Technologie Hero Istock-695675608 Jaczhou

Offers of the Polymer Technology Centre

  • Upscaling of the production of various polymers on a pilot scale (1 to 5 kg)
  • Membrane and composite production by melt extrusion
  • Investigation of the process parameters on the material properties in the production and processing of polymers
  • Pilot plant infrastructure in modular design for rapid provision of system configurations tailored to requirements
  • Gas permeation pilot plant for investigating the separation behaviour of various membranes and membrane modules for different gas mixtures at pressures of up to 60 bar and in a temperature range from -20 to 100°C
  • Simulation of polymerisation processes (reaction kinetic modelling and multiphysics modelling)
  • Process simulation for separation and sorption processes
  • Technical and economic evaluation and system optimisation with regard to special applications