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Coordination of advanced creep activities to improve safety and durability of high temperature plant materials


Project timeline
September 2001
48 months
August 2005
General Information
As a generality, the design of plant components and safety/ performance assessment of materials used for high temperature applications in the power generation, nuclear, petrochemical, chemical process and other such industries is currently based on their tensile and creep rupture strength. Service experience has shown that the present design codes are very conservative and that the use of more sophisticated procedures based on 'advanced creep data' (such as strength at various levels of strain, creep ductility, stress triaxiality parameters etc.) could reduce this conservatism. In addition to improving safe performance and extending the life of high temperature components, advanced creep properties provide more effective parameters for the development of new materials. Advanced creep properties are being generated by EC, national and in-house funded European projects. The objective of this Thematic Network is to coordinate information from European projects (completed or running) and to provide guidelines for the generation, analysis, electronic exchange, and use of such data, in an effort to harmonise these activities across Europe. These guidelines will result in better quality data from European projects which can be used with confidence, across national boundaries, for extending life, safety and durability of existing plant, and help improve the development of new materials.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP5-GROWTH-2001, Key action 1: Materials and their technologies for production and transformation
Project TypeThematic Network
Contract NumberGTC2-2000-33051
Co-ordinatorEuropean Technology Development Ltd. (UK)
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Prof. Dr. Thomas Klassen, Institute of Materials Research, Phone: +49 4152 87 2562, (Initial contact: Prof. Bilal Dogan, Institute of Materials Research)
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Powergen Co. (UK), ALSTON Power; (Rugby) (UK), ALSTON Power; (Whetston) (UK), Babcock-Borsig Power (DE), Bay Zoltán Foundation (HU), British Energy (UK), CESI (IT), Commissariat Energie Atomique CEA (FR), CORUS UK Ltd. (UK), CSM Instruments S.A. (IT), Dalmine (IT), Electricité de France (FR), Electricity Supply Board (IE), Elsam Project (DK), ENEL S.P.A. (IT), ERA Tech (UK), European Technology Development Ltd. (UK), Foundation Inasmet (ES), GMS (NL), IIS (IT), Innogy Co. (UK), Instituto De Soldadura e Qualidade (PT), International Society of Biomechanics (IT), Mannesmann (DE), Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität Stuttgart (DE), Mitsui Babcock Energy Ltd. (UK), NLR (NL), Politecnico di Milano (IT), SDF (IT), SIEMENS AG (DE), SIMR (SE), SKODA Holding A. S. (CZ), SPG (DE), Stahlinstitut VDEh (DE), SVUM A. S. (CZ), Technische Universität Darmstadt (DE), Technische Universität Graz (AT), TNO (NL), Universita di Ancona (IT), VITKOVICE Holding A. S (CZ), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (FI), WRI (SK)

(completed August 2005)

Last Update: 16. April 2021