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und für Beamline P61A unter
S. Henninger, R. Chafle, E. Maawad, B. Klusemann, M. Müller, P. Staron, Impact of friction stir welding-like heat cycles on precipitates in AA7050 analyzed by SAXS and numerical modelling, Materialia (2025) accepted,
G. Nimmal Haribabu, D. Canelo‑Yubero, E. Maawad, G. Abreu Faria, P. Staron, N. Schell, R. Sahmura Ramadhan, S. Cabeza, A. Paecklar, T. Pirling, P.J. Withers, M.J. Roy, Benchmark Sample Design for the Validation of Residual Stress Measurements by Diffraction: Insights and Practicalities, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 13 (2024) 955–968,
M. Moreno, J.M. Andersson, J. Eriksson, P. Alm, R. M’Saoubi, I.C. Schramm, N. Schell, M.P. Johannson-Jöesaar, M. Odén, L. Rogström, Strain and phase evolution in TiAlN coatings during high-speed metal cutting: An in operando high-energy x-ray diffraction study, Acta Mater. 263 (2024) 119538,
F. Akyel, M. Gamerdinger, K. Mäde, K.R.K. Murthy, S. Olschok, R. Sharma, U. Reisgen, G. Abreu Faria, G. Dovzhenko, In situ EDXRD measurement of the low transformation temperature effect in laser beam welded stainless steel, Journal of advanced joining processes 9 (2024) 100193,
H.-H. Koenig, N. Semjatov, G. Spartacus, P. Bidola, C. Ioannidou, J. Ye, J. Renner, U. Lienert, G. Abreu Faria, B. Wahlmann, M. Wildheim, U. Ackelid, F. Beckmann, P. Staron, P. Hedström, C. Körner, G. Lindwall, MiniMelt: An instrument for real-time tracking of electron beam additive manufacturing using synchrotron X-ray techniques, Review of scientific instruments 94(12), 125103 (2023),
F.W.C. Farias, V.R. Duarte, I.O. Felice, J.C.P. Filho, N. Schell, E. Maawad, J.A. Avila, J.Y. Li, Y. Zhang, T.G. Santos, J.P. Oliveira, In situ interlayer hot forging arc-based directed energy deposition of Inconel® 625: process development and microstructure effects, Additive Manufacturing 66 (2023) 103476,
S. Jakob, A. Lorich, W. Knabl, A. Stark, P. Staron, H. Clemens, P. Spoerk-Erdely, V. Maier-Kiener, Evolution of nano-pores during annealing of technically pure molybdenum sheet produced from different sintered formats, Intern. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater. 110 (2023) 106032,
M.-A. Nielsen, J.F. Gloy, D. Lott, Tao Sun, M. Müller, P. Staron, Automatic melt pool recognition in X-ray radiography images from laser-molten Al alloy, J. Mater. Res. Technol. 21 (2022) 3502–3513,
E. Krohmer, F. Schmeiser, B. Wahlmann, J. Rosigkeit, G. Graf, P. Spoerk-Erdely. H. Clemens, P. Staron, C. Körner, W. Reimers, E. Uhlmann, Revealing dynamic processes in laser powder bed fusion with in situ X-ray diffraction at PETRA III, Rev. Sci. Instr. 93 (2022) 065104,
G. Graf, P. Spoerk-Erdely, P. Staron, A. Stark, F. Mendez Martin, H. Clemens, T. Klein, Quench rate sensitivity of age-hardenable Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys with respect to the Zn/Mg ratio: An in situ SAXS and HEXRD study, Acta Mater. 227 (2022) 117727,
Y. Xu, Y. Huang, Y. Wang, W. Ga, S. Wang, E. Maawad, N. Schell, N. Hort, Investigations on the tensile deformation of pure Mg and Mg–15Gd alloy by in-situ X-ray synchrotron radiation and visco-plastic self-consistent modeling, J. Magnesium and Alloys, in press,
E. Schültke, S. Fiedler, C. Mewes, E. Gargioni, J. Klingenberg, G. Abreu Faria, M. Lerch, M. Petasecca, F. Prehn, M. Wegner, M. Scholz, F. Jaekel, G. Hildebrandt, The Microbeam Insert at the White Beam Beamline P61A at the Synchrotron PETRA III/DESY: A New Tool for High Dose Rate Irradiation Research, Cancers 14 (2022) 5137,
P. Staron, A. Stark, N. Schell, P. Spoerk-Erdely, H. Clemens, Thermal Expansion of a Multiphase Intermetallic Ti-Al-Nb-Mo Alloy Studied by High-Energy X-ray Diffraction, Materials 14 (2021) 727,
B. Wahlmann, E. Krohmer, C. Breuning, N. Schell, P. Staron, E. Uhlmann, C. Körner, In Situ Observation of γ’ Phase Transformation Dynamics During Selective Laser Melting of CMSX-4, Adv. Eng. Mater. (2021) 2100112,
G. Graf, J. Rosigkeit, E. Krohmer, P. Staron, R. Krenn, H. Clemens, P. Spoerk-Erdely, In Situ Investigation of the Rapid Solidification Behavior of Intermetallic γ-TiAl-Based Alloys Using High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction, Adv. Eng. Mater. (2021) 2100557,
N. Kashaev, A. Groth, V. Ventzke, M. Horstmann, S. Riekehr, P. Staron, N. Huber, Effect of laser heating on mechanical properties, residual stresses and retardation of fatigue crack growth in AA2024, Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 44 (2021) 887–900,
