- conference poster: Wien (AUT); 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024Release and turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and metals under oxic and suboxic conditions in long-term incubations of Skagerrak sedimentsSiems, A.,Sanders, T.,Zimmermann, T.,Wieser, M.E.,Pröfrock, D. (2024)
In: EGU General Assembly 2024, Wien (AUT), 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024. - conference lecture (invited): Berlin (DEU); 26.03.2024 - 26.03.2024From offshore windfarms to microplastics – Challenges and new analytical tools to decipher environmental impacts related with recent anthropogenic activities within the coastal zonesPröfrock, D. (2024)
In: BAM Adlershofer Kolloquium, Berlin (DEU), 26.03.2024 - 26.03.2024. - conference poster: Sevilla (ESP); 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024Development and Validation of High-Throughput Methods for the Sampling, Extraction and Analysis of Marine MicroplasticsHildebrandt, L.M.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2024)
In: SETAC Europe 34 Annual Meeting, Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024. - conference poster: Sevilla (ESP); 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024Urban Mining Riches: Unveiling the Economic Value in Electronic Scrap Material for Enhanced Recycling StrategiesKlein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2024)
In: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024. - conference poster: Sevilla (ESP); 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024Beyond the Surface: Spotlight on Plastic Metal(loid) Additive Leaching and Unseen ContaminantsKlein, O.,Hildebrandt, L.M.,Mara, R.,Annika, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2024)
In: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024. - conference poster: Sevilla (ESP); 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024Detection of Particulate and Metal(loid) Emissions from Offshore Wind FarmsMcCormick Zonderman, A.,Ferdinand, M.,Hildebrandt, L.M.,Pröfrock, D. (2024)
In: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024. - conference lecture (invited): Lüneburg (DEU); 30.04.2024 - 30.04.2024„Kipppunkte im Klimasystem – Was kippt da eigentlich?“Quante, M. (2024)
In: Universitätsgesellschaftlicher Dienstag im Museum Lüneburg, Lüneburg (DEU), 30.04.2024 - 30.04.2024. - conference lecture: Kiel (DEU); 03.05.2024 - 09.05.2024Gesundheit der OsteeRohrweber, A. (2024)
In: Veranstaltung Studieren unter Segeln der FH Kiel, Kiel (DEU), 03.05.2024 - 09.05.2024. - conference lecture (invited): Monaco (MCO); 02.12.2024-05.12.2024Open Discussion Session on the Use of Filters for Microplastic Analysis with LDIR: Experiences and RecommendationsHildebrandt, Lars (2024)
In: Technical Meeting on the Monitoring and Investigation of Microplastics in Seawater, Monaco (MCO), 02.12.2024-05.12.2024. - conference lecture (invited): Monaco (MCO); 02.12.2024-05.12.2024Use of Integrated ATR: Viable Option or Dispensable? Experiences and RecommendationsHildebrandt, L. (2024)
In: Technical Meeting on the Monitoring and Investigation of Microplastics in Seawater, Monaco (MCO), 02.12.2024-05.12.2024. - conference lecture (invited): Online; 20.11.2024-20.11.2024Umweltdatenauswertung - wann hilft KI, wann ein gutes Modell?Ramacher, M.O.P.,Bieser, J. (2024)
In: Open Knowledge Foundation - Umweltdatenwerkstatt, Online, 20.11.2024-20.11.2024.
- conference poster: Ljubljana (SVN); 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023Potential of ICP-MS/MS to study the impact of trace metals released from offshore wind farm corrosion protection on marine biotaWippermann, D.,Zonderman, A.,Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,Hans-Burkhard, E.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023. - conference lecture (invited): Adendorf (DEU); 12.04.2023 - 12.04.2023Climate Engineering – Rettung oder Risiko?Quante, M. (2023)
In: Mitgliedertreffen SPD 60+ Lüneburg, Adendorf (DEU), 12.04.2023 - 12.04.2023. - conference lecture: Dublin (IRL); 30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023Microplastic analysis of complex marine water and sediment samplesHildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: SETAC Europe 2023, Dublin (IRL), 30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023. - conference lecture: Hull (GBR); 22.03.2023 - 23.03.2023The analytical procedure of important pollutants of the Elbe riverRichtarski, P. (2023)
In: 5th IMMERSE Transnational Estuary Exchange Lab, Hull (GBR), 22.03.2023 - 23.03.2023. - conference lecture: Lyon (FRA); 09.07.2023 - 14.07.2023Response of metal contaminated Skagerrak sediments to changing oxygen conditionsPrzibilla, A.,Sanders, T.,Zimmermann, T.,Schulz, G.,Nantke, C.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: Goldschmidt Conference 2023, Lyon (FRA), 09.07.2023 - 14.07.2023. - conference lecture: Dortmund (DEU); 14.05.2023 - 17.05.2023Analysis of dissolved trace metals in North Sea water: How to obtain reliable data using ICP-MS/MS?Przibilla, A.,Iwainski, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Nantke, C.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: 54th annual conference of the DGMS, Dortmund (DEU), 14.05.2023 - 17.05.2023. - conference poster: Wien (AUT); 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep seaPohl, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,O’Dell, J.,Talling, P.,Baker, M.,El Gareb, F.,La Nasa, J.,De Falco, F.,Mattonai, M.,Ruffell, S.,Eggenhuisen, J.,Modugno, F.,Proefrock, D.,Pope, E.,Silva Jacinto, R.,Heijnen, M.,Hage, S.,Simmons, S.,Hasenhündl, M.,Heerema, C. (2023)
In: EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien (AUT), 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023. - conference lecture: Dortmund (DEU); 14.05.2023 - 17.05.2023Exploiting the Urban Mine - Methodology for TCE determination in electronic scrap material using ICP-MS/MSKlein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: 54th annual conference of the DGMS, Dortmund (DEU), 14.05.2023 - 17.05.2023. - conference lecture: Chapel Hill, NC (USA); 22.05.2023-26.05.2023Why current exposure estimates are biased low - the impact of population activity and outdoor-to-indoor infiltration on regional scale exposure to air polluation.Ramacher, M.O.P.,Bieser, J.,Athanasopoulou, E.,Kakouri, A.,Speyer, O.,Matthias, V. (2023)
In: 39th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution and Its Application, Chapel Hill, NC (USA), 22.05.2023-26.05.2023. - conference lecture: Ljubljana (SVN); 28.01.2023 - 03.02.2023New Applications of ICP-MS/MS and MC ICP-MS to study the chemical anthropocenePröfrock, D.,Przibilla, A.,Klein, O.,Hildebrandt, L.,Ebeling, A.,el Gareb, F.,Rohrweber, A.,Witthoff, C.,Zimmermann, T. (2023)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana (SVN), 28.01.2023 - 03.02.2023. - conference lecture: Virtual; 24.01.2023 - 24.01.2023Offshore Windfarms als potentielle Punktquellen für Schadstoffe in der Marinen UmweltPröfrock, D.,Ebeling, A.,Wippermann, D.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T. (2023)
In: Workshop des AK Umweltmonitorings der GDCH, Virtual, 24.01.2023 - 24.01.2023. - conference lecture: Utrecht (NLD); 17.04.2023 - 21.04.2023The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep seaPohl, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,O’Dell, J.,Talling, P.,Baker, M.,El Gareb, F.,La Nasa, J.,De Falco, F.,Mattonai, M.,Ruffell, S.,Eggenhuisen, J.,Modugno, F.,Pröfrock, D.,Pope, E.,Silva Jacinto, R.,Heijnen, M.,Hage, S.,Simmons, S.,Hasenhündl, M.,Heerema, C. (2023)
In: Bouma Deep Water Geoscience Conference, Utrecht (NLD), 17.04.2023 - 21.04.2023. - conference lecture: Vienna (AUT); 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023How could it get any worse? The ecotoxic legacy of plastic pollution and the role of plastic transport and distribution; fragmentation; degradation; and leaching of chemical additivesPohl, F.,De Falco, F.,Russell, C.,Hildebrandt, L.,Miramontes, E. (2023)
In: EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna (AUT), 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023. - conference lecture: Augsburg (DEU); 15.05.2023 - 17.05.2023Bestimmung elementarer Fingerabdrücke von Korrosionsschutzbeschichtungen mittels ICP-MS/MS als wichtiger Baustein für die MikroplastikanalytikHildebrandt, L.,Fensky, F.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: Wasser 2023 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Augsburg (DEU), 15.05.2023 - 17.05.2023. - conference lecture (invited): Lüneburg (DEU); 10.07.2023 - 14.07.2023Climate modelling in the context of policy guidance and risk-assessments.Quante, M. (2023)
In: 9th S3C Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development, Lüneburg (DEU), 10.07.2023 - 14.07.2023. - conference poster: Ljubljana (SVN); 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023From offshore wind to green Power-to-X products – how ICP-MS can help to monitor potential emerging chemical emissionsEbeling, A.,Wippermann, D.,Zonderman, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Erbslöh, H.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2023, Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023. - conference lecture: Ljubljana (SVN); 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023Elemental fingerprint analysis of (micro) plastics via ICP-MS/MS – A possible tool for source tracing?Zimmermann, T.,Hildebrandt, L.,Fensky, F.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023. - conference lecture: Dublin (IRL); 30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023Prioritization of consumer plastics for further testing based on artificial weathering combined with bioanalytical and chemical screeningRömerscheid, M.;Lips, S.,Hildebrandt, L.,Schmitt-Jansen, M.,Pröfrock, D.,Jahnke, A. (2023)
In: SETAC Europe 2023, Dublin (IRL), 30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023. - conference poster: Ljubljana (SVN); 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023Using ICP-MS/MS in complex environments - spatial distribution and possible sources of technology-critical elementsKlein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Hildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023. - conference lecture: Hamburg (DEU); 11.07.2023Korrosionsschutz und dessen Umweltauswirkung am Beispiel von Offshore WindkraftanlagenEbeling, A.,Wippermann, D.,Zonderman, A.,Klein, O.,Erbslöh, B.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Hasenbein, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: Künstliche Intelligenz vs. Maritime Korrosion - Where do we go?, Hamburg (DEU), 11.07.2023. - conference lecture: Berlin (DEU); 15.11.2023 - 17.11.2023How pollutants are transported - Distribution of organic and inorganic pollutants in different Elbe compartmentsHoppe, P.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: 7th PhD Seminar of the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) in the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry, Berlin (DEU), 15.11.2023 - 17.11.2023. - conference poster: Brüssel (BEL); 21.06.2023-23.06.2023The UrbEm method to derive high-resolution emissions for urban-scale air quality modelingRamacher, M.O.P.,Kakouri, A.,Speyer, O.,Feldner, J.,Karl, M.,Timmermans, R.,Denier van der Gon, H.,Kuenen, J.,Gerasopoulos, E.,Athanasopoulou, E. (2023)
In: 20th Global Emissions Initiative (GEIA) Conference, Brüssel (BEL), 21.06.2023-23.06.2023. - conference lecture: Berlin (DEU); 03.09.2023 - 07.09.2023From rivers to the sea: determination and tracing of TCEs in natural watersEbeling, A.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Rust, B.,Wippermann, D.,Faust, S.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: GeoBerlin 2023 - Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future, Berlin (DEU), 03.09.2023 - 07.09.2023. - conference lecture: Hamburg (DEU); 27.12.2023-30.12.2023Numerical Air Quality Modeling Systems - a journey from emissions to exposureRamacher, M.O.P.,Bieser, J. (2023)
In: 37th Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg (DEU), 27.12.2023-30.12.2023. - conference poster: Lyon (FRA); 09.07.2023 - 14.07.2023The spatial distribution of trace metals in North Sea and Baltic Sea - defining a baseline to study effects of potential ocean alkalinity enhancement activitiesRohrweber, A.,Przibilla, A.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: Goldschmidt2023 Conference, Lyon (FRA), 09.07.2023 - 14.07.2023. - conference poster: Ascona (CHE); 12.11.2023 - 17.11.2023Validated Particulate Sampling Workflow Applied to Offshore Wind Farm Areas in the North SeaZonderman, A. (2023)
In: Microplastics Workshop for Early Career Researchers, Ascona (CHE), 12.11.2023 - 17.11.2023. - conference lecture: Ascona (CHE); 12.11.2023 - 17.11.2023Anemoi: Investigating Chemical Emissions from Offshore Wind Farms in the North SeaZonderman, A. (2023)
In: Microplastics Workshop for Early Career Researchers, Ascona (CHE), 12.11.2023 - 17.11.2023. - conference lecture: Berlin (DEU); 16.11.2023 - 17.11.2023δ98/95Mo as tracer for past and current redox conditions in sediment samples from the SkagerrakPrzibilla, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Sanders, T.,Wieser, M.E.,Proefrock, D. (2023)
In: 7th PhD Seminar of the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) in the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry, Berlin (DEU), 16.11.2023 - 17.11.2023. - conference lecture (invited): Online (AUS); 14.11.2023 - 16.11.2023Environmental chemicals and human healthMenger, F. (2023)
In: HEAL 2023 Conference – Collective Action for Health Environment and Climate, Online (AUS), 14.11.2023 - 16.11.2023. - conference lecture: Berlin (DEU); 15.11.2023 - 17.11.2023Using ICP-MS/MS to study the impact of offshore wind farms on the marine environment.Wippermann, D.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: 7th PhD Seminar of the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) in the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry, Berlin (DEU), 15.11.2023 - 17.11.2023. - conference lecture (invited): Darmstadt (DEU); 07.11.2023 - 07.11.2023From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environmentEbinghaus, R. (2023)
In: GDCh Kolloquium des Ortsverbandes Darmstadt (Wintersemester 2023/2024), Darmstadt (DEU), 07.11.2023 - 07.11.2023. - conference lecture: Louisville (USA); 12.11.2023 - 16.11.2023The standardized Micro- and Nanoplastic Planet: Degradation; Fragmentation and LeachingHildebrandt, L.,Pohl, F.,Mitrano, D.,Zimmermann, T. (2023)
In: SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting, Louisville (USA), 12.11.2023 - 16.11.2023. - conference lecture: Erding (DEU); 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023Plastic, water & the sun – Characterization of chemicals leaching from plastic under UV light treatmentMenger, F.,Römerscheid, M.,Nabi, D.,Hildebrandt, L.,Lips, S.,Bedulina, D.,Huber, C.,Gandrass, J.,Jahnke, A.,Krauss, M.,Beck, A.,Joerss, H. (2023)
In: International Conference on Non-Target Screening (ICNTS 23), Erding (DEU), 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023. - conference poster: Erding (DEU); 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023DeltaPFAS – An inter-lab working group to explore the unknown PFAS spaceMacherius, A.,Joerss, H.,Ulrich, H.,Lämmer, R.,Fu, Q.,Göckener, B.,Gandraß, J.,Koschorreck, J. (2023)
In: Interntaional Conference on Non-Target Screening (ICNTS 23), Erding (DEU), 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023. - conference lecture: Online; 05.10.2023 - 05.10.2023Release of plastic additives and microplastic particles from different consumer products into water under accelerated UV weathering conditionsHildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: Agilent Microplastics Virtual Symposium 2023, Online, 05.10.2023 - 05.10.2023. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (DEU); 27.09.2023 - 28.09.2023Das Forschungsschiff „Coriolis“ – Plattform für die Wasserstofftechnologie und KüstenforschungDzaak, V. (2023)
In: BAW Kolloquium: Erfahrungen aus aktuellen Schiffsneubauten und schiffbautechnische Entwicklungen, Hamburg (DEU), 27.09.2023 - 28.09.2023. - conference lecture: Berlin (DEU); 03.09.2023 - 07.09.2023The ongoing race between emerging contaminants and analytical chemistry: New approaches in ICP-MS/MS and determination of technology-critical elements in marine biota reference materialsWippermann, D.,Klein, O.,Zonderman, A.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023)
In: GeoBerlin 2023 – Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future, Berlin (DEU), 03.09.2023 - 07.09.2023.
