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Küstenschutzbedarf (Coastal Protection Needs)

Interactive maps and information on coastal protection

The Küstenschutzbedarf (Coastal Protection Needs) website offers interactive maps and information on coastal protection for the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts.

# Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling # Research field: Earth and Environment # Hereon research focus: Coast # Hereon research focus: Digital Twin # Public # Scientific Community # Business & Industry # Politics & Public Administration # Sustainable cities and communities # Climate action # Policy advice # Models & Data # Website & Multimedia # Consulting assignments # Information products # Consulting
Küstenschutzbedarf am Beispiel von Cuxhaven [groß]

The Küstenschutzbedarf (Coastal Protection Needs) website offers interactive maps and information on coastal protection for the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts. The maps show which regions are already protected today and which areas will need additional protection by the end of the 21st century, as storm surges will rise higher in the future due to sea level rise and changes in wind climate.

Link to the information product


Dr. Andreas Kannen

Scientists at Hereon

Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling

Phone: +49 (0) 4152 87 1874

E-mail contact