EXPERIENCE | Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany) Professor, Computational Materials Design
- Computational and applied Electrochemistry
- Design of Energy Materials for Fuel Cells and Batteries from First Principles
- Integrated high-throughput materials discovery and optimisation
- Image-based Modelling of functional composites for energy applications
| 2019-today |
| Helmholtz Zentrum hereon (Geesthacht, Germany)
- Design of electro- and photo-electrocatalysts for electrolysis
- Advanced Modelling of catalytic interfaces at atomistic length scales
| 2021-today |
| University of Southampton (United Kingdom) Associate Professor, New Energy Technologies
- Modelling of Battery Materials and Interfaces
- Properties of complex materials and surfaces incl. oxides, sub-oxides, ... in electrochemical environments
- Strong Metal-Support Interactions in electro-catalysis
- Corrosion of metals under strain
| 2010-2023 |
| Imperial College London (United Kingdom) Postdoctoral Research Associate / Co-Investigator Co-Workers: Prof. Anthony Kucernak, Dr. Tim Albrecht, Prof. Nigel Brandon
- High-Throughput search for nano-particulate catalysts for fuel cell applications with superior thermodynamic stability and activity based on First Principles (DFT)
- Mass-transport free electro-kinetics far away from equilibrium
- Co-Investigator EPSRC grant EP/G06704X/1 (3.5years / £618k)
| 2009-2011 |
| Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge MA, USA) Postdoctoral Research Associate / Fellow Supervisor: Prof. Gerbrand Ceder
- Stability and surface properties of transition metal oxides for Li-ion batteries
- Modelling of interactions at the oxide-electrolyte interface using Density-Functional-Theory including corrections for correlated electrons (DFT+U)
| 2007-2009 |
| Paul Scherrer Institut (Villigen, Switzerland) Research Associate / PhD student Supervisors: Prof. Alexander Wokaun, Dr. Günther Scherer
- Mass transport phenomena in polymer electrolyte fuel cells under two-phase flow conditions
- Development of novel in situ diagnostic methods such as neutron imaging
- Management of industry projects with major automotive companies (budget > 200 k$ p.a.)
| 2002-2007 |
| Adam Opel AG (Mainz, Germany) 2002 Research Assistant / Diploma student
- Experimental and modelling-based characterisation of direct methanol fuel cells
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EDUCATION | Dr.-Ing., Technical University Freiberg (Germany) Grade: summa cum laude (viva date: March, 27th 2007) Thesis: Mass-Transport Aspects of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells under Two-Phase Flow Conditions | 2007 |
| Dipl.-Ing. (FH), University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (Germany) Grade: with great distinction / best in class Thesis: Experimentell und modellbasierte Bewertung von Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzellen | 2002 |
HONORS | Awards and International Scientific Honours
- Visiting Scientist Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship Initiative (2021)
- Senior Research Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (2016)
- Listed by Elsevier as one of the Top-10 most-cited authors in (2010) Electrochimica Acta between 2005 and 2009
- Paper ”Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 2715” honored as 3rd most-cited of 2006 (2009)
- Paper “Electrochimica Acta 50 (2005) 2603” honored as 3rd most-cited of 2005 (2008)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (2007)
- Christian Friedrich Schönbein” Contribution to Science Medal (shared) (2005)
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PUBLICATIONS | Summary of Publication Record (cf. publication list for details)
- 100+ peer-reviewed papers (including seven lead authorship's) in international journals
- 5300+ citations (h-index: 32) as of February 2024
- 18 invited presentations at international conferences and workshops
- 45 other contributions to international conferences (30 talks and 15 posters)
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INTERESTS | Current Research Interests
- Integrated high-throughput materials discovery and optimisation
- Image-based Modelling of functional composites for energy applications
- Properties of and processes at electrochemically active materials for energy applications
- Surface properties, morphology and stability of transition metal oxides
- Strong Metal-Support Interactions of Electrocatalysis
- Strain-induced reactivity of structural metals
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PROFESSIONAL | Membership of Professional Bodies
- International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
- The Electrochemical Society (ECS)
Reviewer Activities (Journals) Nature, Nature Communications, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Electrochimica Acta, Journal of Materials Chemistry A and ChemPhysChem amongst many others
Reviewer Activities (Funding agencies) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), National Science Foundation (USA), Competence Centre Electro Mobility (CH), Fonds de la Recherche Scientific (BE), European Union Horizon Programs | |