Publikationen 2003 - 2013
- Ackerley, D., Lorrey, A., Renwick, J., Phipps, S.J., Wagner, S. and Fowler, A., (2013): High-resolution modelling of mid-Holocene New Zealand climate at 6000 yr BP. The Holocene, 23 (9), 1272-1285, doi:10.1177/0959683613484612
- Barkhordarian, A., H. von Storch, and J. Bhend, 2013: The expectation of future precipitation change over the Mediterranean region is different from what we observe. Climate Dynamics, 40, 225-244, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1497-7
- Bothe, O., Jungclaus, J. H., Zanchettin, D., and Zorita, E. (2013): Climate of the last millennium: ensemble consistency of simulations and reconstructions. Clim. Past 9, 1089-1110, doi:10.5194/cp-9-1089-2013
- Chen F., and H. von Storch, 2013 : Trends and variability of North Pacific Polar Lows, Advances in Meteorology 2013, ID 170387, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/170387
- Cunningham, L.K., Austin, W.E., Knudsen, K.L., Eiríksson, J., Scourse, J.D., Wanamaker Jr, A.D., Butler, P.G., Cage, A.G., Richter, T., Husum, K. and Hald, M. (2013): Reconstructions of surface ocean conditions from the northeast Atlantic and Nordic seas during the last millennium. The Holocene, 23 (7), 921-935, doi:10.1177/0959683613479677
- Errasti, I., Ezcurra, A., Sáenz, J., Ibarra-Berastegi, G. and Zorita, E., (2013): Comparison of the main characteristics of the daily zonally averaged surface air temperature as represented by reanalysis and seven CMIP3 models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 114 (3-4), 417-436, doi:10.1007/s00704-013-0842-z
- Esnaola, G., Sáenz, J., Zorita, E., Fontán, A., Valencia, V. and Lazure, P., (2013): Daily scale wintertime sea surface temperature and IPC-Navidad variability in the southern Bay of Biscay from 1981 to 2010. Ocean Science 9 (4), 655, doi:10.5194/os-9-655-2013
- Esper, J., Schneider, L., Krusic, P.J., Luterbacher, J., Büntgen, U., Timonen, M., Sirocko, F. and Zorita, E. (2013): European summer temperature response to annually dated volcanic eruptions over the past nine centuries. Bulletin of Volcanology 75 (7), 36, doi:10.1007/s00445-013-0736-z
- Fernández-Donado, L., González-Rouco, J.F., Raible, C.C., Ammann, C.M., Barriopedro, D., García-Bustamante, E., Jungclaus, J.H., Lorenz, S., Luterbacher, J., Phipps, S.J. and Servonnat, J. (2013): Large-scale temperature response to external forcing in simulations and reconstructions of the last millennium. Climate of the Past 9, 393-421, doi:10.5194/cp-9-393-2013
- Gómez-Navarro, J.J., Montávez, J.P., Wagner, S. and Zorita, E. (2013): A regional climate palaeosimulation for Europe in the period 1500–1990–Part 1: Model validation. Climate of the Past 9 (4), 1667-1682, doi:10.5194/cp-9-1667-2013
- Gómez‐Navarro, J.J. and Zorita, E. (2013): Atmospheric annular modes in simulations over the past millennium: No long‐term response to external forcing. Geophysical Research Letters 40 (12), 3232-3236, doi:10.1002/grl.50628
- Jerez, S., Montavez, J.P., Jimenez-Guerrero, P., Gomez-Navarro, J.J., Lorente-Plazas, R. and Zorita, E. (2013): A multi-physics ensemble of present-day climate regional simulations over the Iberian Peninsula. Climate Dynamics, 40 (11-12), 3023-3046, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1539-1
- Krueger, O., Schenk, F., Feser, F. and Weisse, R. (2013): Inconsistencies between long-term trends in storminess derived from the 20CR reanalysis and observations. Journal of Climate 26(3), 868-874, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00309.1
- Mayr, C., Lücke, A., Wagner, S., Wissel, H., Ohlendorf, C., Haberzettl, T., Oehlerich, M., Schäbitz, F., Wille, M., Zhu, J. and Zolitschka, B. (2013): Intensified Southern Hemisphere Westerlies regulated atmospheric CO2 during the last deglaciation. Geology 41 (8), 831-834, doi:10.1130/G34335.1