M. Müller, S. Busch, C. Krywka, J.-F. Moulin, F. Pyczak, P. Staron, Guest editorial: Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation – Unique Tools for the Characterization of Materials, Adv. Eng. Mater. 23 (2021) 2101374,
V. Kochetov, M.J. Mühlbauer, A. Schöke, T. Fischer, T. Müller, M. Hofmann, P. Staron, U. Lienert, W. Petry, A. Senyshyn, Powder diffraction computed tomography: a combined synchrotron and neutron study, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 (2021)105901,
P. Spoerk-Erdely, P. Staron, J. Liu, N. Kashaev, A. Stark, K. Hauschildt, E. Maawad, S. Mayer, and H. Clemens, Exploring Structural Changes, Manufacturing, Joining, and Repair of Intermetallic γ-TiAl-Based Alloys: Recent Progress Enabled by In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Techniques, Adv. Eng. Mater. (2020) 2000947,
P. Sandmann, M.-A. Nielsen, S. Keller, E. Maawad, P. Staron, B. Klusemann, Combined experimental–numerical study on residual stresses induced by a single impact as elementary process of mechanical peening, Strain 56 (2020) 12338,
• C. Gombola, G. Hasemann, A. Kauffmann, I. Sprenger, S. Laube, A. Schmitt, F. Gang, V. Bolbut, M. Oehring, M. Blankenburg, N. Schell, P. Staron, F. Pyczak, M. Krüger, M. Heilmaier, A zone melting device for the in-situ observation of directional solidification using high-energy synchrotron X-rays, Rev. Sci. Instr. (2020) 093901
A.-C. Dippel, M.v. Zimmermann, P. Staron, J.R. Schneider, Examples of High-energy X-ray Structural Studies at PETRA III: High Tc Superconductors, Real-time Surface and Thin Film Processes, and Design of Engineering Materials, Synchrotron Radiation News 33(2020) 24–30
B. Wahlmann, F. Galgon, A. Stark, S. Gayer, N. Schell, P. Staron, C. Körner, Growth and coarsening kinetics of gamma prime precipitates in CMSX-4 under simulated additive manufacturing conditions, Acta materialia 180 (2019) 84–96,
P. Erdely, P. Staron, A. Stark, T. Klein, H. Clemens, S. Mayer, In situ and atomic-scale investigations of the early stages of gamma precipitate growth in a supersaturated intermetallic Ti-44Al-7Mo (at.%) solid solution, Acta Mater. 164 (2019) 110–121,
S. Brunbauer, G. Winter, T. Antretter, P. Staron, W. Ecker, Residual stress and microstructure evolution in steel tubes for different cooling conditions – Simulation and verification, Mater. Sci. Engin. A 747 (2019) 73–79,
N. Manente André, A. Bouali, E. Maawad, P. Staron, J.F. dos Santos, M.L. Zheludkevich, S.T. Amancio-Filho, Corrosion behavior of metal-composite hybrid joints: Influence of precipitation state and bonding zones, Corrosion Science 158 (2019) 108075,
B. Domènech, M. Kampferbeck, E. Larsson, T. Krekeler, B. Bor, D. Giuntini, M. Blankenburg, M. Ritter, M. Müller, T. Vossmeyer, H. Weller, G. Schneider, Hierarchical supercrystalline nanocomposites through the self-assembly of organically-modified ceramic nanoparticles, Scientific reports 9(1) (2019) 3435
K. Hauschildt, A. Stark, N. Schell, M. Mueller, F. Pyczak, The transient liquid phase bonding process of a γ-TiAl alloy with brazing solders containing Fe or Ni, Intermetallics 106 (2019) 48–58
P. Erdely, P. Staron, E. Maawad, N. Schell, H. Clemens, S. Mayer, Lattice and phase strain evolution during tensile loading of an intermetallic, multi-phase gamma-TiAl based alloy, Acta Mater. 158 (2018) 193–205,
G. Dovzhenko, S. Hanke, P. Staron, E. Maawad, A. Schreyer, M. Horstmann, Residual stresses and fatigue crack growth in friction surfacing coated Ti-6Al-4V sheets, J. Mater. Proc. Tech. 262 (2018) 104–110;
J.F. dos Santos, P. Staron, T. Fischer, J.D. Robson, A. Kostka, P. Colegrove, H. Wang, J. Hilgert, L. Bergmann. L.L. Hütsch, N. Huber, A. Schreyer, Understanding precipitate evolution during friction stir welding of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy through in-situ measurement coupled with simulation, Acta Mater. 148 (2018) 163–172,
S. Hanke, P. Staron, T. Fischer, V. Fitseva, J.F. dos Santos, A method for the in-situ study of solid-state joining techniques using synchrotron radiation – observation of phase transformations in Ti-6Al-4V after friction surfacing, Surface & Coatings Technol. 335 (2018) 355–367,
J. Todt, J. Keckes, G. Winter, P. Staron, A. Hohenwarter, Gradient residual strain and stress distributions in a high pressure torsion deformed iron disk revealed by high energy X-ray diffraction, Scripta Mater. 146 (2018) 178–181,
F. Appel, J.D.H. Paul, P. Staron, M. Oehring, O. Kolednik, J. Predan, F.D. Fischer, The effect of residual stresses and strain reversal on the fracture toughness of TiAl alloys, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 709 (2018) 17–29;