Technologie Hero Istock-695675608 Jaczhou

Dr. Michael Störmer

Dr. Michael Störmer

Dr. Michael Störmer

Materialsysnthese und Reaktivität


Tel: +49 (4152) 87-2628

Fax: +49 (4152) 87-2636

E-Mail Kontakt

Thin Film and Multilayer Technology

Research interests:

  • Metamaterials for thermophotovoltaics (TPV)
  • PVD coatings, thin films and nanostructures
  • X-rays: diffraction, reflection and diffuse scattering
  • Single and multilayer mirrors for X-ray optics at synchrotron sources and free-electron lasers (FEL)
  • Corrosion protection and surface modifications

Curriculum Vitae:

Nov. 2001 to date
Permanent position in the department of Nanotechnology: XRD- and XRF Multilayer Optics and synchrotron optics, magnesium corrosion protection

April 1999 - Nov. 2001
Post-doctoral position
Sputtered multilayers for X-ray optics, improvement of Göbel mirrors and development of new multilayer optics,
Department of Nanotechnology, GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht (Germany)

June 1995 - Nov. 1998
PhD studies
Structure, microstructure and internal stress of laser-deposited metallic alloys (ISBN 3-89712-365-7, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 1998) Group of Prof. H.U. Krebs at the Institut fuer Materialphysik of Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen (Germany); project funded by DFG as part of Sonderforschungsbereich 345: Solids far from the equilibrium.

July 1994 - June 1995
Diploma thesis
Structure investigations of laser- deposited metallic alloys
Group of Dr. H.U. Krebs, department of Prof. H.C. Freyhardt at the Institut fuer Materialphysik, Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen (Germany)

Oct. 1989 - June 1995
Study of physics at Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen (Germany)

Aug. 1987 - May 1989
Community service, hospital in Hanover (Germany)

Aug. 1984 - May 1987
Abitur at Fachgymnasium Technik, Nienburg/Weser (Germany)

Jan. 1984 - Aug. 1984
Position as Physiklaborant, laboratory of Solid State Physics with Neutrons, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig (Germany)

Aug. 1980 - Jan. 1984
Apprenticeship as Physiklaborant, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig (Germany)


  • G.V. Krishnamurthy, M. Chirumamilla, S.S. Rout, K.P. Furlan, T. Krekeler, M. Ritter, H.-W. Becker, A.Y.Petrov, M. Eich, and M. Störmer Structural degradation of tungsten sandwiched in hafnia layers determined by in-situ XRD up to 1520 °C Scientific Reports 11, 3330 (2021)
  • T. Krekeler, S.S. Rout, G.V. Krishnamurthy, M. Störmer, M. Arya, A. Ganguly, D.S. Sutherland, S.I. Bozhevolnyi, M. Ritter, K. Pedersen, A.Y. Petrov, M. Eich, and M. Chirumamilla Unprecedented thermal stability of plasmonic titanium nitride films up to 1400 °C Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2100323 (2021)
  • M. Chirumamilla, G.V. Krishnamurthy, S.S. Rout, M. Ritter, M. Störmer, A.Y.Petrov, and M. Eich Thermal stability of tungsten based metamaterial emitter under medium vacuum and inert gas conditions Scientific Reports 10, 3605 (2020)
  • M. Chirumamilla, G. Vaidhyanathan, K. Knopp, T. Krekeler, M. Graf, D. Jalas, M. Ritter, M. Störmer, A.Yu. Petrov, and M. Eich Spectrally selective emitters stable up to 1400.C for thermophotovoltaic applications CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science 2020
  • M. Chirumamilla, G.V.Krishnamurthy, K. Knopp, T. Krekeler, M. Graf, D. Jalas, M. Ritter, M. Störmer, A.Y. Petrov, M. Eich, Metamaterial emitter for thermophotovoltaics stable up to 1400°C Scientific Reports 9, 7241 (2019)
  • H. Sinn, M. Dommach, B. Dickert, M. Di Felice, X. Dong, J. Eidam, D. Finze, I. Freijo-Martin, N. Gerasimova, N. Kohlstrunk, D. La Civita, F. Meyn, V. Music, M. Neumann, M. Petrich, B. Rio, L. Samoylova, S. Schmidtchen, M. Störmer, A. Trapp, M. Vannoni, R. Villanueva and F. Yang The SASE1 X-ray beam transport system J. Synchrotron Rad. 26, 692-699 (2019)
  • A.Yu. Petrov, M. Chirumamilla, G. Vaidhyanathan, K. Knopp, T. Krekeler, M. Graf, D. Jalas, M. Ritter, M. Störmer, M. Eich, High temperature optical metamaterials Part F128-CLEO_QELS 2019
  • A. Aquila, R. Sobierajski, C. Ozkan, V. Hájková, T. Burian, J. Chalupský, L. Juha, M. Störmer, S. Bajt, M. T. Klepka, P. Dluzewski, K. Morawiec, H. Ohashi, T. Koyama, K. Tono, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, H. Sinn, T. Tschentscher, A. P. Mancuso, and J. Gaudin Erratum: "Fluence thresholds for grazing incidence hard x-ray mirrors" Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 059901 (2019);
2007 and older