Technologie Hero Istock-955100114 Wmaster890

EU-Projects since the year 2000 at Hereon

HGF Research Field: Structure of Matter

Core Programme: Research with Photons, Neutrons and Ions

The projects are arranged chronologically according to their end date, with longest residual term at the top.

AcronymTitleFurther information
GNeuSGlobal Neutron Scientists
NEPHEWSNeutrons and photons elevating Worldwide science
ReMade@ARI Recyclable materials development at Analytical Research Infrastructures
EURIZONEuropean network for developing new horizons for RIs
EASI-STRESSEuropean Activity for Standardization of Industrial residual STRESS characterization
CAROTSCommercial analytical research organisations transnational strategy
ACCELERATEAccelerating Europe's Leading Research Infrastructures
CALIPSOplusConvenient Access to Light Sources Open to Innovation, Science and to the World
SINE2020World class science and innovation with neutrons in Europe 2020
Baltic TRAMTransnational Research Access in the Macro-Region
CREMLINConnecting Russian and European Measures for Largescale Research Infrastructures
NMI3-IINeutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy Integrated Initiative
MAGNIMTailored biodegradable magnesium implant materialsCo-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon
SCIENCE LINKNetwork between world-leading Cluster of large-scale Research Infrastructure of Photon and Neutron Sources and Users fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region
BIOCONTROLBio-Interfaces: From molecular understanding to applicationCo-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon
NMI3Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy
NMI3Integrated infrastructure initiative for neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy