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Web Applications

Hereon research on public web applications

Urban air pollution in Hamburg


The urbanAQF platform was created with an aim to highlight Hamburg's air quality issues and aid in informed decision-making by providing 24-hour air quality forecast on a user friendly spatio-temporal visualization platform. It is based on an automated model chain that retrieves and processes the input data from emission inventories, terrain data (topography, surface roughness and urban land use information), larger scale meteorological and air quality forecasts (to define initial and boundary conditions). It integrates this data with the city-scale Eulerian chemistry transport model EPISODE-CityChem developed by scientists at Hereon specifically for Hamburg, performs a 24-hour simulation at 100m resolution and transfers the forecasted concentrations to the Geographic Information System (GIS) based visualization platform urbanAQF. The urbanAQF platform shows predicted air pollutant levels for 7 pollutants over the region of Hamburg. The hourly Air Quality Index (AQI), ranked from 1 (good) to 6 (poor), simplifies the understanding of air quality. For information on how to use this tool see our storymap aboutUrban air pollution.

Publication related to the tool:

Karl, M., Acksen, S., Chaudhary, R., & Ramacher, M. O. P. (2024). Forecasting system for urban air quality with automatic correction and web service for public dissemination. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2024.2359569

Dashboard: Tesperhude

The Tesperhude dashboard is a near real time monitoring dashboard for visualization of the data of different parameters that the sensors installed within the Ferrybox deployed at Tesperhude, Geesthacht is measuring.

Ferrybox Dashboard Monitor

The Ferrybox Dashboard Monitor is a near real time monitoring dashboard for visualization of the data of different paremeters that the sensors installed within all the Ferryboxes deployed different platforms or research vessels are measuring.

On our Hereon campus you find the Dashboardscreen in Building 14.

Ludwig Prandtl Experience

Rv Ludiwg Prandtl Experience

The Ludwig Prandtl Experience is a data visualization and querying application about the data that different sensors and devices have measured on the research vessel Prandtl. In addition, it provides near real time insights into the location and meteorological data gathered on ship.

Greenland Drone Explorer

Greenland Drone Explorer

Monitoring environmental changes in terrestrial, coastal, and marine areas in remote locations, such as Greenland, can prove challenging due to harsh weather conditions and lack of infrastructure. It is therefore of great importance that any data gathered in these locations, is made freely available for viewing and reuse. To address this challenge, we developed the Greenland Drone Explorer. This platform provides an interactive and user-friendly interface for exploring 3D drone imagery from various locations in Greenland, enabling scientists and researchers to gain valuable insights into the environmental changes that are happening there. To promote data sharing and collaboration, the platform also provides users with links to where the open-source datasets are stored.

Plastic MythBusters


Plastic pollution is a global problem. Every year millions of tonnes of plastic waste leak into aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, polluting lakes, rivers, the soil, oceans and air. Plastic pollution can impact biodiversity, alter habitats and natural processes, and reduce ecosystems’ ability to adapt to stress factors such as climate change. In turn, plastic pollution can affect human economies and people’s livelihoods, health, and well-being.

With the Plastic Mythbusters quiz, you can test your knowledge on popular claims and myths about plastic pollution in the environment. You will also learn what science does and doesn’t know yet and enhance your understanding of the plastics problem and its solutions.

Coastal Hazards

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The Website Coastal Hazards (Kuestengefahren) has been created by theNorth German Coastal and Climate Office and the working group for Coastal Climate and Regional Sea Level Changes. It provides easy access to further transfer products of the two working groups that are being hosted on the GeoHub.

Coastal Protection Demand

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The website and application for the Coastal Protection Demands (Kuestenschutzbedarf) has been created together with theNorth German Coastal and Climate Office. On the interactive maps for the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts, you will find information about coastal protection needs: You will learn whether your residential area is currently protected from storm surges by coastal protection measures, or if this will be necessary by 2100. The website features a number of interactive web maps and applications to inform users about the topic.

Sea Level Monitor

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The Hereon Sea Level Monitor (Meeresspiegelmonitor) has been created by theNorth German Coastal and Climate Office and the working group for Coastal Climate and Regional Sea Level Changes. It provides information about the sea level rise at the North and Baltic Sea coasts of Northern Germany. It shows how much and how fast the sea level has risen in the past, and if the current rise already meets the IPCC scenarios.

Storm Surge Monitor

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The Hereon Storm Surge Monitor (Sturmflutmonitor) has been created by theNorth German Coastal and Climate Office and the working group for Coastal Climate and Regional Sea Level Changes. It provides information about changes in the storm surge climate in the North and the Baltic Seas over the past decades and shows if and to what extent the current season is unusual when compared to previous years.

Storm Monitor


The Hereon Storm Monitor (Sturmmonitor) has been created by theNorth German Coastal and Climate Office and the working group for Coastal Climate and Regional Sea Level Changes. It provides information about changes in the storm climate in Northern Germany over the past decades and shows if and to what extent the current storm season is unusual when compared to the regional storm activity of previous years.

BlueFood Info


This StoryMap was created together with theNorth German Coastal and Climate Office as supplementary information for the handbook “Fisch, Meeresfrüchte und Algen im Klimawandel” (“Fish, seafood, and algae in climate change“). The new handbook, developed as part of the research association Küstenmeerforschung Nordsee-Ostsee (KüNO III), provides an introduction and specifies action areas for the sustainable use of these foods in the context of climate change.