Küste Hero Istock-1540337901 Michael Workman

Early detection of corrosion by smart climatic test chambers


Project timeline
December 2024
33 months
August 2027
General Information
The EarlyCorr project aims to design and implement a cost-effective smart climatic chamber consisting of acoustic emission sensors, a corrosion visualization and quantification system, and data processing software to advance the data interpretation and decision-making process. Such an instrument will be capable of conducting in-situ evaluations and providing quantitative information of the corrosion-induced superficial defects in a variety of materials. Different methodologies will be combined to work in tandem in an unprecedented manner, complementing each other to conform a robust detection, monitorization, and prediction system. The built prototype of the smart climatic chamber will include all the hardware and software requirements to carry out completion temperature, humidity and corrosion tests, from the data acquisition step to the modelling and analysis phase. This smart climatic chamber will allow early detection of the onset of corrosion mechanisms and their continuous monitorization in real time, resulting in a faster and more accurate testing cycle when compared to the standard approach industrywide
Hereon will contribute to the full definition of the project plan and requirements, develop and validate a condition detection approach and a prediction model for the kinetic evolution of corrosion damage, and plan the communication of the research results. The target substrate materials, types and properties of protective coatings, corrosion phenomena and the overall morphology and properties of the samples will be defined. Hereon will lead the development of the temperature and humidity sensing approach as well as tailored machine learning (ML) models to predict corrosion kinetics on target sample surfaces. Hereon will support project communications to ensure that the achievement of project objectives is consistent with results exploitation and commercialization plans.
EarlyCorr is funded in the frame of EUROSTARS, the European Union Partnership on innovative Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). It is a joint programme between more than 30 EUREKA member countries and the European Union.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaEUROSTARS (EU Partnership on innovative SMEs)
Project TypeEUROSTARS innovation project
Contract Number01QE2422C
Co-ordinatorINNELTEC Espana (ES)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
1,816,537 249,620
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Haijie Tong, Institute of Surface Science, Electrochemistry and Big Data Department, MOD, Phone: +49 4152 87 2185
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Equipos de Simulacion Y Ensayo SL (ES), SAMARTEST Labor SL (ES), Senswork GmbH (DE)
Last Update: 13. January 2025