- conference lecture (invited): Virtual; 15.08.2022From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environmentEbinghaus, R. (2022)
In: International Forum on Marine Environment and Ecosystem, Virtual, 15.08.2022. - conference lecture: Wiesbaden (DEU); 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022Technologie-kritische Elemente - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer ICP-MS/MS basierten Methode zur Messung ihrer zeitlichen Variationen in Nordsee SedimentenKlein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Ebeling, A.,Kruse, M.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: Wasser 2022 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden (DEU), 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022. - conference lecture: Wiesbaden (DEU); 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022Analyse des Vorkommens und der Verteilung von Mikrokunststoffen im tropischen Indischen Ozean mittels Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging und mikrowellenunterstützter ProbenaufbereitungEl Gareb, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Kerstan, A.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: Wasser 2022 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden (DEU), 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022. - conference lecture: Wiesbaden (DEU); 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022Mikroplastikpartikel als Sorbens für Metall- und HalbmetallionenHildebrandt, L.,Nack, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: Wasser 2022 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden (DEU), 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022. - conference poster: Kopenhagen (DNK); 15.05.2022 - 19.05.2022Investigation of microplastics in the tropical Indian Ocean using Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging and microwave-assisted sample preparationEl Gareb, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,Kerstan, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: SETAC Europe 2022 - annual meeting Copenhagen, Kopenhagen (DNK), 15.05.2022 - 19.05.2022. - conference lecture (invited): Lüneburg (DEU); 16.02.2022Städte im Klimawandel - zwischen Klimaschutz und AnpassungQuante, M. (2022)
In: Vortrag im Winterprogramm 2021/2022 des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für das Fürstentum Lüneburg von 1851 e.V., Lüneburg (DEU), 16.02.2022. - conference lecture (invited): München (DEU); 21.06.2022 - 24.06.2022ICP-MS/MS and LDIR as complementary technique in small micro- and nanoplastic Research - From method optimization to the study of environmentally relevant polymers as vector for trace metalsPröfrock, D.,Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Nack, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O. (2022)
In: Analytic Conference, München (DEU), 21.06.2022 - 24.06.2022. - conference lecture: Hamburg (DEU); 05.04.2022Lockdown; Wetter; Chemie der AtmosphäreArndt, J. (2022)
In: Teachers Science Club, Hamburg (DEU), 05.04.2022. - conference poster: Berlin (DEU); 11.10.2022 - 14.10.2022Turbine-colonizing mussels (Mytilus edulis) as an indicator for environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the North SeaZonderman, A.,Wippermann, D.,Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,Erbslöh, H.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: YOUMARES 13, Berlin (DEU), 11.10.2022 - 14.10.2022. - conference lecture: Leoben (AUT); 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022Aufbereitung von Meerwasserproben für die Messung der Metallgehalte mittels seaFAST-ICP-MS: Einfluss von Filtrationsmethode und Lagerung auf die ErgebnissePrzibilla, A.,Iwainski, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: ICP-MS Anwender*innen Treffen, Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022. - conference lecture: Leoben (AUT); 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022Erschließung der „urbanen Miene“ – Entwicklung einer Aufschlussmethode für Leiterplatinen zur Bestimmung der Metallgehälter mittels ICP-MS/MSKlein, O.,Stefan Kremmler, T.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: ICP-MS Anwender*innen Treffen, Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022. - conference lecture: Leoben (AUT); 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022Analytik von Meerwasserproben aus Offshore Windparks mittels ICP-MS unter Verwendung des Aufkonzentrierungssystems seaFAST®Wippermann, D.,Ebeling, A.,Przibilla, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: 28. ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen und 14. Symposium massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022. - conference lecture (invited): Leoben (AUT); 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022More than trace elements – New Applications for ICP-MS to investigate the chemical anthropocenePröfrock, D.,Przibilla, A.,Klein, O.,Hildebrandt, L.,Ebeling, A.,El Gareb, F.,Zimmermann, T. (2022)
In: 28. ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen und 14. Symposium massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022. - conference lecture: Leoben (AUT); 05.09.2022 - 09.09.2022ICP-MS-basierte Elementanalytik zur Entwicklung neuer Probenahmetechniken für die MikroplastikanalytikZimmermann, T.,Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Mitrano, D.,Pröfrock, D. (2022)
In: 28. ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen und 14. Symposium massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 09.09.2022. - conference poster: Odense (DNK); 29.11.2022 - 30.11.2022The complex PFAS world - Recent discoveries and novel HRMS-based screening toolsMenger, F.,Joerss, H. (2022)
In: NTS workshop on analytical techniques and implementation, Odense (DNK), 29.11.2022 - 30.11.2022. - conference lecture (invited): Lüneburg (DEU); 08.11.2022 - 08.11.2022Climate Engineering - Rettung oder RisikoQuante, M. (2022)
In: Universitätsgesellschaftlicher Dienstag, Lüneburg (DEU), 08.11.2022 - 08.11.2022.
- conference lecture: Virtual; 26.05.2021 - 27.05.2021Nano- und Mikroplastik-Analytik mittels ICP-MS/MS und LDIR Imaging - Zwei AnwendungsbeispieleHildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Pröfrock, D. (2021)
In: Agilent Analytik-Forum 2021, Virtual, 26.05.2021 - 27.05.2021. - conference lecture: Virtual; 17.05.2021 - 21.05.2021Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: An emerging contamination source for the marine environment?Ebeling, A.,Voigt, N.,Obergfäll, D.,Zimmermann, T.,Erbsloeh, H.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2021)
In: The 52nd International Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics, Virtual, 17.05.2021 - 21.05.2021. - conference lecture: Virtual; 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021The contribution of shipping to air pollution in the Mediterranean region – a model evaluation studyFink, L.,Matthias, V.,Karl, M.,Petrik, R.,Majamäki, E.,Jalkanen, J.,Oppo, S.,Kranenburg, R. (2021)
In: EGU General Assembly 2021, Virtual, 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021. - conference lecture: Virtual; 21.06.2021 - 26.06.2021Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systems as fingerprinting tools to trace anthropogenic controls on the Weser river system (Germany)Deng, F.,Hellmann, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021)
In: Goldschmidt2020, Virtual, 21.06.2021 - 26.06.2021. - conference lecture: Virtual; 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021River-Sea Systems: Spatial and temporal occurrence of Neonicotinoids, Glyphosate and related transformation products in the Chinese Bohai Sea and 36 surrounding RiversBento, C.,Naumann, T.,Wittmann, A.,Tang, J.,Zhen, X.,Liu, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2021)
In: EGU General Assembly 2021, Virtual, 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021. - conference lecture: Virtual; 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021Air quality improvements caused by COVID-19 lockdown measures in Central Europe – contributions of emission sectors and the meteorological situationBadeke, R.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M.,Petrik, R.,Arndt, J.,Ramacher, M.,Schwarzkopf, D.,Fink, L.,Feldner, J.,Link, E. (2021)
In: EGU General Assembly 2021, Virtual, 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021. - conference lecture: Virtual; 03.05.2021 - 06.05.2021Suspect screening of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in German and Chinese river water affected by point sourcesJoerss, H.,Menger, F.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ahrens, L. (2021)
In: SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting, Virtual, 03.05.2021 - 06.05.2021. - conference lecture: Virtual; 04.05.2020 - 08.07.2021Sr-Nd-Pb isotope fingerprint analysis of sediment from the river Weser (Germany) and its implication to trace human and climate-induced impactsDeng, F.,Hellmann, S.,Zimmerman, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021)
In: EGU General Assembly 2020, Virtual, 04.05.2020 - 08.07.2021. - conference paper: null; nullUrban Atmospheric Chemistry with the EPISODE-CityChem ModelKarl, M.,Ramacher, M. (2021)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019, 235-239, Springer, Berlin. - conference lecture: Virtual; 20.09.2021 - 21.09.2021Enhanced detection of technologically critical elements in sediment digestions via ICP-MS/MS utilizing N2O as a reaction gasKlein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021)
In: 6. Doktorandenseminar des DAAS, Virtual, 20.09.2021 - 21.09.2021. - conference paper: null; nullMulti-compartment Chemistry Transport ModelsBieser, J.,Ramacher, M. (2021)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 119-123, Springer, Berlin. - conference paper: null; nullThe Impact of BVOC Emissions from Urban Trees on O3 Production in Urban Areas Under Heat-Period ConditionsRamacher, M.,Karl, M.,Feldner, J.,Bieser, J. (2021)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019, 241-248, Springer, Berlin. - conference paper: null; nullTraffic Emissions 2040 - Impact on Air Quality in GermanyMatthias, V.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M.,Winkler, C.,Seum, S. (2021)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019, 39-44, Springer, Berlin. - conference paper: null; nullUrban resilience to environmental stressors via EO-based smart solutionsGerasopoulos, E.,Athanasopoulou, E.,Speyer, O.,Bailey, J.,Kocman, D.,Karl, M. (2021)
In: 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 1194-1197. - conference lecture: Virtual; 30.09.2021Nano- and Microplastics Analysis via LDIR and ICP-MSHildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,El Gareb, F.,Pröfrock, D. (2021)
In: Agilent - Microplastics in the Environment Virtual Symposium, Virtual, 30.09.2021. - conference lecture: Barcelona (ESP); 18.10.2021 - 22.10.2021Urban Population Exposure to Air Pollution Under COVID-19 Lockdown Conditions—Combined Effects of Emissions and Population ActivityRamacher, M.O.P.,Matthias, V.,Badeke, R.,Petrik, R.,Quante, M.,Arndt, J.,Fink, L.,Feldner, J.,Schwarzkopf, D.,Link, E.M.,Wedemann, R. (2021)
In: International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution and its Application, Barcelona (ESP), 18.10.2021 - 22.10.2021.
- conference lecture: Virtual; 21.06.2020 - 26.06.2020“Non-Traditional” Stable Isotope Analysis as Tracer so Identify Sources and Sinks of Inorganic Contaminants in Riverine EnvironmentsZimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Reese, A.,Wieser, M.,Mohamed, F.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2020)
In: Goldschmidt 2020, Virtual, 21.06.2020 - 26.06.2020. - conference lecture: Virtual; 13.10.2020 - 16.10.2020Microplastics in the Indian Ocean - Analyzed by Quantum Cascade laser- based infrared imagingEl Gareb, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,Kerstan, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D. (2020)
In: YOUMARES 11, Virtual, 13.10.2020 - 16.10.2020. - conference lecture: Münster (DEU); 01.03.2020 - 04.03.2020Boron and strontium isotope ratio analysis of the Rhine river – tracer for anthropogenic boron emissions?Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Reese, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2020)
In: 53rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry DGMS including 27th ICP-MS User´s Meeting, Münster (DEU), 01.03.2020 - 04.03.2020. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 06.01.2020 - 31.01.2020Emission sources; regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2020)
In: European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Grenoble (F), 06.01.2020 - 31.01.2020. - conference paper: null; nullPopulation Exposure to Emissions from Industry, Traffic, Shipping and Residential Heating in the Urban Area of HamburgRamacher, M.,Karl, M.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J. (2020)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVI. ITM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 177-183, Springer, Cham. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 06.01.2020-31.01.2020Emission sources; regional and global distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)Ebinghaus, R. (2020)
In: European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Grenoble (F), 06.01.2020-31.01.2020. - conference lecture: Dublin (IRL); 03.05.2020 - 07.05.2020First lab-scale feasibility study on the enrichment of nanoplastic particles from water samples by continuous flow centrifugation using metal-doped nanoplastics and ICP-MS/MS detectionHildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Mitrano, D.,Proefrock, D. (2020)
In: SETAC Europe Meeting, Dublin (IRL), 03.05.2020 - 07.05.2020. - conference lecture (invited): Lüneburg (D); 14.01.2020 - 14.01.2020Entwicklung und Grenzen der WettervorhersageQuante, M.,Zakrzweski, R. (2020)
In: Geographisches Kolloquium WS 2019/20; Institut für Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung; Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg (D), 14.01.2020 - 14.01.2020. - conference lecture: Wien (AUT); 11.02.2020 - 12.02.2020First steps in applying Quantum-Cascade-Laser Imaging for microplastic analysis in environmental samplesHildebrandt, L.,Proefrock, D.,Kerstan, A. (2020)
In: 37. Agilent Forum Analytik Wien 2020, Wien (AUT), 11.02.2020 - 12.02.2020.
