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FP6 Industry and Research Partners of Hereon (final)

in projects funded through the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme (FP6)

Total number of partners:437
of which:- Industry, SME and other:138
- Research Organisations, Universities:299
Number of countries (including Germany):44
Number of projects:33
Countries: Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgian Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malta, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, The Netherlands, Tunesia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA
AlgeriaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Association De Recherche Sur Le Climat Et L'environnementCIRCE
AustraliaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Bureau of Meteorology Research CentreENSEMBLES
AustriaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Atominstitut der Österreichischen UniversitätenNMI3
 International Institute for Applied Systems AnalysisENSEMBLES
 Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften BIOCONTROL
 Universität für Bodenkultur WienCIRCE
 Industry and SME
 Austrian Aerospace GmbHSTORHY
 Magna Steyer Fahrzeugtechnik AG&Co KGSTORHY
BelgiumResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Université de LiègeECOOP
 OCAS Onderzoekscentrum voor Aanwending van Staal N.V.FIBLAS SOLVSTIR
 Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch OderzoekNANOMEMPRO
 Universiteit GentENCORA
 Université Catholique de LouvainENSEMBLES
 Vlaams Instituut Voor de ZeeENCORA
 Royal Belgian Institute for Natural SciencesECOOP
 Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenENCORA EUROMEMBRANES
 Université Libre de BruxellesBIOCONTROL
 Industry and SME
 Nonferro Metaalnijverheid N.V.MAGFORGE
 Societe Anonyme Belge de Constructions AeronautiquesCOINS WELAIR
 Material S.A.STORHY
 SPACEBEL S.A./N.V.InterRisk
BulgariaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Bulgarian Academy of SciencesCARISMA
 Institute of Oceanology - Bulgarian Academy of SciencesECOOP
 Sofiiski Universitet "Sveti KlimentT Ohridski"ECOOP
ChinaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Chinese Academy of Sciences-Institute of Atmospheric PhysicsDRAGONESS ECOOP YEOS
 Ocean University of ChinaDRAGONESS YEOS
 The Nansen-Zhu International Research CenterDRAGONESS
 China-Korea Joint Ocean Research CenterYEOS
 National Marine Environmental Forecasting CenterDRAGONESS
 Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic AdministrationDRAGONESS
 North China Sea Branch of the State Oceanic AdimistrationYEOS
 Ministry of Science and TechnologyDRAGONESS
 Beijing Normal UniversityDRAGONESS
 National Satellite Ocean Application Service State Oceanic AdministrationDRAGONESS
 First Institute of Oceanography-State Oceanic AdministrationYEOS
CroatiaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of ZagrebECOOP
CyprusResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of CyprusECOOP
Czech RepublicResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
  Institute of Atmospheric Physics AS CRENSEMBLES
 Institute of Macromolecular ChemistryEUROMEMBRANES
  Czech Hydrometeorological InstituteENSEMBLES
 Charles University PragueENSEMBLES
 Institute of Chemical Technology PragueNANOMEMPRO
 Industry and SME
 Svaz Kovaren Česke RepublikyMAGFORGE
DenmarkResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Danmarks RumcenterECOOP
 World Health Organisation - Regional Office For EuropeCIRCE
 Danish Meteorological InstituteCIRCE ECOOP ENSEMBLES YEOS
 Danish Institute of Agricultural SciencesENSEMBLES
 Risö National LaboratoryNMI3
 DHI - Institute of Water and EnvironmentENCORA
 National Environmental Research InstituteECOOP
 Danish Maritime AuthoritySAFEDOR
 Danish Stir Welding TechnologySOLVSTIR
 Industry and SME
 Bolding and Burchard HydrodynamicsECOOP
 Alpha Ship Design ApSSAFEDOR
 FORCE TechnologyADOPT
EgyptResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Centre For Environment And Development For The Arab Region And EuropeCIRCE
 University of AlexandriaCIRCE ECOOP
EstoniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Tallinna TehnikaulikoolECOOP
FinlandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Finnish Meteorological InstituteENSEMBLES
 Lappeenranta University of TechnologyNANOMEMPRO
 Helsinki University of TechnologyCOMPOSE
 Finnish Institute of Marine Research FIMRECOOP
 University of HelsinkiCARISMA
 Industry and SME
 Deltamarin Ltd.SAFEDOR
 Kvaerner Masa-Yards Inc.SAFEDOR
 Aker Finnyards OySAFEDOR
FranceResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Expérimentations sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des EauxInterRisk
 Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches AerospatialsWELAIR
 Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le DevelopmentCIRCE
 Météo France, Centre de Recherches MétéorologiquesCIRCE ECOOP ENSEMBLES
 Université Louis PasteurBIOCONTROL
 Pechiney Centre de Recherche de VoreppeWELAIR
 Centre European pour le Recherche et la Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (CERFALS)ENSEMBLES
 Institut de SoudureWELAIR
 European Molecular Biology LaboratoryNMI3
 Institut du Developpement Durable et des Relations InternationalesCIRCE
 Institut National Polytechnique de GrenobleCOSY
 Centre d'Etudes Techniques Maritimes et FlunialesENCORA
 Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer IFREMERDRAGONESS ECOOP
 European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCOSY
 Commissariat Energie Atomique CEACARISMA HYTRAIN STORHY
 Ecole Normale SupérieureENSEMBLES
 Université Joseph Fourier GrenobleENSEMBLES
 Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides LRCS - CNRSCOSY
 Societé de Mathématiques Appliquées et de Sciences HumainesENSEMBLES
 Industry and SME
 Dassault Aviation S.A.COINS WELAIR
 Gip Mercator OceanECOOP
 Peugeot Citroën AutomobilesSTORHY
 Airbus France SASWELAIR
 Snecma MoteursSAFEDOR
 Association Française de ForgeMAGFORGE
 Collecte Localisation Satellites SADRAGONESS ECOOP
Georgian RepublicResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Georgian Academy of SciencesECOOP
GermanyResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 BIAS Bremer Institut fuer Angewandte Strahltechnik GmbHFIBLAS
 Rheinische Westfälische Technische Hochschule AachenSTORHY
 ET- EnergieTechnologieSTORHY
 Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung AWIECOOP
 Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfungSTORHY
 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergNMI3
 Universität KasselENSEMBLES
 Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbHFIBLAS
 Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung DresdenCOSY NESSHY
 Carl von Ossietzky Universität OldenburgECOOP
 Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbHNMI3
 Universität HamburgCIRCE ENSEMBLES
 Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbHSTORHY
 Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V.CIRCE ENSEMBLES
 Ruhr-Universität BochumInterRisk
 Universität Duisburg-EssenSOLVSTIR
 European Climate ForumCIRCE
 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V., MünchenCARISMA CIRCE NESSHY
 Technische Universität Hamburg-HarburgADOPT
 Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und HydrographieECOOP
 Universität StuttgartCARISMA ENSEMBLES
 Fachhochschule IngolstadtSTORHY
 Fachhochschule für Technik StuttgartENSEMBLES
 Schweisstechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt SLV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbHFIBLAS
 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLRCARISMA WELAIR
 Oeko-Institut e.V.STORHY
 Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-ForschungCARISMA
 EDF - European Institut for Energy Research EWIVCARISMA
 Universität zu KölnENSEMBLES
 Max-Planck-Institut für MetallforschungHYTRAIN
 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)COSY NESSHY STORHY VASCUPLUG
 Industry and SME
 Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbHMOREPOWER
 Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KGSAFEDOR
 Dynetek Europe GmbHSTORHY
 Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co KGADOPT SAFEDOR
 OceanWaveS GmbHADOPT
 Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbHSTORHY
 Volkswagen AGCARISMA
 Daimler Chrysler AGNESSHY STORHY
 Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbHFIBLAS
 MAN Technologie AGSTORHY
 ITI Ges. f. Ingenieurtechnische Informationsverarbeitung mbHSAFEDOR
 Germanischer LloydSAFEDOR
 BMW Forschung und Technik GmbHSTORHY
 Pierburg GmbHSTORHY
 Airbus Deutschland GmbHCOINS WELAIR
 Comat Composite Materials GmbHSTORHY
 Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co KGSAFEDOR
 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V.MAGFORGE
 Umicore AG & Co KGCARISMA
 Linde AktiengesellschaftSTORHY
 Messer Griesheim Industriegase GmbHSTORHY
 Deutscher WetterdienstENSEMBLES
 ADETE - Advanced Engineering & Technologies GmbHSTORHY
 Columbus Shipmanagement GmbHSAFEDOR
 OPTIMARE Sensorsysteme AGInterRisk
 Blue Membranes GmbHCOMPOSE
GreeceResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University Of The AegeanCIRCE
 Institute of Accelerating Systems and ApplicationsECOOP
 National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos"MULTIMATDESIGN NESSHY STORHY
 University of AthensCIRCE
 Foundation for Research and Technology HellasNANOMEMPRO
 National Observatory of AthensCIRCE ENSEMBLES
 National Technical University of AthensADOPT SAFEDOR
 ISTRAM, Institute of Structures and Advanced Materials, PatrasWELAIR
 National And Kapodistrian University Of AthensCIRCE
 University of CreteCIRCE
 Aristotle University of ThessalonikiENCORA ENSEMBLES
 Hellenic Center for Marine ReearchCIRCE ECOOP
 University of ThessalyENCORA
 Industry and SME
 Corinth Pipeworks S. A.FIBLAS
HungaryResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Semmelweis University BudapestVASCUPLUG
IcelandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of Iceland, ReykjavikNESSHY
IrelandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University College CorkECOOP InterRisk
 National University of IrelandENCORA
 Marine InstituteECOOP InterRisk
 Industry and SME
 RFD Beaufort Ltd.SAFEDOR
 Techworks Marine LtdECOOP
IsraelResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Tel Aviv UniversityBIOCONTROL CIRCE
 The Hebrew University of JerusalemCIRCE
 Isreal Oceanographic and Limnological Research LtdECOOP
 Ben-Gurion University of the NegevBIOCONTROL
 University of HaifaCIRCE
 Bar Ilan UniversityECOOP
 Industry and SME
 B.P.T. - Bio Pure Technology Ltd.COMPOSE
ItalyResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Instituto Nazionale per la Fisica della MateriaNMI3
 CNR, Institute of Applied Physics "Nello Carrara", FlorenceHYTRAIN
 Universita Degli Studi De L'aquilaCIRCE
 Fondazione Eni Enrico MatteiCIRCE ENCORA
 CNR-ITAE, Institute for Transformation and Storage of Energy, MessinaCARISMA MOREPOWER
 CNR-ITM, Institute for Membrane Technology, RendeMULTIMATDESIGN NANOMEMPRO
 Consortium for the Management of the Centre of Coordination of Research on the Venice Lagoon SystemENCORA
 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaCIRCE
 Universita Degli Studi Di Roma "La Sapienza"CARISMA
 Universita Degli Studi Della TusciaCIRCE
 Ente Per Le Nuove Tecnologie, L'Energia e L'AmbienteCIRCE ECOOP
 Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e l'Ambiente dell'Emilia-Romagna, Servizio Meteorologico RegionaleENSEMBLES
 Universita degli Studi di FirenzeENSEMBLES
 Universita Degli Studi di Roma Tor VergataCARISMA
 Università degli Studi di GenovaEUROMEMBRANES
 Alma Mater Studiorum - Università die BolognaECOOP ENCORA MULTIMATDESIGN
 Universita' del Piemonte OrientaleInterRisk
 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical PhysisENSEMBLES
 Agenzia Sanitaria Locale Roma ECIRCE
 Fondazione IMC-Centro Marino Internationale - OnlusECOOP
 Universita Degli Studi di PerugiaCARISMA
 Politecnico di MilanoMULTIMATDESIGN
 Universita Degli Studi Di LecceCIRCE
 Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica NavaleSAFEDOR
 CNR, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, BolognaCIRCE ECOOP ENSEMBLES
 Università di Torino NISCOSY
 Istituto Superiore Di SanitaCIRCE
 University of GenoaEUROMEMBRANES
 Industry and SME
 Alenia Aeronautica SPACOINS WELAIR
 D'Appolonia S.p.ASAFEDOR
 Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A.SAFEDOR SOLVSTIR
 Martec S.p.ASAFEDOR
 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsENSEMBLES
 Solvay Solexis SPACARISMA
 Forgialluminio 3 s.r.l.MAGFORGE
 Piaggio Aero Industries S.P.A.COINS WELAIR
 Faber Industrie SpaSTORHY
 C.R.F. Società Consortile per AzioniSTORHY
 Nuvera Fuel Cells Europe SRLCARISMA
 Innova Consorzio per L'Informatica e la TelematicaInterRisk
 Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.P.ASYNFAB
 Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A.MOREPOWER
 Zadigroma srlCIRCE
 Navalimpianti S.p.A.SAFEDOR
KoreaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Korea Ocean Research and Development InstituteYEOS
LebanonResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Water and Environment Sustainable SolutionsCIRCE
LithuaniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Lietuvos Energetikos InstitutasHYTRAIN
MaltaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Universita ta MaltaECOOP
MoroccoResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Institut National De Recherche HalieutiqueECOOP
NorwayResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of OsloENSEMBLES
 Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, OsloENSEMBLES
  Nansen Environmental and RemoteSensing CenterENSEMBLES InterRisk MACRO SYNERGISTIC SENSING
 Stiftelsen Nansen Senter for FjernmaalingDRAGONESS ECOOP
 Norwegian Institute for Water ResearchECOOP InterRisk
 Institute for Energy TechnologyHYTRAIN NESSHY STORHY
 Norwegian Meteorological InstituteECOOP ENSEMBLES InterRisk
 Industry and SME
 Lund, Mohr and Giaever-Enger Marin ASSAFEDOR
 Det Norske Veritas ASADOPT SAFEDOR
 Umoe Schat Harding ASSAFEDOR
 Color Line Marine ASSAFEDOR
 Leif Hoegh & Co. ASSAFEDOR
PolandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
  Institute of Oceanology, P A S, SopotInterRisk
 Institute of Hydroengineering, PAS, GdanskENCORA
 Wroclaw University of TechnologySTORHY
 University of GdanskECOOP
 Research Centre for Agriculture and Forest Environment, PAS, PoznanENSEMBLES
 Krakow University of Science and TechnologyHYTRAIN NMI3
 University of LodzSTATME
 Industry and SME
 Leiber Poland Sp. Z o.o.MAGFORGE
PortugalResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnologica IbetNANOMEMPRO
 Fundacao da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de LisboaCIRCE
 Instituto Superior TecnicoECOOP SAFEDOR
 Instituto de Hidráulica e Recursos HidricosENCORA
 Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Tecnologia e InovacaoNESSHY
 Industry and SME
 FRESTI-Sociedade de Formacao e Gestao de Navios, LdaSAFEDOR
RomaniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest – Faculty of Materials Science and EngineeringMAGFORGE
 Administratia Nationala de MeteorologieENSEMBLES
 Intitutul National de Hidrologie si Gospodarire a Apelor BucurestiENSEMBLES
 Institutul National de Cercetare - Dezvoltare MarinaECOOP
 Industry and SME
 Societatea de Forja din RomaniaMAGFORGE
 SC Bimetal SA BucharestMAGFORGE
RussiaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical PhysicsPOLYMERS
 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing CentreMACRO SYNERGISTIC SENSING
 Saint-Petersburg State UniversitySYNERGISTIC SENSING
 A. V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical SynthesisCOMPOSE MULTIMATDESIGN POLYMERS
 Russian State Hydrometeorlogical UniversityECOOP
 State Oceanographic InstituteECOOP
 Murmansk Marine Biological InstituteMACRO SYNERGISTIC SENSING
 P. P. Shirshov Institute for OceanologyMACRO
SlovakiaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Vyskumny Ustav Zvaracsky - Priemyselny Institut SR AssociaciaFIBLAS
SloveniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringMAGFORGE
 Industry and SME
 Gospodarsko Interesno Združenja ACS, Slovenski Avtomobilski GrozdMAGFORGE
 Slovenian Tool and Die Development CentreMAGFORGE
SpainResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Foundation InasmetSTORHY
 Ente Publico Puertos del EstadoECOOP
 Universidad de ZaragozaNANOMEMPRO
 Xunta de Gallica-Conselleria de Medio Ambiente e desenvolement SostibleECOOP
 Universidad De Alcala De HenaresCIRCE
 Universidad di Santiago de CompostelaCIRCE VASCUPLUG
 Fundación para la investigación y desarrollo en AutomociónSTORHY
 Instituto Espaniol de OceanografiaECOOP
 Instituto Nacional de Técnica AeroespacialSTORHY
 Universidad de CantabriaENCORA ENSEMBLES
 Fundacion Centro De Estudios Ambientales Del MediterraneoCIRCE
 IDEKO Sociedad CooperativaMAGFORGE
 Universidad de Castilla la ManchaENSEMBLES
 Fundación para la Investigación del ClimaENSEMBLES
 Instituto Nacional de MeteorologiaENSEMBLES
 Universitat Politecnica De CatalunyaCIRCE ECOOP
 Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaCOSY
 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientificasCIRCE COSY ECOOP
 Universidad de AlicanteHYTRAIN
 Fundacio Privada Parc Cientific De BarcelonaCIRCE
 Universidad ComplutenseCIRCE
 Azti FundazionaECOOP
 Universidad Del Pais Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaCIRCE
 Universitat De Les Illes BalearsCIRCE
 Industry and SME
 IZAR Construcciones Navales, S.A.SAFEDOR
 Soraluce Sociedad CooperativaMAGFORGE
 Asociacion Española de Fabricantes de Equipos y Componentes para AutomocionMAGFORGE
 Ente Publico Puerteos del Estado Clima MaritimoECOOP
SwedenResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Institutet för Metallforskning ABSYNFAB
 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological InstituteECOOP ENSEMBLES
 Chalmers University of TechnologyCARISMA
 Svensk Verktygsteknik ABMAGFORGE
 Karolinska Institutet StockholmVASCUPLUG
 Kungliga Tekniska HögskolanBIOCONTROL CARISMA
 Uppsala UniversitetNMI3
 Malmö UniversityBIOCONTROL
 Industry and SME
 Duroc Tooling i Robertsfors ABMAGFORGE
 Stena Rederi ABSAFEDOR
 Volvo Technology CorporationSTORHY
 Pressmetall ABMAGFORGE
SwitzerlandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Université de GenèveHYTRAIN
 Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und ForschungsanstaltCOSY
 Institut Universitaire Kurt BoeschENSEMBLES
 University of BernCIRCE
 Université de FribourgENSEMBLES NESSHY
 World Health Organisation, WHOENSEMBLES
 Industry and SME
 Contraves Space AGSTORHY
SyriaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 The International Center For Agricultural Research In The Dry AreasCIRCE
The NetherlandsResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECNCARISMA
 WL / Delft HydraulicsENCORA
 Vereniging Voor Christelijk Hoger Onderwijs, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek En Patientenzorg CIRCE
 Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch InstituutENSEMBLES
 Stichting Netherlands Institute for Metals ResearchSYNFAB
 Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en MilieuENSEMBLES
 Universiteit LeidenMULTIMATDESIGN
 Rijksuniversiteit GroningenCOMPOSE
 European Commission, Joint Research CentreSTORHY
 Maritime Research Institute NetherlandsSAFEDOR
 Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific ResearchMAGFORGE
 Delft University of TechnologyECOOP ENCORA NESSHY
 Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamNESSHY
 Rijksinstituut voor Kust en ZeeECOOP ENCORA
 Vereniging VU-WindesheimCOSY
 Universiteit of TwenteCOSY NANOMEMPRO
 Industry and SME
 NedStack fuel cell components BVMOREPOWER
 Uniresearch B.V.ADOPT
 Maritime Simulation Rotterdam BVSAFEDOR
 NedStack fuel cell technology BVMOREPOWER
 Mariene Informatie Service "MARIS" B.V.ECOOP
TunesiaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Institut National Des Sciences Et Technologies De La MerCIRCE
 Institut Pasteur De TunisCIRCE
 Institut National Agronomique de TunisieECOOP
TurkeyResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Middle East Technical UniversityECOOP NESSHY
 Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, AnkaraECOOP NESSHY
UkraineResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Marine Hydrophysical Institute - Ukranian National Academy of ScienceECOOP
United KingdomResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of PlymouthENCORA
 University of SurreyCARISMA
 University of ManchesterPOLYMERS
 Cranfield UniversityCOINS FIBLAS SYNFAB
 University of NottinghamHYTRAIN STORHY VASCUPLUG
 University of SouthamptonCIRCE
 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastENSEMBLES
 University of BristolENSEMBLES
 University of BirminghamCIRCE NESSHY
 Queen Mary and Westfield College - University of LondonHYTRAIN
 Centre for Process Innovation Ltd.CARISMA
 University of YorkCIRCE
 University of Newcastle upon TyneCARISMA
 University of SalfordHYTRAIN NESSHY
 London School of Economics and Political ScienceENSEMBLES
 Natural Environment Research CouncilCIRCE ECOOP
 University of PlymouthENCORA
 Birkbeck College, University of LondonBIOCONTROL
 Plymouth Marine LaboratoryECOOP InterRisk
 Cardiff UniversityPOLYMERS
 University of StrathclydeHYTRAIN SAFEDOR
 University of HullSAFEDOR
 University of OxfordCOSY ENSEMBLES NMI3
 London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineENSEMBLES
 CoastNET - The Coastal NetworkENCORA
 University of LiverpoolENSEMBLES
 Industry and SME
 Confederation of British MetalformingMAGFORGE
 Herbert Software Solutions - Europe LTDADOPT
 Carnival plcSAFEDOR
 British Maritime Tecnology Ltd.SAFEDOR
 Short Brothers PLCCOINS
 HR Wallingford LtdECOOP
 Safety at Sea Ltd.SAFEDOR
 Weather Informatics Ltd.ENSEMBLES
 Harland & Wolff Heavy Industries Ltd.SAFEDOR
 Lloyds RegisterSAFEDOR
 Royal Caribean Cruise LineSAFEDOR
 Ilika Technologies Ltd.CARISMA
USAResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Columbia University New YorkENSEMBLES
 Southwest Research InstituteNESSHY
 Case Western Research University, ClevelandCONDPOLS-2