Küste Hero Istock-1199905757 Luchterduinen Aerovista Luchtfotografie


Our department has implemented its model developments at several national and international governmental agencies:

  • Software and data sharing with UKMO North-western shelf common set-up: NEMO V3.6 r6232 code.
  • Newest Wave model WAM version made available to the regional Copernicus marine Forecasting Centers (Arctic-MFC: Meteo-Norway; Baltic Sea- FMI, Finland; SMHI-Sweden; Mediterranean- HCMR, Greece; Iberian coast –PUERTOS Madrid; Black Sea – CMCC, Italy).
  • • WAVE-NEMO working group included in new implementations in NEMO trunk and recommendations are done on the way of wave-induced parameterizations into NEMO to be used in a new stable version.
  • Following the Working Group decisions, a new wave coupling branch has been developed and successfully submitted for inclusion in the NEMO trunk code at the December 2017. This proves the effective and productive collaboration between Hereon and UKMO.
  • Model codes (WAM and NEMO) and data provided to different scientific institutions (e.g. INGV, Bedford Institute of Oceanography-Canada, etc, Univ Athens, IFREMER, Mercator-Ocean).
  • Implementation of an operational wave forecast system for the Black Sea in the frame of the EU Copernicus CMEMS BS-MFC project at Hereon and CMCC (Italy) (2017).
  • Implementation of a wave hindcast system at the University of Lisabon for long term climate runs (COWCLIP: Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Project) (2014).
  • Implementation of a coastal wave model (CWAM), one-way-coupled with the circulation model of the BSH (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany) at the German Met Service DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) (2013).
  • Implementation of a pre-operational wave forecast system for the North Sea and the German Bight for the Hereon project COSYNA (2009).
  • Implementation of a system of relocatable wave models at the German Navy (2009).
  • Implementation support for the routine wave forecast system for the North Atlantic, North Pacific and Great Lakes (WAM Cycle 4.5) at the Canadian Meteorological Centre, Montreal, Canada (2004).
  • A coastal wave model on irregular grids in the German coast of the North Sea at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW), Germany.
  • A suspended particulate matter transport model has been implemented at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH) for the North and Baltic Sea (2003).
  • Routine wave forecast system for the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea (WAM Cycle 4) at the NCMR in Athens/Greece.
  • Routine wave forecast model (WAM Cycle 4) for the surrounding waters of the Arabian peninsula at the Omani weather service in Muscat/Oman.
  • Wave refraction model for shallow waters and currents at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW), Germany.
  • A nested wave prediction system for the Belgian coast at the Ministry of Public Health and Environment, Belgium.
  • Routine wave prediction for the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea (WAM Cycle 4) at the German Weather Center and the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH).
  • Wave and current models as well as wave measurements around the Iberian Peninsula, Spain.
  • A shallow water wave model for routine forecasts in the North and Baltic Sea at the German Military Meteorological and Geographical Office.