- conference lecture: Capri (I); 15.-18.09.2019First evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation as a novel straightforward and non-size-discriminating sampling technique for microplastic in watersHildebrandt, L.,Voigt, N.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, Capri (I), 15.-18.09.2019. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (D); 28.02.2019Luft und Laerm – Wie steht es um Hamburg?Quante, M.,Gaffron, P. (2019)
In: 4. Hamburger Symposium zur regionalen Gesundheitsversorgung, Hamburg (D), 28.02.2019. - conference lecture: Leoben (A); 13.03.2019Element- und Isotopenanalytik in der marinen Umweltanalytik – Anwendungsgebiete und neue Entwicklungen zur ProbenvorbereitungZimmermann, T.,Reese, A.,Retzmann, A.,Orth, T.,Klein, O.,Irrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: Vortrag im Rahmen eines Arbeitskreisseminars, Leoben (A), 13.03.2019. - conference poster: Muenster (D); 25.-28.03.2019Online matrix separation coupled to inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for the ultra-trace analysis of seawaterZimmermann, T.,Reese, A.,Voigt, N.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: ANAKON 2019, Muenster (D), 25.-28.03.2019. - conference lecture: Barcelona (E); 18.-23.08.2019Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: An emerging inorganic contamination source for the marine environment?Reese, A.,Voigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona (E), 18.-23.08.2019. - conference poster: Muenster (D); 25.-28.03.2019Characterization of galvanic anode material for corrosion protection of offshore wind farms by (laser ablation) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryReese, A.,Voigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: ANAKON 2019, Muenster (D), 25.-28.03.2019. - conference poster: Pau (F); 03.-08.02.2019Analysis of anthropogenic Gd emissions into the German North Sea and potential new insights by the analysis of Gd isotope ratios in MRI contrast agentsZimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Orth, T.,Oppermann, B.,Retzmann, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2019, Pau (F), 03.-08.02.2019. - conference lecture: Pau (F); 03.-08.02.2019Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: A new potential source of inorganic contaminants for the marine environment?Reese, A.,Voigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2019, Pau (F), 03.-08.02.2019. - conference poster: Pau (F); 03.-08.02.2019Development of a microwave-assisted digestion protocol for trace metal analysis in different types of polymers using ICP-MS/MSHildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Reese, A.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2019, Pau (F), 03.-08.02.2019. - conference poster: Helsinki (FIN); 26.-30.05.2019First evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation as a novel straightforward and non-size-discriminating sampling technique for microplastic in watersHildebrandt, L.,Voigt, N.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki (FIN), 26.-30.05.2019. - conference poster: Barcelona (E); 04.-07.02.2019Organic UV filters in the Mondego River, PortugalApel, C.,Bento, C.,Ferreira, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019)
In: 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society, Barcelona (E), 04.-07.02.2019. - conference lecture: Barcelona (E); 18.-23.08.2019First evaluation of continuous flow centrifugation as a novel straightforward and non-size-disriminating sampling technique for microplastic in watersHildebrandt, L.,Voigt, N.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona (E), 18.-23.08.2019. - conference poster: Helsinki (FIN); 26.-30.05.2019Organic UV filters in the Mondego River, PortugalApel, C.,Bento, C.,Ferreira, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019)
In: SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki (FIN), 26.-30.05.2019. - conference poster: Helsinki (FIN); 26.-30.05.2019Studying the sorption of 60 different metals to virgin and UV exposed small PE and PET microplastic using ICP-MS/MSNack, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Reese, A.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki (FIN), 26.-30.05.2019. - conference poster: Bremerhaven (D); 12.11.2019 - 13.11.2019Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: An emerging contamination source for the marine environment?Reese, A.,Voigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2019)
In: Symposium Marine resources and offshore wind farms, Bremerhaven (D), 12.11.2019 - 13.11.2019. - conference lecture (invited): Buchholz (D); 19.06.2019Staedte im Klimawandel – Was kommt auf Bebauung und Infrastruktur zu?Quante, M. (2019)
In: Zukunftsgerechtes Bauen - Innovativ und Nachhaltig, Buchholz (D), 19.06.2019. - conference lecture: Hamburg (DEU); 23.09.2019 - 27.09.2019The impact of BVOC emissions from urban green insfrastructure on ozone production in urban areas under heat period conditionsRamacher, M.,Karl, M.,Gebert, C.,Bieser, J.,Feldner, J. (2019)
In: 37th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Hamburg (DEU), 23.09.2019 - 27.09.2019. - conference lecture: Barcelona (ESP); 02.09.2019 - 07.09.2019Assessment of UV Filters and Parabens in a Small Portuguese Peri-Urban CatchmentFerreira, C.,Apel, C.,Bento, C.,Koetke, D.,Ferreira, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2019)
In: TERRAenVISION 2019, Barcelona (ESP), 02.09.2019 - 07.09.2019. - conference lecture (invited): Lüneburg (DEU); 22.11.2019Klimawandel in der Nordseeregion – Klimaziele und KlimaschutzQuante, M. (2019)
In: Vollversammlung der Handwerkskammer Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Stade, Lüneburg (DEU), 22.11.2019. - conference lecture (invited): Lüneburg (DEU); 21.10.2019Die Pariser Klimaziele und die Netto Negativen Emissionen – ein Blick in die ForschungslandschaftQuante, M. (2019)
In: Ringvorlesung Wissenschaft trägt Veranwortung, Lüneburg (DEU), 21.10.2019. - conference lecture: Santiago de Chile (RCH); 06.-08.11.2019The impact of BVOC emissions from urban forests on ozone production in urban areas under heat period conditionRamacher, M.O.P.,Karl, M.,Feldner, J. (2019)
In: 19th GEIA Conference, Santiago de Chile (RCH), 06.-08.11.2019. - conference lecture: Goeteborg (S); 04.-06.09.2019Contributions of shipping and traffic emissions to city scale NO2 and PM2.5 exposure in HamburgRamacher, M.O.P.,Matthias, V.,Karl, M.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M. (2019)
In: Shipping and the Environment 2019, Goeteborg (S), 04.-06.09.2019.
- conference lecture: Rom (I); 13.-17.05.2018Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in the sediment of the Bohai and Yellow SeasApel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018)
In: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rom (I), 13.-17.05.2018. - conference paper: null; nullAn Analysis of Modelled Long-Term Trends of Sulphur in the AtmosphereArndt, J.A.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Geyer, B.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2018)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV : Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 37-41, Springer, Cham. - conference poster: Rom (I); 13.-17.05.2018Occurrence and distribution of legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and fluorinated alternatives in coastal waters of the German North and Baltic SeasJoerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018)
In: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rom (I), 13.-17.05.2018. - conference lecture (invited): Rostock (D); 16.01.2018How shipping and agriculture impact air quality in coastal regionsMatthias, V. (2018)
In: Seminar Joint Mass Spectrometry Center der Uni Rostock, Rostock (D), 16.01.2018. - conference paper: Mistelbach (A); 27.-30.10.2015Die fruehmittelalterlichen Fundstellen von Thunau am Kamp (NÖ) und ihre bioanthropologischen Evidenzen – eine ZusammenfassungTeschler-Nicola, M.,Novotny, F.,Spannagl-Steiner, M.,Haring, E.,Irrgeher, J.,Zitek, A.,Rumpelmayr, K.,Wild, E.M.,Tautscher, B.,Prohaska, T. (2018)
In: Archaeologische Forschungen in Niederoesterreich, 50 Jahre Archaeologie in Thunau am Kamp - Festschrift fuer Herwig Friesinger, Vol. 5, 219-240, Edition Donau-Universitaet Krems, Krems, Mistelbach (A), 27.-30.10.2015. - conference poster: Loen (N); 10.-13.06.2018Offshore Wind Constructions: Corrosion Protection as a New Potential Source of Inorganic Contaminants into the Marine Environment?Reese, A.,Voigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2018)
In: 9th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Loen (N), 10.-13.06.2018. - conference lecture: Krakau (PL); 26.-31.08.2018Organic UV stabilizers in the coastal and marine environment of Europe and ChinaApel, C.,Tang, J.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018)
In: 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DioXin 2018, Krakau (PL), 26.-31.08.2018. - conference poster: Berlin (D); 03.-06.09.2018Charakterisierung galvanischer Anodenmaterialien zur Identifizierung potentieller Tracer für anorganische Kontaminanten aus Offshore-WindparksReese, A.,Voigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2018)
In: 26. ICPMS-Anwendertreffen und 13. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, Berlin (D), 03.-06.09.2018. - conference lecture: Oldenburg (D); 11.-14.09.2018Microplastics in coastal North Sea sediments – Analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyHildebrandt, L.,Lorenz, C.,Primpke, S.,Gerdts, G. (2018)
In: Conference for Young Marine Researchers, Youmares 9 Conference, Oldenburg (D), 11.-14.09.2018. - conference poster: Ascona (CH); 28.-31.10.2018Microplastics in Coastal North Sea Sediments – Analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyHildebrandt, L.,Lorenz, C.,Primpke, S.,Gerdts, G. (2018)
In: Nano and Microplastics in Technical and Freshwater Systems, Microplastics 2018, Ascona (CH), 28.-31.10.2018. - conference lecture: Rom (I); 13.-17.05.2018Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in the sediment of the North and Baltic SeasApel, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2018)
In: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rom (I), 13.-17.05.2018. - conference lecture (invited): Loen (N); 10.-13.06.2018Extreme natural abundance variation of multiple isotopes in the estuaries of large rivers to the North SeaIrrgeher, J.,Reese, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Proefrock, D. (2018)
In: 9th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Loen (N), 10.-13.06.2018. - conference lecture (invited): Piraeus (GR); 21.11.2018Air pollution in harbour cities - Contributions from shipping and how they can be reducedAulinger, A.,Karl, M.,Ramacher, M.,Quante, M.,Lebmeier, M.,Beiersdorf, A.,Matthias, V. (2018)
In: Best Practices for Ports, Piraeus Port Workshop, Piraeus (GR), 21.11.2018. - conference paper: Chania, Kreta (GR); 03.-07.10.2016Investigation of Current and Future Nitrogen Depositions and Their Impact on Sensitive Ecosystems in EuropeBieser, J.,Backes, A.M.,Matthias, V. (2018)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV - ITM 2016, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 469-475, Springer, Cham, Chania, Kreta (GR), 03.-07.10.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Stuttgart (D); 13.-14.11.2018The Effect of Electro Mobility on Air Quality in HamburgKarl, M.,Ramacher, M.O.P. (2018)
In: 2nd Korea-Germany Environmental Workshop, Urban air pollution control facing human health, Stuttgart (D), 13.-14.11.2018. - conference poster: Loen (N); 10.-13.06.2018A first comprehensive study in zinc isotopic variation of water and sediment surface sediment samples from the Elbe RiverZimmermann, T.,Wieser, M.,Mohammed, F.,Proefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J. (2018)
In: 9th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2018, Loen (N), 10.-13.06.2018. - conference paper: null; nullThe Impact of Emissions from Ships in Ports on Regional and Urban Scale Air QualityRamacher, M.,Karl, M.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2018)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV. ITM 2016. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 309-316, Springer, Cham. - conference lecture: Berlin (D); 03.-06.09.2018Erste Ergebnisse zur Untersuchung von Zinkisotopenverhaeltnissen in Wasser- und Oberflaechensedimentproben der ElbeZimmermann, T.,Wieser, M.,Mohammed, F.,Proefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J. (2018)
In: Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, 13. Symposium und 26. ICPMS-Anwendertreffen, Berlin (D), 03.-06.09.2018. - conference lecture: Geesthacht (D); 31.07.-02.08.2018New, automated sample preparation techniques for the analysis of non-traditional stable isotopes in environmental samplesZimmermann, T.,Retzmann, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Proefrock, D. (2018)
In: DAAS-Doktorandenseminar 2018, Geesthacht (D), 31.07.-02.08.2018. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (D); 10.11.2018Ist die Seeluft noch sauber? Wie und wo Schiffsemissionen die Luft belastenMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Karl, M.,Neumann, D.,Ramacher, M.,Quante, M. (2018)
In: Maritime Nacht, Hamburg (D), 10.11.2018. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 12.11.2018Die Pariser Klimaziele und die Netto Negativen Emissionen – Ein Blick in die ForschungslandschaftQuante, M. (2018)
In: Wissenschaft traegt Verantwortung, Ringvorlesung, Lueneburg (D), 12.11.2018. - conference lecture (invited): Hitzacker (D); 10.11.2018Witterungsextreme im Klimawandel – Ursachen und PerspektivenQuante, M. (2018)
In: Natur und Kultur in der Elbtalaue, Jahrestagung Biosphaerenreservat Niedersaechsische Elbtalaue, Hitzacker (D), 10.11.2018. - conference lecture (invited): Newcastle (GB); 20.-21.09.2018PM emissions from ships and their influence on air qualityAulinger, A. (2018)
In: International Workshop on PM Filtration, Newcastle (GB), 20.-21.09.2018.
- conference lecture: Vancouver (CDN); 20.-25.08.2017Environmental occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of Laizhou Bay and Bohai SeaApel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017)
In: 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2017, Vancouver (CDN), 20.-25.08.2017. - conference poster: Sankt Anton / Arlberg (A); 19.-24.02.2017Investigation of elemental and isotopic fingerprints in riverine sediments from the German Elbe catchmentReese, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Zimmermann, T.,Proefrock, D. (2017)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2017, Sankt Anton / Arlberg (A), 19.-24.02.2017. - conference poster: Oslo (N); 18.-22.06.2017Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow SeasApel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017)
In: 16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2017, Oslo (N), 18.-22.06.2017. - conference poster: Oslo (N); 18.-22.06.2017Development of a LC-MS/MS method to determine synthetic antioxidants from plastic products in the marine environmentFengler, J.,Apel, C.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017)
In: 16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2017, Oslo (N), 18.-22.06.2017. - conference poster: Vancouver (CDN); 20.-25.08.2017Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow SeasApel, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2017)
In: 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2017, Vancouver (CDN), 20.-25.08.2017. - conference lecture (invited): St. Anton (A); 19.-24.02.2017Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in river catchment systems: Selected application examples using B, Mo, Sr, Pb, and Ti isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MSIrrgeher, J.,Dutschke, F.,Reese, A.,Retzmann, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Prohaska, T.,Wieser, M.E.,Proefrock, D. (2017)
In: European Winter Conference of Plasma Spektroskopie 2017, EWCPS 2017, St. Anton (A), 19.-24.02.2017. - conference poster: Sankt Anton / Arlberg (A); 19.-24.02.2017Multi-elemental characterization of anode materials used for cathodic corrosion protection of offshore structures using ICP-MS/MSVoigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2017)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2017, Sankt Anton / Arlberg (A), 19.-24.02.2017. - conference lecture (invited): Duisburg (D); 28.-29.11.2017Evolution of size and composition of vehicle-exhaust nanoparticles from point of emission to city scaleKarl, M. (2017)
In: Airborne Engineered Nanomaterials: Measurements, Implications and Modelling, NanoFASE Workshop on Airborne Nanomaterials, Duisburg (D), 28.-29.11.2017. - conference paper: null; nullEvaluation of seven chemistry transport models in the framework of eurodelta III intercomparison exerciseMircea, M.,Bessagnet, B.,Vivanco, M.G.,Cuvelier, C.,Pirovano, G.,Tsyro, S.,Aksoyoglu, S.,Manders, A.,Pay, M.-T.,Stern, R.,Aas, W.,Prévôt, A.S.H.,Aulinger, A.,Baldasano, J.M.,Bieser, J.,Briganti, G.,Calori, G.,Cappelletti, A.,Carnevale, C.,Ciarelli, G.,Colette, A.,Couvidat, F.,D’Isidoro,M.,Dupont, J.-C.,Fagerli, H.,Finardi, S.,Gonzalez, L.,Kranenburg, R.,Meleux, F.,Menut, L.,Roberts, P.,Rouïl, L.,Silibello, C.,Theobald, M.R.,Thunis, P.,Ung, A.,White, L. (2017)
In: 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO 18), 115-120, Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest. - conference lecture: Prag (CZ); 07.-10.11.2017Analytical challenges of origin determination of food with initial chemical composition modified by production practicesTchaikovsky, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Zitek, A.,Prohaska, T. (2017)
In: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, RAFA 2017, Prag (CZ), 07.-10.11.2017. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 13.11.2017Klimaveraenderungen und KlimaskepsisQuante, M. (2017)
In: Wissenschaft traegt Verantwortung, Ringvorlesung, Lueneburg (D), 13.11.2017. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 10.-16.09.2017Using modern analytical ecogeochemical methods to study and protect sturgeon populationsZitek, A.,Tchaikovsky, A.,Bakhshalizadeh, S.,Irrgeher, J.,Opper, C.,Congiu, L.,Prohaska, T. (2017)
In: 8th International Symposium on Sturgeons, ISS 8, Wien (A), 10.-16.09.2017. - conference poster: Paris (F); 13.-18.08.2017A new fully automated sample preparation system for the isotopic analysis of Sr, P band Nd via MC ICP-MS and its application to sediment digestsZimmermann, T.,Retzmann, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Proefrock, D. (2017)
In: International Conference Goldschmidt 2017, Paris (F), 13.-18.08.2017.
- conference paper: Montpellier (F); 04.-08.05.2015Influence of ammonia emissions on aerosol formation in northern and central EuropeBackes, A.M.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2016)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV - Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 29-35, Springer International Publishing, Montpellier (F), 04.-08.05.2015. - conference lecture: Tours (F); 04.-09.09.2016Source attribution of particulate sulfate concentrations at chosen measurement stations in Europe by the use of the CMAQ chemistry transport modelNeumann, D.,Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M.,Bieser, J. (2016)
In: 22nd European Aerosol Conference 2016, Tours (F), 04.-09.09.2016. - conference lecture: Mailand (I); 15.-18.03.2016Modelling and Comparing the Impact of three Sea Salt Emission Parameterizations on Atmospheric Nitrate Concentrations in the North-Western European RegionNeumann, D.,Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M. (2016)
In: 10th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application, Mailand (I), 15.-18.03.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Goiania (BR); 29.05.-02.06.2016QA/QC in research networks – The Global Mercury Observation System as an exampleEbinghaus, R. (2016)
In: 39th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Special Workshop on Environmental Observation Network and Analytical Quality Control, Goiania (BR), 29.05.-02.06.2016. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 28.02.-02.03.2016Application and optimization of inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for ultra-trace element analysis of undiluted seawaterZimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2016, Hamburg (D), 28.02.-02.03.2016. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 13.-15.04.2016The use of stable isotopes to trace soil erosionProhaska, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Zitek, A. (2016)
In: An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - Phase II, Joint Seminar TW-AT, Wien (A), 13.-15.04.2016. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 13.-15.04.2016Development of a Multi-Isotope Tracer Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems on the Example of the German Wadden SeaIrrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Zitek, A.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - Phase II, Joint Seminar TW-AT, Wien (A), 13.-15.04.2016. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 13.-15.04.2016A multiscale approach of analytical ecogeochemistry in climate change research: background and tools in the context of aquatic ecosystemsZitek, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T. (2016)
In: An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - Phase II, Joint Seminar TW-AT, Wien (A), 13.-15.04.2016. - conference paper: Montpellier (F); 04.-08.05.2015Effect of Sea Salt Emissions on Anthropogenic Air Pollution and Nitrogen Deposition in Northwestern EuropeNeumann, D.,Bieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V. (2016)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV - Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 55-59, Springer International Publishing, Montpellier (F), 04.-08.05.2015. - conference lecture: Dresden (D); 22.-26.05.2016Development of an analytical approach using centrifugal field-flow-fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS/MS for the detection and characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the environmentDutschke, F.,Soto-Alvaredo, J.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A.,Bettmer, J. (2016)
In: 18th International Symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations, Dresden (D), 22.-26.05.2016. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 28.02.-02.03.2016Tracing of Nutrients and Pollutants in the German Wadden Sea Catchment via the Establishment of Aquatic IsoscapesIrrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Zitek, A.,Kleeberg, U.,Erbsloeh, H.-B.,Karcher, D.B.,Zimmermann, T.,Von der Au, M.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2016, Hamburg (D), 28.02.-02.03.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 06.01.-04.02.2016Emissions, regional and global distribution of „classical“ and „new“ POPsEbinghaus, R. (2016)
In: ERCA 2016, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 06.01.-04.02.2016. - conference poster: Prague (CZ); 06.-07.04.2016Provenancing of Fruit Raw Products using Elemental and Strontium Isotopic FingerprintsOpper, C.,Bonnet, S.,Irrgeher, J.,Leonhartsberger, K.,Eigner, C.,Diesner, M.,Maischberger, T.,Prohaska, T. (2016)
In: Assuring the integrity of the food chain: Fighting Food Fraud, FOODINTEGRITY 2016, Prague (CZ), 06.-07.04.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Goiania (BR); 29.05.-02.06.2016Regulated flame retardants and polyfluorinated compounds vs. their non-regulated replacement substances – Good or only less bad for the environment?Ebinghaus, R. (2016)
In: 39th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Special Workshop on Environmental Observation Network and Analytical Quality Control, Goiania (BR), 29.05.-02.06.2016. - conference poster: Hamburg (D); 28.02.-02.03.2016Overview about the potential of collision cell ICP-MS and ICP-MS/MS for sensitive and interference free element and elemental speciation analysis of environmental samplesProefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J.,Zimmermann, T.,Retzmann, A.,Dutschke, F.,Erbsloeh, H.-B.,Ruhnau, C. (2016)
In: 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Massenspektrometrie, Hamburg (D), 28.02.-02.03.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 06.01.-04.02.2016Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2016)
In: ERCA 2016, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 06.01.-04.02.2016. - conference paper: Nida (LT); 13.-17.06.2016The North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA): What happens in the south west of BACC?Quante, M.,Colijn, F.,Noehren, I. (2016)
In: International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publication, Conference Proceedings, 1st Baltic Earth Conference, Vol. 9, 180-181, Nida (LT), 13.-17.06.2016. - conference lecture: Tucson, AZ (USA); 10.-16.01.2016Isotopic Tracer Tools for nutrients and pollutants in the Marine Ecosystem of the German Wadden SeaIrrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Zitek, A.,Kleeberg, U.,Erbsloeh, H.-B.,Karcher, D.B.,Zimmermann, T.,Von der Au, M.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: 2016 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Tucson, AZ (USA), 10.-16.01.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Nida (LT); 13.-17.06.2016The North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA): What happens in the south west of BACC?Quante, M.,Colijn, F.,Noehren, I. (2016)
In: 1st Baltic Earth Conference, Nida (LT), 13.-17.06.2016. - conference poster: Nantes (F); 22.-26.05.2016Distribution of organophosphate esters between the gas and particle phase – model predictions vs. measured dataSuehring, R.,Wolschke, H.,Diamond, M.L.,Jantunen, L.M.,Scheringer, M. (2016)
In: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting, Nantes (F), 22.-26.05.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Berlin (D); 14.-18.03.2016Klimawandel im Nord- und Ostseeraum - Ergebnisse neuer regionaler AssessmentsQuante, M. (2016)
In: DACH Tagung 2016, Berlin (D), 14.-18.03.2016. - conference lecture: Siegen (D); 12.-15.09.2016Element and Element Speciation Analysis of Environmental Samples: Current Challenges and SolutionsProefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J.,Zimmermann, T.,Dutschke, F.,Retzmann, A. (2016)
In: 12. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse und 25. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Siegen (D), 12.-15.09.2016. - conference poster: Siegen (D); 12.-15.09.2016IUPAC Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights - CIAAWIrrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Meija, J. (2016)
In: 12. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse und 25. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Siegen (D), 12.-15.09.2016. - conference paper: Montpellier (F); 04.-08.05.2015Diagnostic Evalutation of Bromine Reactions on Mercury ChemistryBieser, J.,Matthias, V.,Travnikov, O.,Hedgecock, I.M.,Gencarelli, C.,De Simone, F.,Weigelt, A.,Zhu, J (2016)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV - Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 519-523, Springer International Publishing, Montpellier (F), 04.-08.05.2015. - conference lecture: Chania, Kreta (GR); 03.-07.10.2016Investigation of Current and Future Nitrogen Depositions and Their Impact on Sensitive Ecosystems in EuropeBieser, J.,Backes, A.M.,Matthias, V. (2016)
In: 35th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, ITM 2016, Chania, Kreta (GR), 03.-07.10.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Berlin (D); 17.-18.11.2016Scenarios of shipping emissions in the North Sea region in 2030: Impact on air qualityMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Karl, M.,Quante, M. (2016)
In: Air quality and emissions reduction from shipping – with regional focus on Baltic and North Seas, International Conference „BLUE SKY OVER THE SEA?“, Berlin (D), 17.-18.11.2016. - conference lecture: Tucson, AZ (USA); 10.-16.01.2016Optimization and Application of ICP-MS/MS for the Analysis of Elements and Element Species of Growing ConcernProefrock, D.,Zimmermann, T.,Retzmann, A. (2016)
In: 2016 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Tucson, AZ (USA), 10.-16.01.2016. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 30.8.-02.09.2016Linking Catchments and Coastal Seas –New Possibilities Through the Application of Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes and Elemental Fingerprints to Trace Sources and Sinks of Inorganic Contaminants in the Wadden SeaProefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J.,Zimmermann, T.,Kleeberg, U. (2016)
In: Sino-German Workshop Biogeochemical Pressures and their Effects on Marine Ecosystems in China and Europe, Hamburg (D), 30.8.-02.09.2016. - conference poster: Siegen (D); 12.-15.09.2016Optimization of a new fully-automated sample preparation system for isotopic analysis of sediment digests via MC ICP-MSZimmermann, T.,Retzmann, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: 12. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse und 25. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Siegen (D), 12.-15.09.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (D); 19.-22.07.2016Developments in element and element speciation analysis of environmental samples - Recent trends and future perspectivesProefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J.,Zimmermann, T.,Dutschke, F.,Erbsloeh, H.-B.,Ruhnau, C. (2016)
In: International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, ISEAC 39 - Environmental and Food Monitoring, Hamburg (D), 19.-22.07.2016. - conference poster: Wien (A); 29.-30.09.2016Optimized strategies for the characterization of TiO2-nanoparticles in complex environmental matrices like sediments and water samples using centrifugal-FFF hyphenated to ICP-MS/MSDutschke, F.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: 4th Workshop on Field Flow Fractionation (FFF) and Mass Spectro-metric techniques (MS), Wien (A), 29.-30.09.2016. - conference lecture (invited): Muenchen (D); 23.-27.08.2016Environmental impacts of international shipping and aviationMatthias, V. (2016)
In: 54th International Young Lawyers’ Congress AIJA, Muenchen (D), 23.-27.08.2016. - conference poster: Hamburg (D); 19.-21.07.2016Optimization of novel automated sample preparation systems for elemental and isotopic analysis of environmental samples via (MC) ICP-MSZimmermann, T.,Retzmann, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: 39th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, ISEAC 39, Hamburg (D), 19.-21.07.2016. - conference poster: Bremen (D); 03.-07.07.2016Emission of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from a textile manufacturing plant in ChinaHeydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016)
In: 5th International Symposium on Organofluorine Compounds in Biomedical, Materials and Agriculture Sciences, FluorineDays 2016, Bremen (D), 03.-07.07.2016. - conference lecture: Florenz (I); 29.08.-02.09.2016Emission of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from a textile manufacturing plant in ChinaHeydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2016)
In: 36th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2016, Florenz (I), 29.08.-02.09.2016. - conference lecture: Barcelona (E); 06.-07.10.2016Application and Possibilities of ICP-QQQ for Marine Environmental ResearchProefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J.,Zimmermann, T.,Dutschke, F. (2016)
In: Agilent ICP-QQQ European User Group Meeting, Barcelona (E), 06.-07.10.2016. - conference lecture: Siegen (D); 12.-15.09.2016Precise titanium isotope ratio measurements using MC ICP-MS: Method validation and characterization of TiO2 nanoparticlesIrrgeher, J.,Dutschke, F.,Proefrock, D. (2016)
In: 12. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse und 25. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Siegen (D), 12.-15.09.2016.
- conference lecture: Toulon (F); 01.-06.06.2015Hybrid sailing to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the maritime transportation sectorBonduelle, A.,Rynikiewicz, C.,Neumann, D. (2015)
In: Eceee 2015 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, Toulon (F), 01.-06.06.2015. - conference paper: Toulon (F); 01.-06.06.2015Hybrid sailing to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the maritime transportation sectorBonduelle, A.,Rynikiewicz, C.,Neumann, D. (2015)
In: Eceee 2015 Summer Study proceedings, 863-872, Toulon (F), 01.-06.06.2015. - conference lecture: Burg Blomberg (D); 22.-24.06.2015Vorkommen und Verbreitung von perfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFASs) in europaeischen und chinesischen Fluss-Aestuar SystemenHeydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: 2. Forum Junger Umweltwissenschaftler, Burg Blomberg (D), 22.-24.06.2015. - conference poster: Leipzig (D); 20.-24.09.2015Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of rivers distributed over EuropeApel, C.,Wolschke, H.,Massei, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2015, Leipzig (D), 20.-24.09.2015. - conference poster: Golden, CO (USA); 12.-14.07.2015Development of a method for the simultaneous determination of Polyfluorinated Phosphate Esters (PAPs) and other Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in sedimentsHeydebreck, F.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, Fluoros 2015, Golden, CO (USA), 12.-14.07.2015. - conference poster: Muenster (D); 22.-26.02.2015On-line matrix removal and preconcentration using the ESI seaFAST system coupled to ICP-MS/MS for the ultra-trace analysis of undiluted seawaterZimmermann, T.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A. (2015)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2015, Muenster (D), 22.-26.02.2015. - conference poster: Montpellier (F); 04.-08.05.2015Effect of sea salt emissions on anthropogenic air pollution and nitrogen deposition in northwestern EuropeNeumann, D.,Bieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V. (2015)
In: 34th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, ITM 2015, Montpellier (F), 04.-08.05.2015. - conference lecture: Mailand (I); 07.-11.09.2015Comparing three sea salt emission parameterizations in the North-Western European domainNeumann, D.,Bieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Backes, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2015)
In: European Aerosol Conference, EAC 2015, Mailand (I), 07.-11.09.2015. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 24.-26.02.2015Klimawissenschaft und Klimaschutz: Was kann, was weiss die Klimawissenschaft und wie sollte die Gesellschaft sie nutzen?Quante, M. (2015)
In: Klima, Wandel, Gerechtigkeit - Leuphana Konferenzwoche 2015, Lueneburg (D), 24.-26.02.2015. - conference lecture: Muenster (D); 22.-26.02.2015ICP-MS and hyphenated techniques for trace analysis of emerging contaminants in marine environmental samplesProefrock, D.,Gonzalez-Gago, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Retzmann, A.,Prange, A. (2015)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2015, Muenster (D), 22.-26.02.2015. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 12.-17.04.2015Assessments of regional climate change and its impacts in Northern EuropeReckermann, M.,Storch, H.v.,Quante, M.,Omstedt, A. (2015)
In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, EGU 2015, Wien (A), 12.-17.04.2015. - conference poster: Berlin (D); 10.-12.03.2015Are geotextile scour protections of offshore wind turbines a source of environmental contaminants?Sturm, R.,Gutow, L.,Winkelmann, M.,Gandrass, J.,Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Krone, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, CWW 2015, Berlin (D), 10.-12.03.2015. - conference poster: Leipzig (D); 20.-24.09.2015PFOA vs. its replacement substance HFPO-DA: Their current environmental releases and fates in coastal rivers of Germany and ChinaHeydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE 2015, Leipzig (D), 20.-24.09.2015. - conference poster: Golden, CO (USA); 12.-14.07.2015PFOA vs. its replacement substance HFPO-DA: Their current environmental releases and fates in the rivers and coastal environment of Germany and ChinaHeydebreck, F.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, Fluoros 2015, Golden, CO (USA), 12.-14.07.2015. - conference poster: Sao Paulo (BR); 23.-28.08.2015Accelerated solvent extraction combined with in-line cleanup and GC-MS/MS with isotope dilution techniques to determine trace-level carbazoles in sedimentChen, W.-L.,Xie, Z.,Wolschke, H.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: 35th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2015, Sao Paulo (BR), 23.-28.08.2015. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 02.11.2015Klimaveraenderungen und KlimaskepsisQuante, M. (2015)
In: Wissenschaft traegt Verantwortung, Ringvorlesung, Lueneburg (D), 02.11.2015. - conference poster: Prag (CZ); 16.-21.08.2015Development of a Multi-Isotope Tracer Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems on the Example of the German Wadden SeaIrrheher, J.,Proefrock, D.,Prohaska, T.,Zitek, A.,Kleeberg, U.,Erbsloeh, B.,Prange, A. (2015)
In: 2015 Goldschmidt Conference, Prag (CZ), 16.-21.08.2015. - conference poster: Montpellier (F); 04.-08.05.2015Influence of ammonia emissions on aerosol formation in northern and central EuropeBackes, A.M.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2015)
In: 34th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, ITM 2015, Montpellier (F), 04.-08.05.2015. - conference lecture: Mistelbach (A); 27.-30.10.2015Die fruehmittelalterlichen Fundstellen von Thunau am Kamp (NÖ) und ihre bioanthropologischen Evidenzen – eine ZusammenfassungTeschler-Nicola, M.,Novotny, F.,Spannagl-Steiner, M.,Haring, E.,Irrgeher, J.,Zitek, A.,Rumpelmayr, K.,Wild, E.M.,Tautscher, B.,Prohaska, T. (2015)
In: 50 Jahre Archaeologie in Thunau. Zur Situation eines oesterreichischen Langzeitprojektes, Mistelbach (A), 27.-30.10.2015. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 07.11.2015Gesunde Seeluft Fehlanzeige? Wie dicke Poette Hamburgs Luft belastenMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Neumann, D.,Quante, M. (2015)
In: Nacht des Wissens, 2015, Universitaet Hamburg, Hamburg (D), 07.11.2015. - conference lecture: Montpellier (F); 04.-08.05.2015Diagnostic Evalutation of Bromine Reactions on Mercury ChemistryBieser, J.,Matthias, V.,Travnikov, O.,Hedgecock, I.M.,Gencarelli, C.,De Simone, F.,Weigelt, A.,Zhu, J (2015)
In: 34th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, ITM 2015, Montpellier (F), 04.-08.05.2015. - conference lecture: Kaohsiung (RC); 04.-07.10.2015Determination of Carbazoles in Sediment from Environmental Water Bodies Using GC-MS/MS with Isotope Dilution TechniquesChen, W.-L.,Xie, Z.,Wolschke, H.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2015)
In: 2nd International Conference on Emerging Contaminants, EMCON Forum2015, Kaohsiung (RC), 04.-07.10.2015. - conference poster: Muenster (D); 22.-26.02.2015Separation and detection of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from marine sediments samples using centrifugal-Field-Flow-Fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS-MSDutschke, F.,Soto-Alvaredo, J.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A. (2015)
In: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2015, Muenster (D), 22.-26.02.2015. - conference lecture (invited): Guangzhou (VRC); 05.-08.11.2015Regulated flame retardants and polyfluorinated compounds vs. their non-regulated replacement substances – good or only less bad for the marine environment?Ebinghaus, R.,Heydebreck, F.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Tang, J. (2015)
In: 8th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, 8th NCEC, Guangzhou (VRC), 05.-08.11.2015. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 06.-10.09.2015Evaluation of the fate and the behavior of anthropogenic Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in seawater and marine sediments using Centrifugal Field-Flow-Fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS/MS (CFFF-ICP-MS/MS)Dutschke, F.,Soto-Alvaredo, J.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A.,Bettmer, J. (2015)
In: 10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Wien (A), 06.-10.09.2015. - conference lecture: Graz (A); 23.-26.03.2015Detection and separation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from marine sediments samples using centrifugal-Field-Flow-Fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS-MSDutschke, F.,Soto-Alvaredo, J.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A. (2015)
In: ANAKON 2015, Graz (A), 23.-26.03.2015.
- conference poster: Madrid (E); 31.08.-05.09.2014Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in the German BightSuehring, R.,Wolschke, H.,Koetke, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014)
In: 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014. - conference poster: Guiyang (VRC); 22.-26.09.2014Analysis and interpretation of 18 years of mercury observations since 1996 at Mace Head on the Atlantic Ocean coast of IrelandSlemr, F.,Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Manning, A.,Derwent, D.,Simmonds, P.,Spain, G.,Jennings, G. (2014)
In: 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014. - conference poster: Guiyang (VRC); 22.-26.09.2014Airborne mercury measurements in the plume of the Mt. Etna volcano (Italy) in July/August 2012Weigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Boedewadt, J.,Ammoscato, I.,Esposito, G.,Spoveri, F.,Mannarino, V.,Montagnoli, M.,Slemr, F. (2014)
In: 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014. - conference lecture: Guiyang (VRC); 22.-26.09.2014Airborne measurements of mercury emissions from a modern coal fired power plant in central EuropeWeigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Boedewadt, J.,Ammoscato, I.,Esposito, G.,Bieser, J.,Slemr, F. (2014)
In: 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014. - conference poster: Madrid (E); 31.08.-05.09.2014Occurrence of organophosphorous flame retardants and plasticizer in the River Elbe during the summer flood event 2013 – A case study at the barrage GeesthachtWolschke, H.,Suehring, R.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014)
In: 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014. - conference poster: Madrid (E); 31.08.-05.09.2014Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eelsSuehring, R.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Alaee, M.,Wolschke, H.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Marohn, L. (2014)
In: 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014. - conference lecture: Lund (S); 16.-19.06.2014Impacts of different coupling methods on regional atmosphere - Ocean simulationsHo-Hagemann, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Behrens, J. (2014)
In: 3rd Lund Regional-Scale Climate Modelling Workshop, 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling, Lund (S), 16.-19.06.2014. - conference poster: Madrid (E); 31.08.-05.09.2014Atmospheric concentrations of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizer in the German coast: case study at BuesumWolschke, H.,Mi, W.,Moeller, A.,Suehring, R.,Xie, Z.,Wang, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014)
In: 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014. - conference lecture (invited): Oslo (N); 18.-20.03.2014Scenarios for Future Shipping emissions in the North SeaAulinger, A.,Bieser, J. (2014)
In: Green Shipping Technology Conference, Oslo (N), 18.-20.03.2014. - conference paper: Utecht (NL); 07.-11.05.2012The relation of the planetary boundary layer height to the vertical aerosol distribution in chemistry transport modelsMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M. (2014)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXII - NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Proceedings of the 32nd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, 553-557, Springer Science, Utecht (NL), 07.-11.05.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Bremen (D); 02.-04.06.2014Shipping Emissions in the North Sea Area: Scenarios for 2030Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J. (2014)
In: International Conference Emission Control for Seagoing Ships, ECSS, Bremen (D), 02.-04.06.2014. - conference lecture: Utecht (NL); 07.-11.05.2012The relation of the planetary boundary layer height to the vertical aerosol distribution in chemistry transport modelsMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M. (2014)
In: 32nd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Utecht (NL), 07.-11.05.2012. - conference poster: Wien (A); 27.04.-02.05.2014Monitoring Shipping Emissions with In-situ Measurements of Trace GasesKattner, L.,Matthieu-Ueffing, B.,Aulinger, A.,Burrows, J.,Chirkov, M.,Matthias, V.,Neumann, D.,Richter, A.,Schmolke, S.,Seyler, A.,Theobald, N.,Wittrock, F. (2014)
In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, EGU 2014, Wien (A), 27.04.-02.05.2014. - conference lecture: Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D); 24.-28.03.2014Effects of Future Ship Emissions in the North Sea on Air QualityAulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M. (2014)
In: 9th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D), 24.-28.03.2014. - conference lecture: Guiyang (VRC); 22.-26.09.2014Mercury vertical profiles, measured in August 2013 over different locations in central EuropeWeigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Pirrone, N.,Boedewadt, J.,Ammoscato, I.,Esposito, G.,Bieser, J.,Slemr, F. (2014)
In: 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2014, Guiyang (VRC), 22.-26.09.2014. - conference lecture (invited): Yantai (VRC); 27.10.2014Long term speciated atmospheric mercury measurements at a Central European rural background siteWeigelt, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Bieser, J.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Bieber, E.,Hawkins, L. (2014)
In: Seminar at Yantai University, Yantai (VRC), 27.10.2014. - conference paper: Lund (S); 16.-19.06.2014Impacts of different coupling methods on regional atmosphere - Ocean simulationsHo-Hagemann, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Behrens, J. (2014)
In: International Baltic Earth Publication, 3rd Lund Regional-Scale Climate Modelling Workshop, 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling, Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3, 26-27, Lund (S), 16.-19.06.2014. - conference paper: Miami, FL (USA); 26.-30.08.2013Effects of Future Ship Emissions in the North Sea on Air QualityAulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M. (2014)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIII, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 33rd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Vol. 23, 295-300, Springer, Miami, FL (USA), 26.-30.08.2013. - conference paper: Miami, FL (USA); 26.-30.08.2013Air Pollution in China in January 2013Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Geyer, B.,Quante, M. (2014)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIII, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 33rd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Vol. 23, 211-217, Springer, Dordrecht, Miami, FL (USA), 26.-30.08.2013. - conference paper: Miami, FL (USA); 26.-30.08.2013Impact of Mercury Chemistry on Regional Concentration and Deposition PatternsBieser, J.,Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Geyer, B.,Hedgecock, I.,de Simone, F.,Gencarelli, C.,Travnikov, O. (2014)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIII, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 33rd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Vol. 23, 189-195, Springer, Dordrecht, Miami, FL (USA), 26.-30.08.2013. - conference lecture: Cape Town (ZA); 13.11.2014Regional and global distribution of mercury and halogenated flame retardants in the atmospheric and marine environmentEbinghaus, R. (2014)
In: Seminar at University of Western Cape, Cape Town (ZA), 13.11.2014. - conference lecture: Stellenbosch (ZA); 14.11.2014Regional and global distribution of mercury and halogenated flame retardants in the atmospheric and marine environmentEbinghaus, R. (2014)
In: Seminar at Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Stellenbosch (ZA), 14.11.2014. - conference paper: Madrid (E); 31.08.-05.09.2014Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in the German BightSuehring, R.,Wolschke, H.,Koetke, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2014)
In: Organohalogen compounds, 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. 76, 214-217, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014. - conference paper: Madrid (E); 31.08.-05.09.2014Maternal transfer of emerging brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in European eelsSuehring, R.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Alaee, M.,Wolschke, H.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Marohn, L. (2014)
In: Organohalogen compounds, 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2014, Vol. 76, 250-253, Madrid (E), 31.08.-05.09.2014. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (D); 10.12.2014Szenarien kuenftiger Schiffsemissionen auf der NordseeMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J. (2014)
In: Maritime Abgasrunde, Hamburg (D), 10.12.2014. - conference lecture: Muenster (D); 22.-24.09.2014Optimization of Centrifugal-FFF coupled to ICP-MS-MS for the detection of nanoparticles in marine samplesDutschke, F.,Soto-Alvaredo, J.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A. (2014)
In: 3. Doktorandenseminar des DAAS, Spektroskopie und Spurenanalytik, Muenster (D), 22.-24.09.2014. - conference poster: Geesthacht (D); 15.-18.09.2014Goldrausch oder die Frage was schmiere ich mir da ins Gesicht? Charakterisierung von anorganischen partikulaeren Bestandteilen in einem KosmetikproduktZimmermann, T.,Dutschke, F.,Soto-Alvaredo, J.,Krystek, P.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A. (2014)
In: 24. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen und 11. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren Elementspurenanalyse 2014, Geesthacht (D), 15.-18.09.2014. - conference lecture: Geesthacht (D); 15.-18.09.2014Optimization of Centrifugal-FFF coupled to ICP-MS-MS for the detection of nanoparticles in marine samplesDutschke, F.,Soto-Alvaredo, J.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A. (2014)
In: 24. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen und 11. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren Elementspurenanalyse 2014, Geesthacht (D), 15.-18.09.2014. - conference paper: Utecht (NL); 07.-11.05.2012Reconstruction of Past and Prediction of Future Benzo[a]pyrene Concentrations Over EuropeBieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2014)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXII - NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Proceedings of the 32nd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, 59-63, Springer Science, Utecht (NL), 07.-11.05.2012.
- conference lecture: San Francisco, CA (USA); 07.-10.04.2013Brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in European and American eels from glass to silver life stagesSuehring, R.,Byer, J.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Moeller, A.,Hodson, P.V.,Alaee, M.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013)
In: 6th International Symposium on Flame Retardants, BFR 2013, San Francisco, CA (USA), 07.-10.04.2013. - conference poster: Miami, FL (USA); 26.-30.08.2013Effects of future ship emissions in the North Sea on air qualityAulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M. (2013)
In: 33rd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Miami, FL (USA), 26.-30.08.2013. - conference paper: null; nullInfluence of emissions on regional atmospheric mercury concentrationsBieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2013)
In: E3S Web of Conferences : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Vol. 1, 27002, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis Cedex. - conference lecture: Miami, FL (USA); 26.-30.08.2013Impact of mercury chemistry on regional concentration and deposition patternsBieser, J.,Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Geyer, B.,Hedgecock, I.,de Simone, F.,Gencarelli, C.,Travnikov, O. (2013)
In: 33rd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Miami, FL (USA), 26.-30.08.2013. - conference poster: Birmingham (GB); 24.-25.04.2013Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of the German BightWolschke, H.,Heydebreck, F.,Xie, Z.,Suehring, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013)
In: 7th Network Conference on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Birmingham (GB), 24.-25.04.2013. - conference paper: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012CARIBIC observations of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphereSlemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Weigelt, A.,Kock, H.H.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Schuck, T.,Herrmann, M.,Zahn, A.,Velthoven, P.van,Martinsson, B.,Ziereis, H. (2013)
In: E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, 17001, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference lecture: Miami, FL (USA); 26.-30.08.2013Air pollution in China in Januray 2013Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Geyer, B.,Quante, M. (2013)
In: 33rd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Miami, FL (USA), 26.-30.08.2013. - conference lecture: Exeter (GB); 15.-19.04.2013The role of coupling in reducing biases of atmosphere, ocean and sea-ice simulationsHo, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Geyer, B.,Meyer, E. (2013)
In: 4th WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models, Exeter (GB), 15.-19.04.2013. - conference lecture: null; nullUrban Climate and Climate ChangeQuante, M. (2013)
In: Online Praesentation, Global Classroom ‐ Arizona State University / Leuphana University. - conference lecture: Offenbach / Main (D); 05.-08.03.2013How a two-way online coupled model system impacts regional climate simulationsHagemann, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Geyer, B.,Meyer, E. (2013)
In: COSMO/CLM User Seminar 2013, Offenbach / Main (D), 05.-08.03.2013. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 07.01.-08.02.2013Cloud and precipitation physics - An introductionQuante, M. (2013)
In: ERCA 2013, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 07.01.-08.02.2013. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 07.01.-08.02.2013The Role of Clouds in Climate and EnvironmentQuante, M. (2013)
In: ERCA 2013, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 07.01.-08.02.2013. - conference lecture (invited): Hannover (D); 10.04.2013Climate change and the implications to coastal regions and harbor citiesQuante, M. (2013)
In: Metropolitan Solutions Forum, Hannover Messe, Hannover (D), 10.04.2013. - conference poster: Glasgow (GB); 12.-16.05.2013Development and validation of a method for the determination of plastic additives in sedimentsHeydebreck, F.,Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013)
In: SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Glasgow (GB), 12.-16.05.2013. - conference poster: Zuerich (CH); 27.-30.08.2013COSTRICE - A coupled system for atmosphere, ocean and sea ice simulationsHagemann, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Geyer, B. (2013)
In: CLM-Assembly 2013, Zuerich (CH), 27.-30.08.2013. - conference poster: Glasgow (GB); 12.-16.05.2013Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of the German BightWolschke, H.,Heydebreck, F.,Xie, Z.,Suehring, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013)
In: SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Glasgow (GB), 12.-16.05.2013. - conference poster: Glasgow (GB); 12.-16.05.2013Novel brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in sediments from the German BightSuehring, R.,Quade, S.,Wolschke, H.,Heydebreck, F.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013)
In: SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Glasgow (GB), 12.-16.05.2013. - conference paper: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South AfricaSlemr, F.,Brunke, E.-G.,Wittlestobe, S.,Zahorowski, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Labuschagne, C. (2013)
In: E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, 17005, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference paper: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012Hg0 trends in the North and South Atlantic Marine Boundary LayerSoerensen, A.,Jacob, D.,Streets, D.,Witt, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Mason, R.,Andersson, M.,Sunderland, E. (2013)
In: E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, 7002, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Loccum (D); 01.-03.11.2013Auswirkungen des Schiffsverkehrs auf die Stickstoffdeposition in der NordseeQuante, M. (2013)
In: Nordsee zwischen Oekologie und Oekonomie, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Loccum (D), 01.-03.11.2013. - conference poster: Bordeaux (F); 26.-29.06.2013Passive sampling as a tool for time-integrated analysis of metals in marine waters using ICP-MS-MSPetersen, J.,Proefrock, D.,Broekaert, J.,Prange, A. (2013)
In: 6th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, IPSW 2013, Bordeaux (F), 26.-29.06.2013. - conference lecture: Liverpool (GB); 23.-24.10.2013The international North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA) - An analysis of the scientific legitimate knowledge for science and decision makingQuante, M.,Colijn, F. (2013)
In: The dynamics of shelf seas, Workshop, Liverpool (GB), 23.-24.10.2013. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 21.06.2013Wasser und KlimaQuante, M. (2013)
In: Auftaktveranstaltung der 2. Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit 2013 und 19. Umweltmesse, Lueneburg (D), 21.06.2013. - conference lecture (invited): Aurich (D); 31.10.-01.11.2013The International North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA) - An analysis of the scientific legitimate knowledge for science and decision makingQuante, M. (2013)
In: 23rd Meeting of the Wadden Sea Forum, WSF 23, Aurich (D), 31.10.-01.11.2013. - conference lecture (invited): Loccum (D); 01.-03.11.2013Der Norseeklimabericht – ein UeberblickQuante, M. (2013)
In: Nordsee zwischen Oekologie und Oekonomie, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Loccum (D), 01.-03.11.2013. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (D); 31.10.2013Geoengineering - Was steckt hinter dieser hoch umstrittenen Option dem Klimawandel zu begegnen?Quante, M. (2013)
In: Vortrag an der Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg (D), 31.10.2013. - conference paper: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012Speciated mercury measurements in ambient air from 2009 to 2011 at a Central European rural background monitoring siteWeigelt, A.,Bieber, E.,Temme, C.,Kock, H.H.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Ebinghaus, R. (2013)
In: E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Vol. 1, 17004, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference paper: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South AfricaBrunke, E.-G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Weigelt, A.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2013)
In: E3S Web of Conferences, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Vol. 1, 17002, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012.
- conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 09.01.-10.02.2012The role of clouds in climate and environmentQuante, M. (2012)
In: ERCA 2012, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 09.01.-10.02.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 09.01.-10.02.2012Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2012)
In: ERCA 2012, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 09.01.-10.02.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 09.01.-10.02.2012Geoengineering climate - An overview on suggestions and objections under discussionQuante, M. (2012)
In: ERCA 2012, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 09.01.-10.02.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 09.01.-10.02.2012Introduction to cloud and precipitation physicsQuante, M. (2012)
In: ERCA 2012, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 09.01.-10.02.2012. - conference paper: Turin (I); 27.09.-01.10.2010Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive emission model for EuropeBieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2012)
In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXI , Proceedings of the 31th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Vol. 4, 533-538, Springer, Dordrecht, Turin (I), 27.09.-01.10.2010. - conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 19.-21.03.2012CCLM-TRIM-NP-CICE a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice model for climate simulations over the North- and Baltic SeaHo, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Valcke, S. (2012)
In: REKLIM Workshop, Lueneburg (D), 19.-21.03.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Turku (FIN); 04.-08.06.2012Large-scale distribution of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds in the marine environmentEbinghaus, R. (2012)
In: Nordic Environmental Chemistry Conference, Turku (FIN), 04.-08.06.2012. - conference lecture: Salzhausen (D); 27.03.2012Das Wissen zum Klimawandel im norddeutschen Raum – Der Beitrag regionaler KlimaberichteQuante, M. (2012)
In: Vortragsabend im Rahmen des Jahresprogramms des niedersaechsischen Landfrauenverbandes Salzhausen, Salzhausen (D), 27.03.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 09.01.-10.02.2012Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: ERCA 2012, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 09.01.-10.02.2012. - conference lecture: Oslo (N); 01.-02.03.2012Non-PBDE halogenated and non-halogenated flame retardants: Replacements following the track of the banned PBDEs through the global oceans toward the Polar RegionsMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Wolschke, H.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: Sampling and Analysis of EmergingContaminants in the Aquatic Environment: Current and Future Challenges, Norman Workshop, Oslo (N), 01.-02.03.2012. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 22.-27.04.2012The 2-way online coupled Regional Model for climate simulation over Baltic Sea and North Sea RegionsHo, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Valcke, S (2012)
In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Wien (A), 22.-27.04.2012. - conference poster: Berlin (D); 22.-24.05.2012Brominated flame retardants and polychlorinated biphenyls in the Antarctic food webWolschke, H.,Cai, M.,Moeller, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, Berlin (D), 22.-24.05.2012. - conference lecture: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South AfricaSlemr, F.,Brunke, E.-G.,Wittlestobe, S.,Zahorowski, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Labuschagne, C. (2012)
In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference poster: Berlin (D); 20.-24.05.2012Proteom analysis of Blue Mussel tissue by two dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI – MSHelmholz, H.,Rieker, E.,Proefrock, Lassen, S.,Prange, A. (2012)
In: 6th World Congress, SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, SETAC 2012, Berlin (D), 20.-24.05.2012. - conference poster: Berlin (D); 20.-24.05.2012Metal exposure and associated effects in mussels: An integrated approach – hyphenated analytical techniques and biomarkersHelmholz, H.,Erk, M.,Proefrock, D.,Strizak, Z.,Ivankovic, D.,Prange, A. (2012)
In: 6th World Congress, SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, SETAC 2012, Berlin (D), 20.-24.05.2012. - conference poster: Berlin (D); 20.-24.05.2012Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, alternate brominated flame retardents and Dechloranes in sediments from German Bight and Laizhou Bay, ChinaQuade, S.,Zhao, Z.,Tang, J.,Zhong, G.,Sturm, R.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Zhang, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: 6th World Congress, SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, SETAC 2012, Berlin (D), 20.-24.05.2012. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 02.06.2012Der Klimawandel und seine regionale Auspraegung: Die Metropolregion HamburgQuante, M.,Meinke, I. (2012)
In: Umweltmesse Lueneburg 2012, Lueneburg (D), 02.06.2012. - conference lecture: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012CARIBIC observations of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphereSlemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Weigelt, A.,Kock, H.H.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Schuck, T.,Herrmann, M.,Zahn, A.,Velthoven, P.van,Martinsson, B.,Ziereis, H. (2012)
In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference lecture: Cairns (AUS); 26.-31.08.2012Contamination of the European EEL (Anguilla Anguilla) with Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes Throughout its Life CycleSuehring, R,Moeller, A.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2012, Cairns (AUS), 26.-31.08.2012. - conference lecture: Utecht (NL); 07.-11.05.2012Reconstruction of Past and Prediction of Future Benzo[a]pyrene Concentrations Over EuropeBieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2012)
In: 32nd International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Utecht (NL), 07.-11.05.2012. - conference lecture: Bremerhaven (D); 05.-06.09.2012Persistente Schadstoffe in der marinen Umwelt: Welche Rolle hat Microplastik bei Eintrag, Transport und VerbleibWolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Proefrock, D.,Prange, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: Mikroplastik! Quo Vadis? Workshop Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven (D), 05.-06.09.2012. - conference paper: Cairns (AUS); 26.-31.08.2012Contamination of the European EEL (Anguilla Anguilla) with Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes Throughout its Life CycleSuehring, R,Moeller, A.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: Organohalogen compounds, 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2012, Vol. 74, 540-543, Cairns (AUS), 26.-31.08.2012. - conference poster: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2011Ebinghaus, R.,Jennings, S.G.,Kock, H.H.,Derwent, R.G.,Manning, A.J.,Spain, T.G.,Weigelt, A. (2012)
In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference lecture: Leuven (B); 17.-20.09.2012COSTRICE - A Two-Way Online Coupled Regional Model System for Climate SimulationHo, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Geyer, B.,Meyer, E.,Valcke, S. (2012)
In: CLM-Assembly 2012, Leuven (B), 17.-20.09.2012. - conference poster: Leipzig (D); 11.-13.09.2012Brominated Flame Retardants and Dechloranes throughout the Life Cycle of the European EelSuehring, R,Moeller, A.,Freese, M.,Pohlmann, J.-D.,Wolschke, H.,Hanel, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: SETAC-GLB Jahrestagung, Leipzig (D), 11.-13.09.2012. - conference poster: Luebeck (D); 12.-14.09.2012Transport modelling of Marine Litter in the North SeaNeumann, D.,Callies, U.,Matthies, M. (2012)
In: Between space and the seafloor - aqua vita est, YouMaRes 3, Luebeck (D), 12.-14.09.2012. - conference poster: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South AfricaBrunke, E.-G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Weigelt, A.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2012)
In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference lecture: Singapur (SGP); 13.-17.08.2012Distribution Characteristics of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Riverine and Marine Sediments of Laizhou Bay, North ChinaZhao, Z.,Tang, J.,Xie, Z.,Zhong, G.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Zhang, G. (2012)
In: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012, Singapur (SGP), 13.-17.08.2012. - conference poster: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012Speciated mercury measurements in ambient air from 2009 to 2011 at a Central European rural background monitoring siteWeigelt, A.,Bieber, E.,Temme, C.,Kock, H.H.,Schwerin, A.,Schuetze, M.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference lecture: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012Hg0 trends in the North and South Atlantic Marine Boundary LayerSoerensen, A.,Jacob, D.,Streets, D.,Witt, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Mason, R.,Andersson, M.,Sunderland, E. (2012)
In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012, Rom (I), 22.-27.09.2012. - conference poster: Berlin (D); 20.-24.05.2012Halogenated flame retardants in the marine atmosphere from Southeast Asia toward AntarcticaMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2012)
In: 6th World Congress, SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, SETAC 2012, Berlin (D), 20.-24.05.2012.
