Roland Cormier
Roland Cormier
Sozioökonomie des Küstenraumes
GastwissenschaftlerTel: +49 (0)4152 87-1884
Roland Cormier studierte Biologie an der Université de Moncton, Kanada. Er hat über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Bewertung von Fischbeständen, Umweltbewertung und der Lebensmittelhygiene von Fischen und Schalentieren sowie im Küsten- und Meeresmanagement. In diesen Themenfeldern hat er auch Forschungsartikel veröffentlicht.
Er begann seine Karriere bei Fisheries and Oceans Canada mit biologischer Forschung und der Bewertung von Krabben- (Pandalus borealis) und Schneekrabbenbeständen (Chionoecetes opilio). Danach entwickelte er Probennahme-Strategien für Fischsicherheitsinspektionen, Programme für Biotoxin-Monit oring in Muscheln und Audits von HACCP basierten Programmen. Nach der Einrichtung der Canada Food Inspection Agency koordinierte er die Überführung gesetzlicher Fischinspektions-Informationssystemen in Jahr 2000 fähige Systemen und leitete die Entwicklung eines Inspektionssystems für das Fischerei-Programm in Kanada. Zuletzt war er der Regionaldirektor für Umweltmanagement bei Fisheries and Oceans Canada, verantwortlich für Umweltbewertungen, integriertes Küsten- und Ozeanmanagement sowie gefährdete Arten. Parallel leitete er Kompetenzzentren für Küsten- und Risikomanagement.
Roland Cormier ist Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe zu Meeresraumplanung und Küstenzonenmangement (WGMPCZM) des International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Während einer mehrjährigen Tätigkeit bei der Food and Agriculture Organization der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) hat er intensive Erfahrungen in der Entwicklung internationaler Programme und dem aufbau von Kompetenz in Entwicklungsländern gesammelt. Er ist außerdem Mitglied der Expertengruppe Risikomanagement in Regulierungssystemen der United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
- Risikomanagement in ökosystemaren Managementansätzen
- Anschluss von ISO-Standards an ökosystemare Managementansätze
- Politik-Wissenschaft-Integration in der Gesetzgebung sowie Entwicklung von Standards
- Integration von kulturellen Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Umweltmanagement
- implementation von Konformitäts- und Leistungsaudits in Umweltmanagement
- Kruse, M., Letschert, J., Cormier, R., Rambo, H., Gee, K., Kannen, A., Schaper, J., Möllmann, C-, & Stelzenmüller, V. (2024): Operationalizing a fisheries social-ecological system through a Bayesian belief network reveals hotspots for its adaptive capacity in the southern North sea. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 357, 120685, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120685
- Cormier, R., & Minkiewicz, A. (2022): Operational Aspects of Implementing Regulatory Frameworks to Manage Deep-Sea Mining Activities. In: Sharma, R. (eds) (2022): Perspectives on Deep-Sea Mining. Springer, Cham., doi:10.1007/978-3-030-87982-2_21
- Sguotti, C., Blöcker, A.M., Färber, L., Blanz, B., Cormier, R., Diekmann, R., Letschert, J., Rambo, H., Stollberg, N., Stelzenmüller, V., Stier, A.C., & Möllmann, C. (2022): Irreversibility of regime shifts in the North Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:945204, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.945204
- Abspoel, L., Mayer, I., Keijser, X., Warmelink, H., Fairgrieve, R., Ripken, M., Abramic, A., Kannen, A., Cormier, R., & Kidd, S. (2021): Communicating Maritime Spatial Planning: The MSP Challenge approach. Marine Policy, Volume 132, 2021, 103486, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.057
- Cormier, R., Elliott, M., & Borja, Á. (2021): Measuring Success: Indicators and Targets for SDG 14. In: Leal Filho, W., Azul, A.M., Brandli, L., Lange Salvia, A., & Wall, T. (eds): Life Below Water. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Springer, Cham., doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71064-8
- Cormier, R., & Minkiewicz, A. (2021): Operational aspects of implementing regulatory frameworks to manage deep-sea mining activities. In: Sharma, R. (ed.): Perspectives on Deep-Sea Mining: Sustainability; Technology; Environmental Policy and Management, 2021,ISBN: 978-3-030-87981-5
- Evans, K., Cormier, R., Dunstan, P., Fulton, E., Schmidt, J., Simcock, A., Stelzenmüller, V., Thanh Vu, C., & Woolley, S. (2021): Cumulative Effects. In: Second World Ocean Assessment, Chapter 25, Volume II, pp. 395–413. Ed. by United Nations. United Nations, New York.
