Climate Extremes and Impacts
Marlene Klockmann
Improving past climate reconstructions by combining information from climate proxy records and numerical climate simulations with Machine Learning. Project: RedMod (HGF)
Linda van Garderen
07/2018 - 10/2023
PhD Thesis (2022): Climate change attribution of extreme weather events using spectrally nudged storylines
Zeguo Zhang
01/2021 - 04/2023 (at Hereon since 10/2018)
PhD Thesis (2023): Reconstruction of climate fields using machine-learning methods (funded by CSC)
Kai Bellinghausen
Master Thesis: Estimating Extreme Storm Surges in the Baltic Sea using various Machine Learning Methods based on Atmospheric Data.
Julianna Carvalho Oliveira
PhD Thesis: Towards improved seasonal climate predictions with artificial intelligence: an application on summer teleconnections.
Oliver Bothe
Reconstruction and modelling of past climate ranging from the Last Interglacial to the past millennium. Project: Palmod (BMBF)
Xing Yi
01/2020 – 07/2021
Past climate reconstructions using machine learning. Project: Redmod (HGF).
Oliver Bothe
Precipitation in the past millennia in Europe. Project: Prime-2 (DFG)
Maria Pyrina
04/2014 - 02/2021
PhD Thesis (2017): North Atlantic Ocean decadal variability over the past millennium, from climate simulations and proxy-based reconstructions. Projects: ARAMACC (EU), Past2k, Redmod (HGF).
Svenja Bierstedt
08/2012 - 09/2019
PhD Thesis (2015): Decadal to centennial variability of daily wind over Northern Europe and its application to migrating dunes in the Baltic Sea region. Projects: CLISCODE /REKLIM (HGF), Asia-Floods (DFG SPP SL).
Prosper Evadzi
04/2013 - 07/2017
PhD Thesis (2017):Regional Sea-Level at the retreating coast of Ghana under a changing climate. Project: Ghana-SL (DAAD).
Sitar Karabil
09/2013 - 02/2017
PhD Thesis (2017): Mechanisms of sea-level variability in the Baltic Sea region for the period 1850-2100. Project: CliSAP2-A3.
Xing Yi
05/2013 - 12/2016
PhD Thesis (2016): Impact of large-scale climate variability on the Arabian Sea coastal upwelling system. Project: CliSAP2-B3.
Nele Tim
08/2012 - 06/2016
PhD Thesis (2015): Influence of large-scale climate variability on upwelling regimes off the Namibian coast: implications for past and future climates. Projects: GENUS II, CliSAP2-B3.
Juan José Gómez-Navarro
Precipitation in the past millennia in Europe -Extension back to Roman times. Project: PRIME2.
Juliane Ludwig
Climate Signals in Coastal Deposits. Project: CLISCODE/ REKLIM.
Victor Ocaña
Stochastic secular trends in sea level rise.
