris Ulrich (Iris.Ulrich@hereon.de).

Important Deadlines 2024

March 1, 2024Applicants should send their declaration of interest (max. 2-page letter of intent, CV, list of publications) to Dr. Iris Ulrich
April 30, 2024Deadline for submission of complete application documents by the Helmholtz Centers to the Helmholtz Head Office via the project management platform ProMeta (cutoff date; key date for determining academic age of the candidate)
September 02, 2024Deadline for submission of the university statement to the Helmholtz Head Office via the project management platform
October 22-23, 2024Final selection meeting
No more than 12 months after receiving funding approvalStart of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group

Further Information

To the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Call 2023 Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups – Call 2023

Contact at Hereon

Dr. Iris Ulrich

Head off Staff department Programme Planning and Controlling

Phone: +49 (0) 4152 / 87 - 1633

E-mail contact

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon