NFDI4Earth is part of theNational Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and specifically aims to address the needs of Earth System Sciences.
The ambition of the NFDI4Earth is to further identify the demands for digital changes in the German Earth System Science community, to establish a set of common principles, rules and standards for research data management in Earth System Science, and to provide tools and mechanisms for data integration and analysis in a structured community consultation process. NFDI4Earth will provide simple, efficient, open, and – whenever possible – unrestricted access to all relevant Earth system data, scientific data management and data analysis services.
NFDI4Earth is a community-driven process - its network comprises of 65 partnering institutions from Universities, Research Organizations, Infrastructure Providers, Governmental Institutions as well as Scientific Associations and Networks.
As a Participant institution, Hereon is part of the task area “2Facilitate”, which focuses on the community support of Earth system science researchers on all aspects of FAIR data and related infrastructure and to advance new technologies for FAIR data.
Nfdi4Earth is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - project number: 460036893.
Nfdi4Earth wird von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gefördert - Projektnummer: 460036893.
Further information
Contact person
Data manager
Helmholtz Coastal Data Center, HCDC
Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-2810