Küste Hero Istock-1618458398 Chirapriya Thanakonwirakit

COPERNICUS Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) - Coupled ocean-wave model development in forecast environment


Project timeline
March 2016
24 months
February 2018
General Information
WAVE2NEMO contributes to the development of the COPERNICUS Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). It specifically aims at improving the coupling of the ocean model system to wave models. The target areas are the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The main objectives of the project are:
- Further development of the NEMO ocean model and the forcing which will explicitly include the effect of waves from wave models on the upper ocean dynamics;
- Providing software for additional parameters which have to be exchanged between waves and hydrodynamic models;
- Improved validation methods by retrieved wave information from satellite data and in situ platforms (buoys, moorings, HF radars, etc.);
- Demonstrating the interaction of waves and currents at small scales both in the ocean interior as well as near the shoreline.
Most of the CMEMS target fields - marine safety, marine resources, marine environment and forecasting – will directly benefit from the proposed R&D work proposed here. Thus, it could be expected that the project will make connections to CMEMS in order to support the future production of more consistent ocean-marine weather information including on surface waves, which is often requested by users.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaCOPERNICUS Ocean (CMEMS)
Project TypeCOPERNICUS Tender
Contract Number21-SE-CALL1
Co-ordinatorHelmholtz Zentrum Hereon (DE)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Joanna Staneva, Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling, Hydrodynamics and Data Assimilation, KSD, Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1804
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche (IT), Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology (EE), Norwegian Meteorological Office, Oslo (NO)
WAVE2NEMO website
Last Update: 18. May 2021