- McCarroll, D., Loader, N.J., Jalkanen, R., Gagen, M.H., Grudd, H., Gunnarson, B.E., Kirchhefer, A.J., Friedrich, M., Linderholm, H.W., Lindholm, M. and Boettger, T. (2013): A 1200-year multiproxy record of tree growth and summer temperature at the northern pine forest limit of Europe. The Holocene 23 (4), 471-484, doi:10.1177/0959683612467483
- PAGES 2k Consortium: Ahmed et al. (2013): Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia. Nature Geoscience 6 (5), 339, doi:10.1038/ngeo1797
- Springer, C., Matulla, C., Schöner, W., Steinacker, R. and Wagner, S., (2013): Downscaled GCM projections of winter and summer mass balance for Central European glaciers (2000–2100) from ensemble simulations with ECHAM5‐MPIOM. International Journal of Climatology 33 (5), 1270-1279, doi:10.1002/joc.3511
- Xia, L., H. von Storch, F. Feser, 2013: Quasi-stationarity of centennial Northern Hemisphere midlatitude winter storm tracks. Clim. Dyn. 41: 901–916, doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1543-5
- Barcikowska, M., F. Feser, and H. von Storch, 2012: Usability of best track data in climate statistics in the western North Pacific. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 2818-2830, DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-11-00175.1
- Berking, J., Körper, J., Wagner, S., Cubasch, U. and Schütt, B. 2012: Heavy rainfalls in a desert(ed) city: A climate-archaeological case study from Sudan. In: Climates, Landscapes, and Civilizations, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 198, edited by L. Giosan et al., AGU, Washington D.C., 163-168.
- Cavicchia, L., H. von Storch, 2012: The simulation of medicanes in a high-resolution regional climate model. Clim. Dyn., DOI: 10.1007/s00382-011-1220-0
- Chen, F., B. Geyer, M. Zahn and H. von Storch, 2012: Towards a multidecadal climatology of North Pacific Polar Lows employing dynamical downscaling. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 23, 291-303, DOI 10.3319/TAO.2011.11.02.01(A)
- Esper, J., Frank, D.C., Timonen, M., Zorita, E., Wilson, R.J., Luterbacher, J., Holzkämper, S., Fischer, N., Wagner, S., Nievergelt, D. and Verstege, A. (2012): Orbital forcing of tree-ring data. Nature Climate Change, 2 (12), p.862, doi:10.1038/nclimate1589
- Feser, F. and M. Barcikowska, 2012: The Influence of Spectral Nudging on Typhoon Formation in Regional Climate Models. Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 014024, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014024
- Gustafsson, B.G., Schenk, F., Blenckner, T., Eilola, K., Meier, H.M., Müller-Karulis, B., Neumann, T., Ruoho-Airola, T., Savchuk, O.P. and Zorita, E. (2012): Reconstructing the development of Baltic Sea eutrophication 1850–2006. Ambio 41(6), 534-548, doi:10.1007/s13280-012-0318-x
- Krueger, O. and H. von Storch, 2012: The informational value of pressure-based single-station proxies for storm activity. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00163.1
- Lindenberg, J., H.-T. Mengelkamp, G. Rosenhagen, 2012: Representativity of near surface wind measurements from coastal stations at the German Bight. Meteorologische Z., 21, 99 – 106, DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0131
- Matulla, C., M. Hofstätter, I. Auer, R. Böhm, M. Maugeri, H von Storch and O. Krueger, 2012: Storminess in Northern Italy and the Adriatic Sea reaching back to 1760. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 40–41, 80–85, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2011.04.010
- Meier, H.M., Andersson, H.C., Arheimer, B., Blenckner, T., Chubarenko, B., Donnelly, C., Eilola, K., Gustafsson, B.G., Hansson, A., Havenhand, J. and Höglund, A., Kuznetsov, I., MacKenzie, B.R., Müller-Karulis, B., Neumann, T., Niiranen, S., Piwowarczyk, J., Raudsepp, U., Reckermann, M., Ruoho-Airola, T., Savchuk, O.P., Schenk, F., Schimanke, S., Väli, G., Weslawski, J.-M. and Zorita, E. (2012): Comparing reconstructed past variations and future projections of the Baltic Sea ecosystem—first results from multi-model ensemble simulations. Environmental Research Letters 7(3), p.034005 (8pp), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034005
