Frauke Feser and Hans von Storch (2008): Regional modelling of the western Pacific typhoon season 2004, Meteorolog. Z., 17 (3), 1-10.
Feser, F., and H. von Storch (2008): A dynamical downscaling case study for typhoons in SE Asia using a regional climate model, Mon. Wea. Rev., 136 (5), 1806-1815.
Mona Vetter, Galina Churkina, Martin Jung, Markus Reichstein, Sönke Zaehle, Alberte Bondeau, Youmin Chen, Philippe Ciais, Frauke Feser, Annette Freibauer, Ralf Geyer, Chris Jones, Dario Papale, John Tenhunen, Enrico Tomelleri, Kristina Trusilova, Nicolas Viovy, Martin Heimann (2008): Analyzing the causes and spatial pattern of the European 2003 carbon flux anomaly in Europe using seven models, Biogeosciences, 5, 561-583.
Heino, R.; Tuomenvirta, H.; Vuglinsky, V.; Gustafsson, B.; Alexandersson, H.; Baerring, L.; Briede, A.; Cappelen, J.; Chen, D.; Falarz, M.; Fierland, E.; Haapala, J.; Jaagus, J.; Kitaev, L.; A. Kont, E. K.; Lindstroem, G.; Meier, H.; Mietus, M.; Moberg, A.; Myrberg, K.; Niedzwiedz, T.; Nordli, O.; Omsted, A.; Orviku, K.; Pruszak, Z.; Rimkus, E.; Russak, V.; Schrumm, C.; Suursaar, U.; Vihma, T.; Weisse, R. & Wibig, J. (2008): Past and current climate change. BACC Author Team, Assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin, Springer, 35-132
Schmager, G.; Froehle, P.; Schrader, D.; Weisse, R. & Mueller-Navarra, S. (2008): Sea State, Tides. Feistel, R.; Nausch, G. & Wasmund, N. (Eds.), State and Evolution of the Baltic Sea, John Wiley & Sons, page 143-198
Weisse, R. & von Storch, H. (2008): Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the Northeast Atlantic. Diaz, H. & Murnane, R. (Eds.), Climate Extremes and Society, Cambridge University Press, page 54-73
Grossmann, I., Woth, K., and H. von Storch (2007): Localization of global climate change: Storm surge scenarios for Hamburg in 2030 and 2085. Die Kueste ,71, 169 - 182.
Jensen, J.; Fröhle, P.; Hofstede, J.; Gönnert, G.; Mudersbach, C.; Müller-Navarra, S.; Oumeraci, H.; Rosenhagen, G.; Rudolph, E.; Thorenz, F. & Weisse, R., (2007): Sturmflutwasserstände und Seegang: Mögliche Extremereignisse und Klimaänderungen. Hansa International Maritime Journal, 144, 61-68
Weisse, R. & von Storch, H. (2007): Reconstruction of Marine Environmental Conditions and Scenarios for Future Changes. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 2007, 6, 183-191
Feser, F., (2006): Enhanced detectability of added value in limited area model results separated into different spatial scales. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134(8), 2180-2190
Koch, W., and F. Feser, J. (2005): Relationship between SAR derived wind vectors and wind at ten meters height represented by a mesoscale model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 1505-1517
Woth, K., R. Weisse and H. von Storch (2005): Dynamical modelling of Nort Sea storm surge extremes under climate chang e conditions - an ensemble study GKSS 2005/1 GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany, 2005, 29pp.
Aulinger, A., J.W. Einax and A. Prange (2004): Set up and optimization of a PLS regression model for predicting element contents in river sediments. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Sys., 72(1), 35-41.
von Storch, H. and C. Hagner (2004): Controlling lead concentrations in human blood by regulating the use of lead in gasoline. AMBIO, 33(3), 126-132.
Zwiers, F.W., and H. von Storch (2004): On the role of statistics in climate research. Intern. J Climatol. 24, 665-680, Book Contributions
Grabemann, H.-J., I. Grabemann and A. Müller (2004): Die Auswirkungen eines Klimawandels auf Hydrographie und Gewässergüte der Unetrweser. In Schuchardt, B. and. M. Schirmer (eds.), Klimaänderung und Küste - die Zukunft der Unterweserregion, Springer Verlag
Schuchardt, B., I. Grabemann, H.-J. Grabemann, D. Kraft, M. Meinken, S. Osterkamp and A. Weihrauch (2004): Zukunftsbilder: wie können zukünftige Veränderungen die Klimasensitivität des Natur-, Lebens- und Wirschaftsraumes Unterweserregion beeinflussen? In Schuchardt, B. and. M. Schirmer (eds.), Klimaänderung und Küste - die Zukunft der Unterweserregion, Springer Verlag
von Lieberman, N., I. Grabemann, A. Müller and S. Osterkamp (2004): Vergleichende Abschätzung von Effektivität und Nebenwirkungen verschiedener Reaktionsvarianten des Küstenschutzes an der Unterweser gegenüber einer Klimaänderung. In Schuchardt, B. and. M. Schirmer (eds.), Klimaänderung und Küste - die Zukunft der Unterweserregion, Springer Verlag
Busuioc, A., and H. von Storch (2003): Conditional stochastic model for generating daily precipitation time series. Climate Research 24, 181-195
Stehr, N., and H. von Storch (2003): Micro/Macro and soft/hard: divergence and converging issues in the physical and social sciences. in: J. Rotmans and Dale S. Rothman (eds.), Scaling in Integrated Assessment. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003, p. 35-49, also in Integrated Assessment 3, 1145-121, 2002
von Storch, H., M. Costa-Cabral, C. Hagner, F. Feser, J. Pacyna, E. Pacyna, and S.Kolb (2003): Four decades of gasoline lead emissions and control policies in Europe: A retrospective assessment.The Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) 311, 151-176.
Weisse, R., and F. Feser (2003): Evaluation of a method to reduce uncertainty in wind hindcasts performed with regional atmosphere models. Coastal Eng., 48(4), 211-225.
Weisse, R., and W. Rosenthal (2003): Szenarien zukünftiger, klimatisch bedingter Entwicklungen der Nordsee (Scenarios of Future Climatically Induced Changes in the North Sea). In: Lozán, J. L., E. Rachor, K. Reise, J. Sündermann & H. v. Westernhagen (Hrsg.). Warnsignale aus Nordsee und Wattenmeer - Eine aktuelle Umweltbilanz. GEO, Hamburg. , 51-56, 2003.
Weisse, R., F. Feser und H.Günther (2003): Wind- und Seegangsklimatologie 1958-2001 für die südliche Nordsee basierend auf Modellrechnungen. GKSS 2003/10 GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany, 38pp.
Hagner, C. (2002): Regional and long-term patterns of lead concentrations in riverine, marine and terrestrial systems and humans in northwest Europe. Water, Soil and Air Pollution, 134(1-4), 1-39.
von Storch, H., C. Hagner, M. Costa-Cabral, F. Feser, J. Pacyna, E. Pacyna and S. Kolb (2002): Reassessing past European gasoline lead policies, EOS 83, 393 + 399
von Storch, H., and N. Stehr (2002): Towards a history of ideas of anthropogenic climate change. In Wefer, G., W. Berger, K.-E. Behre and E. Jansen (Eds): Climate and history in the North Atlantic realms. Springer Verlag, 17-23
Weisse, R. and Ch. Schneggenburger (2002): The effect of different sea state dependent roughness parameterizations on the sensitivity of the atmospheric circulation in a regional model, Mon. Wea. Rev., 130(6), 1595-1602
von Storch, H., F. Feser, A. Pfizenmayer, and R. Weisse (2002): Changing coastal weather and extremes. Proceedings WCSE/UKC-2002, Weather Risk Management, Seoul, 2002, 468-473.
Feser, F., R. Weisse, and H. von Storch (2001): Multi-decadal atmospheric modeling for Europe yields multi-purpose data. EOS Volume 82, Number 28, p. 305,310.
Grabemann, H.-J., I. Grabemann, D. Herbers and A. Müller (2001): Effects of a specific climate scenario on the hydrography and transport of conservative substances in the Weser estuary, Germany: a case study. Clim. Res., 18, 77-87.
Grabemann, I. and G. Krause (2001): On different time scales of suspended matter dynamics in the Weser estuary. Estuaries, 24, 688-698.
Kappenberg, J. and I. Grabemann (2001): Variability of the mixing zones and the estuarine turbidity maxima in the Elbe and Weser estuaries. Estuaries, 24, 699-706.
Pfizenmayer, A. and H. von Storch (2001). Anthropogenic climate change shown by local wave conditions in the North Sea. Climate Res. 19, p15-23.
von Storch, H., J.-S. von Storch, and P. Müller (2001): Noise in the Climate System -Ubiquitous, Constitutive and Concealing. In B. Engquist and W. Schmid (eds.) Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond. Part II. Springer Verlag, 1179-1194
Weisse, R., and R. Oestreicher (2001): Reconstruction of potential evaporation for water balance studies. Climate Research 16(2), 123-131.
Bauer, E., and R. Weisse (2000): Determination of high-frequency wind variability from observations and application to North Atlantic wave modeling. J. Geophys. Res., 105(C11), 26,167-26,190.
Bauer, E. H. von Storch and M. Stolley (2000): Sensitivity of ocean waves to speed changes of the weather stream. - Global Atmos. Ocean System, 7: 91-106.
Hagner, C. (2000): European Regulations for Reducing Lead Emissions from Automobiles - Did they have an Economic Impact on the German Gasoline and Automobile Markets, Regional Environmental Change, Vol.1, Nr. 3-4, pp. 135-152
Kauker, F. and H. Langenberg (2000): Two models for the climate change related development of sea levels in the North Sea. A comparison, Clim. Res. 15 (1), pp. 61-67.
Kauker, F. and H. von Storch (2000): Statistics of "synoptic circulation weather" in the North Sea as derived from a multi-annual OGCM simulation. J. Phys. Ocean. 30, pp. 3039-3049.
von Storch, H., H. Langenberg and F. Feser (2000): A spectral nudging technique for dynamical downscaling purposes. Monthly Weather Review 128: 3664-3673
von Storch, H., and N. Stehr (2000): Climate change in perspective. Our concerns about global warming have an age-old resonance. Nature 405, 615 (comment by Robinson and Cohen and by Brönnimann; article in Le Monde)
Stehr, N. and H. von Storch (2000): Von der Macht des Klimas. Ist der Klimadeterminismus nur noch Ideengeschichte oder relevanter Faktor gegenwärtiger Klimapolitik?.aia 9, 187-195.
Weisse, R., H. Heyen, and H. von Storch (2000): Sensitivity of a regional atmospheric model to a sea state dependent roughness and the need of ensemble calculations. Mon. Wea. Rev. 128(10), pp. 3631-3642.
Langenberg, H., A. Pfizenmayer, H. von Storch and J. Sündermann, 1999: Storm related sea level variations along the North Sea coast: natural variability and anthropogenic change. Cont. Shelf Res. 19, pp. 821-842.
Weisse, R., U. Mikolajewicz, A. Sterl, and S. Drijfhout (1999): Stochastically forced variability in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, J. Geophys. Res. 104, pp. 11049-11064