- Stelzenmüller, V., Cormier, R., Gee, K., Shucksmith, R., Gubbins, M., Yates, K.L., Morf, A., Nic Aonghusa, C., Mikkelsen, E., Tweddle, J.F., Pecceu, E., Kannen, A., & Clarke, S.A. (2021): Evaluation of marine spatial planning requires fit for purpose monitoring strategies. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 278, Part 2, 111545, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111545
- Cormier, R., & Londsdale, J. (2020): Risk assessment for deep sea mining: An overview of risk. Marine Policy, Volume 114, 2020, 103485, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.056
- Elliott, M., Borja, A., & Cormier, R. (2020): Activity-footprints, pressures-footprints and effects-footprints – Walking the pathway to determining and managing human impacts in the sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 155, 2020,111201, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111201
- Elliott, M., Borja, A., & Cormier, R. (2020): Managing marine resources sustainably: A proposed integrated systems analysis approach. Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 197, 2020, 105315, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105315
- Lauerburg. R.A.M., Diekmann, R., Blanz, B., Gee, K., Held, H., Kannen, A., Möllmann, C., Probst, W.N., Rambo, H., Cormier, R., & Stelzenmüller, V. (2020): Socio-ecological vulnerability to tipping points: A review of empirical approaches and their use for marine management. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 705, 2020, 135838, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135838
- Stelzenmüller, V., Coll, M., Cormier, R., Mazaris, A.D., Pascual, M., Loiseau, C., Claudet, J., Katsanevakis, S., Gissi, E., Evagelopoulos, A., Rumes, B., Degraer, S., Ojaveer, H., Moller, T., Giménez, J., Piroddi, C., Markantonatou, V., & Dimitriadis, C. (2020): Operationalizing risk-based cumulative effect assessments in the marine environment. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 724, 2020, 138118, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138118
- Abspoel, L., Mayer, I., Keijser, X., Warmelink, H., Fairgrieve, R., Ripken, M., Abramic, A., Kannen, A., Cormier, R., & Kidd, S. (2019): Communicating Maritime Spatial Planning: The MSP Challenge approach. Marine Policy, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.057
- Cormier, R., & Kannen, A. (2019): Managing Risk Through Marine Spatial Planning. In: Zaucha, J., & Gee, K. (eds): Maritime Spatial Planning. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98696-8_15
- Cormier, R., & Londsdale, J. (2019): Risk assessment for deep sea mining: An overview of risk. Marine Policy, 2019, 103485, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.056
- Aps, R., Herkül K., Kotta, J., Cormier, R., Kostamo, K., Laamanen, L., Lappalainen, J., Lokko, K., Peterson, A., & Varjopuro, R. (2018): Marine environmental vulnerability and cumulative risk profiles to support ecosystem-based adaptive maritime spatial planning. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 75, Issue 7, 1 December 2018, Pages 2488–2500, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy101
- Cormier, R., Stelzenmüller, V., Creed, I.F., Igras, J., Rambo, H., Callies, U., & Johnson, L.B. (2018): The science-policy interface of risk-based freshwater and marine management systems: From concepts to practical tools. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 226, 15 November 2018, Pages 340-346, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.08.053
- Linke, J, M.-J. Fortin, S. Courtenay, and R. Cormier (2017): High-resolution global maps of 21st-century annual forest loss: independent accuracy assessment and application in a temperate forest region of Atlantic Canada. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 188, January 2017, pp. 164–176
- Cormier, R., Kelble, C., Icarus Allen, J., Robin Anderson, M., Grehan, A. and Gregersen, O. Moving from ecosystem-based policy objectives to operational implementation of ecosystem-based management measures. – ICES Journal of Marine Science.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (Eds). 2016. Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Elliott, M. and Hall, P. 2015. Marine Spatial Planning Quality Management System. ICES Cooperative Research Report 327. 106pp.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (2016): Chapter 1: Introduction. In: Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, pp. 1-4.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (2016): Chapter 2: Multidisciplinary considerations. In: Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, pp. 5-8.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (2016): Chapter 3: Concluding remarks. In: Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, p. 9.
- Creed, I, R. Cormier (2016): Formal integration of science and management systems needed to achieve thriving and prosperous Great Lakes. BioScience. 66(5): 408-418.
- Cormier, R. 2015. A Comprehensive Framework for Characterizing Cumulative Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems to Support Regional Environmental Assessments and Integrated Planning and Management. Contribution to Section III: Governance Experience and Issues for Managing Impacts. In: Managing the Impacts of Human Activities on Fish Habitat: The Governance, Practices, and Science. Ed: N. Fisher, P. LeBlanc, C.A. Rose, and B. Sadler, American Fisheries Society, ISBN-13: 978-1-934874-41-7. 264pp.
- Gee K., Kannen, A., Adlam, R., Brooks, C., Chapman, M., Cormier, R., Fischer, C., Fletcher, S., Gubbins, M., Shucksmith, R., Shellock, R. (2016): Identifying culturally significant areas for marine spatial planning. Ocean and Coastal Management (accepted).
- De Kerckhove, D. T., Rennie, M. D., and Cormier, R. 2015. Censoring government scientists and the role of consensus in science advice. EMBO Reports, Volume 16, Issue 3, pages 263–266.
- Cormier, R., et al. 2013. Marine and coastal ecosystem-based risk management handbook. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 317. 60 pp.
- Cormier, R., Davies, I., and Kannen, A. (Eds.) 2013. Integrated coastal-zone risk management. ICES Cooperative Research Report 320. 145 pp.
- Gimpel, A., V. Stelzenmüller, R. Cormier, J. Floeter, A. Temming. 2013. A spatially explicit risk approach to support marine spatial planning in the German EEZ. Marine Environmental Research 86 (2013) 56-69.
- Cormier, R.J., M. Mallet, S. Chiasson, H. Magnússon and G. Valdimarsson. 2007. Effectiveness and performance of HACCP based programs. Food Control 18(6): 665-671.
- Valdimarsson, G., R. Cormier and L. Ababouch. 2004. Fish safety and quality from the perspective of globalization. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 13(3): 103-116.
- Cormier, R.J. 2002. Reliability concepts applied to the Canadian Quality Management Program. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 11(1) 30-38.
Roland Cormier ist assoziiertes Mitglied des Forschungsprojektes SeaUseTip. Weitere Informationen sind hier zu finden: Projekte