- Schenk, F. and Zorita, E. (2012): Reconstruction of high resolution atmospheric fields for Northern Europe using analog-upscaling. Clim Past 8, 1681-1703, doi:10.5194/cp-8-1681-2012
- Xia, L., F. Feser, H. von Storch, K.I. Hodges, M. Zahn, 2012: A Comparison of Two Identification and Tracking Methods for Polar Lows. Tellus A, 64, 17196, DOI: 10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.17196
- Zahn, M., and H. von Storch, 2012: Investigation of past and future Polar Low frequency in the North Atlantic. In Sharma, S., A. Bunde, D. Baker, and V. Dimri (Eds.): Complexity and Extreme Events in Geosciences AGU Geophysical Monograph Series 196, 371 pp., ISBN 978-0-87590-486-3, 99-110, DOI: 10.1029/2011GM001091
- Zorita, E. 2012: A Basic Introduction to Climate Modeling and Its Uncertainties. In: Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 105-127.
- Feser, F., B. Rockel, H. von Storch, J. Winterfeldt, and M. Zahn, 2011: Regional Climate Models add Value to Global Model Data: A Review and selected Examples. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1175/2011BAMS3061.1
- Hünicke, B., Zorita, E. and Haeseler, S. 2011: Holocene climate simulations for the Baltic Sea Region -application for sea level and verification of proxy data. Berichte der RGK 92, 211-249, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2007.8569
- Krueger, O., H von Storch, 2011: Evaluation of an air pressure–based proxy for storm activity. Journal of Climate, 24, 2612-2619, 2011, doi:10.1175/2011JCLI3913.1
- Reckermann, M., Langner, J., Omstedt, A., von Storch, H, Keevallik, S., Schneider, B., Arheimer, B., Meier, M.H.E. and Hünicke, B. (2011): BALTEX – An interdisciplinary research network for the Baltic Sea Region. Environ Res Lett 6, 045205 (11p), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045205
- Hünicke, B. (2010): Contribution of regional climate drivers to future winter sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea estimated by statistical methods and simulations of climate models. Int J Earth Sci 99, 1721-1730, doi:10.1007/s00531-009-0470-0
- Winterfeldt, J., Geyer, B. and R. Weisse, 2010: Using QuikSCAT in the added value assessment of dynamically downscaled wind speed. Int. Journal of Climatology, 10.1002/joc.2105
- Zahn. M. and H. von Storch, 2010: Decreased frequency of North Atlantic polar lows associated with future climate warming. Nature, 467, 309-312, doi:10.1038/nature09388
- Weisse, R., and H. von Storch, 2009: Marine Climate & Climate Change. Storms, Wind Waves and Storm Surges. Springer Praxis Books, 200 p. hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-25316-7. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68491-6
- Weisse, R., H. von Storch, U. Callies, A. Chrastansky, F. Feser, I. Grabemann, H. Guenther, A. Pluess,T. Stoye, J. Tellkamp, J. Winterfeldt and K. Woth, 2009: Regional meteorological-marine reanalyses and climate change projections: Results for Northern Europe and potentials for coastal and offshore applications. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 849-860, doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2713.1
- Winterfeldt, J., A. Andersson, A., Klepp, C., Bakan, S., and R. Weisse, 2009: Comparison of HOAPS, QuikSCAT and Buoy Wind Speed in the Eastern North Atlantic and the North Sea. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing (TGARS), 47 (11), doi:10.1109/TGRS.2009.2023982
- Winterfeldt, J. and R. Weisse, 2009: Assessment of value added for surface marine wind obtained from two Regional Climate Models (RCMs). Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 2955-2965, doi:10.1175/2009MWR2704.1
- Feser, F. and H. von Storch, 2008: A dynamical downscaling case study for typhoons in SE Asia using a regional climate model. Monthly Weather Review, 136 (5), 1806-1815, doi:10.1175/2007MWR2207.1
- Feser, F. and H. von Storch, 2008: Regional modelling of the western Pacific typhoon season 2004. Meteorolog. Z., 17 (4), 519-528, doi 10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0282
- Hünicke, B., Luterbacher, J., Pauling, A. and Zorita, E. (2008): Regional differences in winter sea-level variations in the Baltic Sea for the past 200 years. Tellus 60A (2), 384-393, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2007.00298.x
- Hünicke, B. and Zorita, E. (2008): Trends in the amplitude of Baltic Sea level annual cycle. Tellus 60A (1), 154-164, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2007.00277.x
- Matulla, C., W. Schöner, H. Alexandersson, H. von Storch, and X.L. Wang, 2008: European Storminess: Late 19th Century to Present. Clim. Dyn. 31, 1125-130 DOI 10.1007/s00382-007-0333-y
- Storch, H. von, and R. Weisse, 2008: Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the Northeast Atlantic, In Diaz, H.F. and Murnane, R.J. (eds.), Climate Extremes and Society, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-87028-3, p. 54-73
- Zahn, M. and H. von Storch, 2008: A long-term climatology of North Atlantic Polar Lows. Geo. Res. Let., 35, L22702, doi:10.1029/2008GL035769
- Zahn, M. and H. von Storch, 2008: Tracking Polar Lows in CLM. Meteorolog. Z., 17 (4), 445-453, doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0317
- Zahn, M., H. von Storch, and S. Bakan, 2008: Climate mode simulation of North Atlantic Polar Lows in a limited area model. Tellus A, 60, 620-631, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00330.x
- Hünicke, B. and Zorita, E. 2007: Estimation of the influence of regional climate on the recent past and future sea-level changes in the Baltic Sea with statistical methods and simulations of climate models. In: SINCOS -Sinking Coasts. Geosphere, Ecosphere and Anthroposphere of the Holocene Southern Baltic Sea. Berichte der RGK 88, 219-240.
- Rockel, B., and K. Woth, 2007: Extremes of near-surface wind speed over Europe and their future changes as estimated from an ensemble of RCM simulations. Climate Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-006-9227-y
- Hünicke, B. and Zorita, E. (2006): Influence of temperature and precipitation on decadal Baltic Sea level variations in the 20th century. Tellus 58A (1), 141-153, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2006.00157.x
- Koch, W. and F. Feser, 2006: Relationship between SAR derived wind vectors and wind at ten meters height represented by a mesoscale model. Monthly Weather Review, 134 (5), 1505-1517.
- Fischer-Bruns, I., H. von Storch, F. González-Rouco and E. Zorita, 2005: Modelling the variability of midlatitude storm activity on decadal to century time scales. Clim. Dyn. 25, 461-476, DOI 10.1007/s00382-005-0036-1
- Weisse, R., H. von Storch, and F. Feser, 2005: Northeast Atlantic and North Sea Storminess as Simulated by a Regional Climate Model during 1958-2001 and Comparison with Observations. J. Climate, 18 (3), 465-479, doi:10.1175/JCLI-3281.1
- Bärring, L. and H. von Storch, 2004: Northern European Storminess since about 1800. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L20202, doi:10.1029/2004GL020441, 1-4
- Feser, F., H. v. Storch, R. Weisse and E. Zorita, 2003: Aliasing in power spectra: Comment on "Improved global maps and 54-year history of wind-work on ocean inertial motions" by M.H. Alford. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (22), art. 2165. DOI:10.1029/2003GL018026
- Weisse, R. and F. Feser, 2003: Evaluation of a method to reduce uncertainty in wind hindcasts performed with regional atmosphere models. Coastal Engineering, Volume 48 (4), 211-225. doi:10.1016/S0378-3839(03)00027-9