before 2011
Nikolaus Groll, Kerstin Prömmel, Julie Jones, Martin Widmann, Traute Crüger, Arnt Pfizenmayer, Börge Pflüger
Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart
11-12/2022 (6 weeks)
Developing physical climate storylines, using physical and statistical models, to explore and understand the climatic components of extreme events and climate change trends
from Deltares/ VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tamara Emmerichs
Technical setup for spectrally nudged storylines in the ECHAM5/MESSy setup (SCENIC)
from the Atmospheric Modelling Group, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Juan José Gómez-Navarro
02-03/2018 (3 weeks)
Perspectives of Regional Paleoclimate Modelling
from University of Murcia, Spain
Scott St. George
Paleoclimatology | Dendrochronology | Hazards
Humboldt Research Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, USA
Sheila Carreño
Statistical short-term weather prediction
from Basque Country Weather Service, Spain
Miguel Zorita Calvo
Mediterranean droughts over the past millennium
from University of Leon, Spain
Jaya Kelvin
Sea-level in Indonesia
NF-POGO CofE Scholar of Oceanography, Alfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI), Germany
Ting Hua
Precipitation variability in China over the past millennium
from Cold & Arid Regions Environmental &Engineering Research Institute, China,
funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences
Le Xuan Hoan
Long-term Simulation of Coastal Sediment Transport and Morphological Evolution
funded by NAFOSTED -National Foundation for Science and Technology Development Vietnam
Nele Tim
07/2016-07/2018 (on a weekly basis)
Variability of ocean circulation in the Agulhas Current Region around South Africa and its interplay with climate
from Institute of Geology, University of Hamburg, Germany
funded by BMBF within SPACES AGULHAS-2
Sheila Carreño
Statistical short-term weather prediction
from Basque Country Weather Service, Spain
Gabriel Ibarra
Statistical downscaling
from Basque University, Spain
Eugene Wahl
Atmospheric dynamics and droughts in the West US
from National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA), USA
Anna-Leah Nickl
Coastal erosion processes-assessment of knowledge
from Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Yasser Eldeberky
Modelling Storm surges and Sea-level rise in the Mediterranean Sea
from Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
funded by DAAD
Juan José Gómez-Navarro
Regional climate simulations over Europe in the past millennium
from University of Murcia, Spain
before 2011
Caroline Clotten and Rilke Völpel (Analysis of IPCC climate simulations, Geology students from Bremen University, Germany)
Juan José Gómez-Navarro (Regional climate simulations over Europe in the past millennium, PhD Student of University of Murcia, Spain)
Ganix Esnaola (Analysis of sea-surface temperature variations in the Gulf of Biscay, PhD student of AZTI-Tecnalia, Spain)
Sonia Jerez (Paleoclimate simulations with the regional model MM5, PhD student of University of Murcia, Spain)
Iñigo Errasti (Analysis of IPCC climate simulations, PhD student of University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Frederik Schenk (Reconstruction of the historical North Atlantic Oscillation since 1500, Geography student from Stuttgart University, Germany)
Florian Adolphi (High-frequency climate variability in the past millenniums, Geo-Ecology student, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)
Raphael Neukom (South American high-resolution multi-proxy climate reconstructions, (PhD student of Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland)
Fidel González-Rouco (Holocene climate simulations, from Universidad Complutense, Depto. de Astrofisica, Madrid, Spain)
Elena García-Bustamante (Statistical downscaling, errors in wind energy estimations, from Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain)
Sonia Jerez (Paleoclimate simulations with the regional model MM5, from University of Murcia, Spain)
Inka Meyer (The 'little Ice age' in South Patagonia, comparison of proxy based climate reconstructionsand GCM output, student from University of Bremen, Germany)
Shu-Hua Lin (Statistical downscaling of pecipitation in Taiwan, Postdoctoral Fellow from Global Change Research Center, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Jorge Sanchez-Sesma (NAO in the last millennium, from Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del agua, Mexico)
María Dolores Frías (Statistical Downscaling, from Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Santander Spain)
Jesús Fernández (Statistical and dynamical downscaling with MM5, from Dept. of Applied Maths and Computing Sciences, University of Cantabria, Santander; Spain)
Joanna Wibig (Statistical Downscaling, from Dept. of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Lodz, Poland)
2005 and before
Marcel Küttel (climate reconstructions and surrogates, PhD student from Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland)
María Dolores Frías (Statistical Downscaling, from Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Santander Spain)
Jesús Fernández (Statistical and dynamical downscaling with MM5, from Dept. of Applied Maths and Computing Sciences, University of Cantabria, Santander; Spain)
Jon Saenz (regional modelling with MM5, from Grupo de Clima, Meteorología y Medio Ambiente, University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Fidel González-Rouco (Holocene climate simulations, from Universidad Complutense, Depto. de Astrofisica, Madrid, Spain)
Yegor Dmitriev (climate reconstructions and surrogates, from Institute of Numerical Mathematics Moscow, Russia)
Christoph Matulla (climate modelling, from Meteorological Service of Austria, Vienna, Austria)
Ewa Matulla (comparison of conventional and ecological agriculture in Schleswig-Holstein)