- conference lecture: Denver, CO (USA); 24.-28.10.2011An Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Regional Model for climate simulation over Baltic Sea and North Sea RegionsHo, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Geyer, B.,Meyer, E.,Valcke, S. (2011)
In: WCRP Open Science Conference 2011, Denver, CO (USA), 24.-28.10.2011. - conference poster: Wien (A); 03.-08.04.2011Modelling Climate over Baltic Sea and North Sea Regions Using a Coupled Regional Ocean-Atmospheric ModelHo, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Geyer, B. (2011)
In: EGU General Assembly 2011, Wien (A), 03.-08.04.2011. - conference lecture: Mailand (I); 15.-19.05.2011Brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in air and seawater from the German Bight, North SeaMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Caba, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011)
In: SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, Mailand (I), 15.-19.05.2011. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 04.02.2011The Role of Clouds in Climate and EnvironmentQuante, M. (2011)
In: ERCA 2011, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 04.02.2011. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 21.-25.02.2011North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment – NOSCCAQuante, M.,Colijn, F. (2011)
In: ICES Working Group on Integrated Assessment of the North Sea, Hamburg (D), 21.-25.02.2011. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 10.01.-04.02.2011Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2011)
In: ERCA 2011, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 10.01.-04.02.2011. - conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 12.01.2011Das Wissen ueber den Klimawandel im Norddeutschen RaumQuante, M.,Meinke, I.,Reckermann, M. (2011)
In: Jahresversammlung Niedersaechsischer Landfrauenverband, Lueneburg (D), 12.01.2011. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 02.02.2011Cloud and precipitation physics – An introductionQuante, M. (2011)
In: ERCA 2011, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 02.02.2011. - conference lecture (invited): Zuerich (CH); 22.-25.03.2011Großraeumige Verteilung von neuartigen Problemstoffen in der Meeresumwelt am Beispiel der Polyfluorierten VerbindungenEbinghaus, R. (2011)
In: ANAKON 2011, Zuerich (CH), 22.-25.03.2011. - conference lecture: Florenz (I); 03.-07.07.2011Decreasing trends in total gaseous mercury observations in baseline air at Mace Head, Ireland from 1996 to 2009Ebinghaus, R.,Jennings, G.,Kock, H.H.,Derwent, R.,Manning, A.,Spain, G. (2011)
In: 11th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, ICOBTE 2011, Florenz (I), 03.-07.07.2011. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 10.01.-04.02.2011Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)Ebinghaus, R. (2011)
In: ERCA 2011, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 10.01.-04.02.2011. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 11.-14.04.2011New Emerging Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Rivers Rhine and ElbeMoeller, A.,Bollmann, U.,Wolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011)
In: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Wien (A), 11.-14.04.2011. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 02.02.2011Geoengineering climate: An overview on suggestions and objections under discussionQuante, M. (2011)
In: ERCA 2011, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 02.02.2011. - conference poster: Halifax (CDN); 24.-29.07.2011Atmosphere Ocean Exchange of Mercury in a Coupled Regional Model for the North and Baltic Sea AreaBieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M.,Daewel, U.,Schrum, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011)
In: 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, ICMGP, Halifax (CDN), 24.-29.07.2011. - conference lecture (invited): Delmenhorst (D); 14.-16.11.2011Neuartige Problemstoffe in der kuestennahen und marinen UmweltEbinghaus, R. (2011)
In: Kuesten 2021, Gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Umweltveraenderungen als Herausforderungen fuer die Deutsche Kuestenforschung, Delmenhorst (D), 14.-16.11.2011. - conference lecture: Bruessel (B); 21.-25.08.2011Organophosphorus Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in the Atmosphere of the North SeaMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Caba, A.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011)
In: 31st International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2011, Bruessel (B), 21.-25.08.2011. - conference lecture: Bruessel (B); 21.-25.08.2011Polybrominated diphenyl ethers vs. alternate brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes from East Asia to the ArcticMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Cai, M.,Zhong, G.,Huang, P.,Cai, Mg.,Sturm, R.,He, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2011)
In: 31st International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2011, Bruessel (B), 21.-25.08.2011. - conference poster: Urbino (I); 13.-16.09.2011The Contribution of Ship Emissions to Enhanced Nitrogen Aerosol Concentration and Deposition in the North Sea RegionMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2011)
In: 3rd Urbino Symposium Air Quality and Climate Change, ACCENT, Urbino (I), 13.-16.09.2011. - conference lecture: Cava de Tirreni (I); 30.08.-02.09.2011Coupling Atmosphere and Ocean Models for climate simulation over Baltic Sea and North Sea RegionsHo, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Geyer, B.,Meyer, E.,Valcke, S. (2011)
In: 6th CLM-Community Assembly 2011, Cava de Tirreni (I), 30.08.-02.09.2011.
- conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 14.01.2010Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Klimawandel: Ein UpdateQuante, M. (2010)
In: Naturschutz aktuell - Naturschutz und Klimawandel, Oeffentliche Ringvorlesung der Alfred Toepfer Akademie fuer Naturschutz, Lueneburg (D), 14.01.2010. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (D); 01.-02.06.2010Luftschadstoffe aus Schiffsemissionen im NordseeraumMatthias, V.,Bewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2010)
In: Meeresumweltsymposium 2010, Hamburg (D), 01.-02.06.2010. - conference poster: Oslo (N); 08.-12.06.2010Polyfluoroalkylcompounds in the East Greenland Arctic OceanBusch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: International Polar Year's Oslo Science Conference, IPY-OSC, Oslo (N), 08.-12.06.2010. - conference poster: Sevilla (E); 23.-27.05.2010Polyfluoroalkylcompounds in the East Greenland Arctic OceanBusch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010. - conference poster: Dessau-Rosslau (D); 06.-09.09.2010Organophosphor-Flammschutzmittel im Oberflaechenwasser der kuestennahen UmweltBollmann, U.,Moeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Einax, J.W.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: Von der Erkenntnis zur Entscheidung, Umwelt 2010, Dessau-Rosslau (D), 06.-09.09.2010. - conference poster: Sevilla (E); 23.-27.05.2010Fate and Distribution of Total Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed on Transcontinental Flights by CARIBIC MeasurementsEbinghaus, R.,Slemr, F. (2010)
In: SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010. - conference poster: Dresden (D); 22.-25.06.2010Riverine Transport and Sources of Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds (PFCs) along the Rivers Elbe and RhineMoeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: Large River Basins: Danube meets Elbe, 38th IAD Conference, Dresden (D), 22.-25.06.2010. - conference poster: Sevilla (E); 23.-27.05.2010Distribution of benzotriazoles and benzothiazols in surface waters of German Rivers and the German BightWolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010. - conference poster: Dresden (D); 23.-25.06.2010Distribution of organic UV-filters in surface water of the River ElbeWolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: 38th Conference of the International Association for Danube Research, Large River Basins-Danube meets Elbe, Dresden (D), 23.-25.06.2010. - conference poster: Kyoto (J); 07.-09.04.2010Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants and Dechlorane Plus in air and seawater of the ArcticMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Busch, J.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: 5th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants, BFR 2010, Kyoto (J), 07.-09.04.2010. - conference poster: Oslo (N); 08.-12.06.2010Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the ArcticMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Busch, J.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: International Polar Year's Oslo Science Conference, IPY-OSC, Oslo (N), 08.-12.06.2010. - conference poster: Sevilla (E); 23.-27.05.2010Non-PBDE brominated flame retardants in air and seawater of the ArcticMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Busch, J.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Sevilla (E), 23.-27.05.2010. - conference lecture: San Antonio, TX (USA); 12.-17.09.2010Large-Scale Distribution and Transport of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Sea Water of the Northern and Southern Atlantic OceanMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010. - conference paper: San Antonio, TX (USA); 12.-17.09.2010Large-Scale Distribution and Transport of Dechlorane Plus in Air and Sea Water of the Northern and Southern Atlantic OceanMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: Organohalogen Compounds, 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, Vol. 72, 723-726, San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010. - conference poster: San Antonio, TX (USA); 12.-17.09.2010Levels and Transport of PBDES and Alternative Brominated Flame Retardants in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to the AntarcticaMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010. - conference lecture: Turin (I); 27.09.-01.10.2010Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive emission model for EuropeBieser, J.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2010)
In: 31th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Turin (I), 27.09.-01.10.2010. - conference lecture (invited): Hamburg (D); 07.09.2010Geht uns das Wasser aus? - Der Klimawandel und die Verfuegbarkeit der wichtigsten NaturressourceQuante, M. (2010)
In: Vortragsveranstaltung der Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Hamburg (D), 07.09.2010. - conference lecture (invited): List, Sylt (D); 21.09.2010Die Meere und der KlimawandelQuante, M. (2010)
In: Das Meer und wir, Arbeitnehmerfortbildung der Heinrich Boell-Stiftung in der Akademie am Meer, List, Sylt (D), 21.09.2010. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 06.-07.10.2010Modellierung der Atmosphaerischen Deposition von partikulaer gebundenem Stickstoff und Schwefel in deutschen Kuestenregionen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von SchiffsemissionenAulinger, A. (2010)
In: Geoinformationen fuer die Kuestenzone, Hamburg (D), 06.-07.10.2010. - conference lecture: Lerici (I); 18.-22.10.2010Particle Tracking in the German Bight, Comparing Drift Climatologies from Different Numerical ModelsCallies, U.,Kapitza, H.,Kappenberg, J.,Pluess, A. (2010)
In: Quantifying, Predicting, Exploiting Uncertainties in Marine Environments, Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment Conference, Lerici (I), 18.-22.10.2010. - conference lecture (invited): Bremen (D); 01.12.2010Naehrstoffeintrag aus der Luft - Beitrag zur EutrophierungMatthias, V. (2010)
In: Umsetzung der Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie, Fachtagung, Bremen (D), 01.12.2010. - conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 15.12.2010Das Wissen ueber den Klimawandel im Norddeutschen Raum – Beitrag regionaler KlimaberichteQuante, M.,Meinke, I.,Reckermann, M. (2010)
In: 22. Sitzung des Nachhaltigkeits-Rat Lueneburg, Lueneburg (D), 15.12.2010. - conference poster: Dessau-Rosslau (D); 06.-09.09.2010Verteilung von Benzothiazolen und Benzotriazolen entlang des Estuarbereichs der Elbe und WeserWolschke, H.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: Von der Erkenntnis zur Entscheidung, Umwelt 2010, Dessau-Rosslau (D), 06.-09.09.2010. - conference paper: San Antonio, TX (USA); 12.-17.09.2010Levels and Transport of PBDES and Alternative Brominated Flame Retardants in Air and Seawater from the Arctic to the AntarcticaMoeller, A.,Xie, Z.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2010)
In: Organohalogen Compounds, 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Dioxin 2010, Vol. 72, 729-731, San Antonio, TX (USA), 12.-17.09.2010.
- conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 12.01.-14.02.2009Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: ERCA 2009, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 12.01.-14.02.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 12.01.-14.02.2009Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2009)
In: ERCA 2009, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 12.01.-14.02.2009. - conference lecture: St. Petersburg (RUS); 01.-03.04.2009Overview of Available Observations and Future PlansEbinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Focusing on Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Arctic, Workshop, St. Petersburg (RUS), 01.-03.04.2009. - conference lecture: Goeteborg (S); 31.05.-04.06.2009Distribution of airborne polyfluorinated compounds in the marine atmosphere of the Atlantic and Southern OceanDreyer, A.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009. - conference lecture: Berlin (D); 16.-17.03.2009Perfluorierte Substanzen in der marinen UmweltAhrens, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: 3. Berliner LC/MS/MS Symposium, Berlin (D), 16.-17.03.2009. - conference poster: Koblenz (D); 21.-22.04.2009Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in landfill leachates in northern GermanyBusch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants Measures to minimize river contamination by WWTP discharges, Workshop, Koblenz (D), 21.-22.04.2009. - conference poster: Guiyang (VRC); 07.-12.06.2009Measurements of Total Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed by CARIBIC flightsKock, H.H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Slemr, F. (2009)
In: 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 25.01.2009Wasser – Das aussergewoehnliche Molekuel in Klima und UmweltQuante, M. (2009)
In: 9. Lueneburger Umweltfilmtage, Lueneburg (D), 25.01.2009. - conference poster: Guiyang (VRC); 07.-12.06.2009Understanding the role of the atmosphere around the Arctic Ocean during atmospheric mercury depletion eventsSteffen, A.,Bottenheim, J.,Staebler, R.,Netcheva, S.,Lee, P.,Cole, A.,Scherz, T.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009. - conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 14.01.2009Optische Phaenomene in der Atmosphaere – Vom Regenbogen bis zur Fata MorganaMatthias, V. (2009)
In: Vortrag im Naturmuseum Lueneburg, Lueneburg (D), 14.01.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Springe (D); 06.-07.01.2009Der Klimawandel in Vergangenheit und Zukunft, und was sagen Regionalmodelle fuer Norddeutschland voraus?Quante, M. (2009)
In: Freiwilliges Oekologisches Jahr Niedersachsen, Seminartreffen Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister, Springe (D), 06.-07.01.2009. - conference poster: Goeteborg (S); 31.05.-04.06.2009Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in biles of common dabs (Limanda limanda) collected at the coasts of Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Iceland and in the central North SeaKratzer, J.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009. - conference poster: Goeteborg (S); 31.05.-04.06.2009Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in landfill leachates in Northern GermanyBusch, J.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009. - conference lecture: Koblenz (D); 21.-22.04.2009Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in municipal waste water effluents and water samples along the river Elbe, GermanyAhrens, L.,Felizeter, S.,Sturm, R.,Xie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants, Workshop, Koblenz (D), 21.-22.04.2009. - conference poster: Guiyang (VRC); 07.-12.06.2009First annual time series of TGM measurements at Cape Point GAW station (34°21´S, 18°29´E)Brunke, E.G.,Labuschagne, C.,Mkololo, T.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Slemr, F. (2009)
In: 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009. - conference poster: Guiyang (VRC); 07.-12.06.2009Recent Developments in the GEOS-Chem Mercury Model and Application to Future Emission and Climate ScenariosCorbitt, B.,Jacob, D.,Holmes, C.,Smith-Downey, N.,Selin, N.,Streets, D.,Slemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009. - conference poster: Guiyang (VRC); 07.-12.06.2009Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at GAW Stations Mace Head, Ireland and Cape Point, South AfricaEbinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Brunke, E.G.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2009)
In: 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang (VRC), 07.-12.06.2009. - conference poster: Stockholm (S); 14.-17.06.2009Measuring indoor air concentrations of polyfluorinated compounds with Passive SamplersLanger, V.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: 12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Stockholm (S), 14.-17.06.2009. - conference poster: Stockholm (S); 14.-17.06.2009Determination of poly- and perfluorinated compounds (PFC) in the marine atmosphere of the Baltic SeaWeinberg, I.,Dreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: 12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Stockholm (S), 14.-17.06.2009. - conference poster: Koblenz (D); 21.-22.04.2009Polyfluoroalkyl compounds in municipal waste water effluents and water samples along the river Elbe, GermanyMoeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Water Framework Directive and Emerging Pollutants, Workshop, Koblenz (D), 21.-22.04.2009. - conference lecture: Goeteborg (S); 31.05.-04.06.2009Temporal trends of polyfluoroalkyl compounds in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the German BightAhrens, L.,Siebert, U.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009. - conference poster: Goeteborg (S); 31.05.-04.06.2009Poly- and perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in surface water along the River RhineMoeller, A.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Goeteborg (S), 31.05.-04.06.2009. - conference lecture: Westerbork (NL); 14.-18.09.2009Poleward range expansion without a southern contraction in the ground beetle Agonum viridicupreum (Coleoptera, Carabidae)Drees,C.,Brandmayr, P.,Buse, J.,Dieker, P.,Guerlich, S.,Habel, J.,Harry, I.,Haerdtle, W.,Matern, A.,Meyer, H.,Pizzolotto, R.,Quante, M.,Schaefer, K.,Schuldt, A.,Taboada, A.,Assmann, T. (2009)
In: Carabid Beetles as Bioindicators: Biogeographical, Ecological and Environmental Studies, 14th European Carabidologists Meeting, Westerbork (NL), 14.-18.09.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Wendisch Evern (D); 26.05.2009Der Klimawandel schreitet voran - welche Handlungsoptionen werden diskutiert?Quante, M. (2009)
In: Oeffentlicher Vortrag beim Verein "Alte Schule Wendisch Evern e.V.", Wendisch Evern (D), 26.05.2009. - conference paper: null; nullSpatial coverage and temporal trends of land-based atmospheric mercury measurements in the Northern and Southern HemispheresEbinghaus, R.,Banic, C.,Beauchamp, S.,Jaffe, D.,Kock, H.-H.,Pirrone, N.,Poissant, L.,Sprovieri, F.,Weiss-Penzias, P.S. (2009)
In: Mercury Fate and Transport in the Global Atmosphere - Emissions, Measurements and Models, 223-291, Springer. - conference lecture (invited): Feltre (I); 07.-12.09.2009Monitoring of Emerging Organic Pollutants in the Atmospheric and Marine EnvironmentEbinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Scuola Estiva: Metodi Innovativi nell'Analisi Chimica Ambientale, Feltre (I), 07.-12.09.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Trier (D); 23.-25.09.2009Umweltmonitoring von neuartigen Problemstoffen am Beispiel der Polyfluorierten Organischen Verbindungen (PFCs)Ebinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Umweltchemie Oekotoxikologie, Jahrestagung der GDCh-Fachgruppe, Trier (D), 23.-25.09.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Mein Schiff, Ostsee; 29.08.-05.09.2009Geht uns das Wasser aus ? Der Klimawandel und die Verfuegbarkeit der wichtigsten NaturressourceQuante, M. (2009)
In: Kreuzfahrt - Vortragsserie, Mein Schiff, Ostsee, 29.08.-05.09.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Mein Schiff, Ostsee; 29.08.-05.09.2009Was birgt die Wolke? - Die Rolle der Wolken in Wetter, Klima und UmweltQuante, M. (2009)
In: Kreuzfahrt - Vortragsserie, Mein Schiff, Ostsee, 29.08.-05.09.2009. - conference lecture: Delft (NL); 19.-23.10.2009Using windprofiler data in time and frequency domain for the evaluation of meteorological drivers employed in chemistry transport modellingQuante, M. (2009)
In: 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, Delft (NL), 19.-23.10.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Ratzeburg (D); 13.10.2009Klimawandel und Wasser - eine ProblemkartierungQuante, M. (2009)
In: Seminarreihe des Rotary-Club Ratzeburg, Ratzeburg (D), 13.10.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Mein Schiff, Ostsee; 29.08.-05.09.2009Wie sieht eine Wolke von innen aus? - Von der Beobachtung zum WetterberichtQuante, M. (2009)
In: Kreuzfahrt - Vortragsserie, Mein Schiff, Ostsee, 29.08.-05.09.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Zuerich (CH); 23.10.2009Regional and global cycling of atmospheric mercury - new insights from land-, ship- and aircraft-based measurementsEbinghaus, R. (2009)
In: Institutsseminar der ETH Zuerich, Institut fuer Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften, Zuerich (CH), 23.10.2009. - conference lecture (invited): Toulouse (F); 28.09.-02.10.2009Solar radiation and clouds – An overview on processes, interactions and trendsQuante, M. (2009)
In: 9th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAM, Applications of Meteorology, Toulouse (F), 28.09.-02.10.2009.
- conference lecture: Thessaloniki (GR); 24.-29.08.2008The aerosol distribution in Europe derived with the CMAQ model: Comparison to near surface in situ and sunphotometer measurementsMatthias, V. (2008)
In: European Aerosol Conference, EAC 2008, Thessaloniki (GR), 24.-29.08.2008. - conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 22.03.2008Wasser und Klima - Ein BeziehungsgeflechtQuante, M. (2008)
In: Wasser - Sehen, hoeren und begreifen, Veranstaltung zum Tag des Wassers im Wasserturm, Lueneburg (D), 22.03.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Rom (I); 07.-11.04.2008Spatial coverage and temporal trends of land-based atmospheric mercury measurements in the Northern and Southern HemispheresEbinghaus, R. (2008)
In: Joint International Conference of the UNEP Global Partnership on Atmospheric Mercury Transport and Fate Research & Task Force on Hemispheric Transport pof Air Pollution of the UNECE-LRTAP Convention, Rom (I), 07.-11.04.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 0701..-08.02.2008Introduction to Cloud PhysicsQuante, M. (2008)
In: ERCA 2008, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 0701..-08.02.2008. - conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 22.03.2008Wasserbilder in der AtmosphaereMatthias, V. (2008)
In: Wasser - Sehen, hoeren und begreifen, Veranstaltung zum Tag des Wassers im Wasserturm, Lueneburg (D), 22.03.2008. - conference lecture: Rotterdam (NL); 29.-30.05.2008The contribution of Benzo(a)pyrene ship emissions to air pollution in North Sea coastal areasBewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2008)
In: 2nd International Scientific Conference on Harbours, Air Quality and Climate Change, Rotterdam (NL), 29.-30.05.2008. - conference poster: Nuernberg (D); 24.-25.06.2008Messungen von atmosphaerischem Quecksilber im Rahmen von CARIBICKock, H.-H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Slemr, F.,Zahn, A. (2008)
In: Neue Entwicklungen bei der Messung und Beurteilung der Luftqualitaet, VDI-Tagung, Nuernberg (D), 24.-25.06.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 0701..-08.02.2008Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)Ebinghaus, R. (2008)
In: ERCA 2008, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 0701..-08.02.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 07.01.-08.02.2008Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2008)
In: ERCA 2008, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 07.01.-08.02.2008. - conference poster: Warschau (PL); 25.-29.05.2008The contribution of ship exhaust to air pollution in North Sea coastal areasBewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2008)
In: SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warschau (PL), 25.-29.05.2008. - conference lecture: Graz (A); 16.-17.06.2008The contribution of ship exhaust to air pollution in North Sea coastal areasBewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2008)
In: 17th International Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution, Graz (A), 16.-17.06.2008. - conference lecture: Wendisch Evern (D); 22.04.2008Der Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen in unserer RegionQuante, M.,Zakrzewski, R. (2008)
In: Abendvortrag in der Veranstaltungsreihe des Vereins Alte Schule Wendisch Evern e.V., Wendisch Evern (D), 22.04.2008. - conference lecture: Wien (A); 13.-18.04.2008Distribution of total gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphereSlemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.-H.,Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.,Zahn, A.,Velthoven, P.van,Hermann, M.,Martinsson, B. (2008)
In: EGU General Assembly 2008, Wien (A), 13.-18.04.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 27.01.2008Der Klimawandel und das Wasser - Was ist zu tun?Quante, M. (2008)
In: 8. Lueneburger Umweltfilmtage, Lueneburg (D), 27.01.2008. - conference poster: Warschau (PL); 25.-29.05.2008Occurrence and latitudinal distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers from the North Sea to the ArcticXie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R.,Lohmann, R.,Ruck, W. (2008)
In: SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warschau (PL), 25.-29.05.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 07.01.-08.02.2008The Role of Clouds in the Climate SystemQuante, M. (2008)
In: ERCA 2008, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 07.01.-08.02.2008. - conference lecture: Annecy (F); 07.-12.09.2008Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric mercury at GAW Stations Mace Head, Ireland and Cape Point, South AfricaEbinghaus, R.,Kock, H.-H.,Brunke, E.-G.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F. (2008)
In: 10th IGAC Conference, Bridging the scales in Atmospheric Chemistry : Local to Global, Annecy (F), 07.-12.09.2008. - conference paper: Cavtat (HR); 06.-09.10.2008Modelling of Benzo(a)pyrene Concentrations in North Sea Coastal Areas: Contribution of Ship EmissionsBewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2008)
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 586-590, Cavtat (HR), 06.-09.10.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Schwarzenbek (D); 15.04.2008Klimawandel und WasserverfuegbarkeitQuante, M. (2008)
In: Abendvortrag im Jahresprogramm der Freien Lauenburgischen Akademie fuer Wissenschaft und Kultur, Schwarzenbek (D), 15.04.2008. - conference lecture: Beijing (VRC); 21.-24.09.2008Polyfluorinated compounds in the air and surface water in the coastal environmentXie, Z.,Ahrens, L.,Sturm, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008)
In: 5th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, Beijing (VRC), 21.-24.09.2008. - conference paper: Toulouse (F); 24.-27.06.2008MOPS - A Morphodynamical Prediction System on Cluster ComputersKapitza, H. (2008)
In: High Performance Computing for Computational Science, VECPAR 2008, Vol. 5336, 63-68, Springer, Toulouse (F), 24.-27.06.2008. - conference paper: Birmingham (GB); 17.-22.08.2008Polyfluorinated Componds in Air Samples of the German Bight and HamburgDreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008)
In: Organohalogen Compounds, 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2008, Vol. 70, 1259-1262, Birmingham (GB), 17.-22.08.2008. - conference lecture: Birmingham (GB); 17.-22.08.2008Polyfluorinated Componds in Air Samples of the German Bight and HamburgDreyer, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008)
In: 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2008, Birmingham (GB), 17.-22.08.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 25.11.2008Der Klimawandel: Ursachen und Folgen in NiedersachsenQuante, M. (2008)
In: Das Klima wandelt sich - und unser Leben?, Lueneburg (D), 25.11.2008. - conference poster: Beijing (VRC); 21.-24.09.2008Temporal and Spatial Trends of Polyfluorinated Compounds in Common Seals (Phoca vitulina) from the North and Baltic SeaAhrens, L.,Xie, Z.,Siebert, U.,Ebinghaus, R. (2008)
In: 5th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, Beijing (VRC), 21.-24.09.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 13.11.2008Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Wasserverfuegbarkeit von OekosystemtypenQuante, M. (2008)
In: Naturschutz und Klimawandel, Alfred Toepfer Akademie fuer Naturschutz, Lueneburg (D), 13.11.2008. - conference poster: Amsterdam (NL); 29.09.-03.10.2008Evaluation of the spectral behaviour of model wind data as used for chemistry transport modellingQuante, M.,Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A. (2008)
In: EMS Annual Meeting, European Conference on Applied Climatology, ECAC 2008, Amsterdam (NL), 29.09.-03.10.2008. - conference lecture: Cavtat (HR); 06.-09.10.2008Modelling of Benzo(a)pyrene Concentrations in North Sea Coastal Areas: Contribution of Ship EmissionsBewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2008)
In: 12th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Cavtat (HR), 06.-09.10.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Bergen (N); 21.-22.08.2008Atmospheric transport of persistent pollutants and nutrients in North Sea coastal regionsMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2008)
In: Austausch ueber wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Universitaet Bergen/GKSS, Bergen (N), 21.-22.08.2008. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 25.06.2008Klimawandel und WasserverfuegbarkeitQuante, M. (2008)
In: Abendvortrag vor der Bezirksgruppe Hamburg/Lueneburg, Lueneburg (D), 25.06.2008. - conference lecture: Toulouse (F); 24.-27.06.2008MOPS - A Morphodynamical Prediction System on Cluster ComputersKapitza, H. (2008)
In: 8th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, VECPAR 08, Toulouse (F), 24.-27.06.2008. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 15.-16.05.2008Spectral behaviour of model wind data and a comparison to windprofiler observationsQuante, M. (2008)
In: Model Applications and Model Evaluation, Results of COST 728 Workshop am Zentrum fuer Marine und Atmosphaerische Wissenschaften, ZMAW, Hamburg (D), 15.-16.05.2008.
- conference lecture: Swindon (GB); 13.03.2007Using CMAQ for modelling the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon distribution over coastal Europe: status and prospectsQuante, M.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Bewersdorff, I. (2007)
In: Models-3: Recent Developments and Applications, Swindon (GB), 13.03.2007. - conference poster: Porto (P); 20.-24.05.2007A new method for the identification of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds in biota using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometryAhrens, L.,Plassmann, M.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2007)
In: SETAC Europe 2007, Porto (P), 20.-24.05.2007. - conference lecture: Limassol (CY); 27.-29.03.2007Simulating the atmospheric transport and deposition of Benzo(a)Pyrene over Europe in 2000 with different time-variant emission scenariosAulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2007)
In: 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Limassol (CY), 27.-29.03.2007. - conference lecture: Kuressaare, Saaremaa (EST); 04.-08.06.2007Long-range transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Europe and their deposition into the Baltic SeaAulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2007)
In: 5th Study Conference on BALTEX, Kuressaare, Saaremaa (EST), 04.-08.06.2007. - conference poster: Osnabrueck (D); 26.-28.09.2007Bestimmung von per- und polyfluorierten Alkylverbindungen mittels Fluessigkeitschromatographie - Elektrospray Ionisation - Tandem Massenspektrometrie in WasserAhrens, L.,Plassmann, M.,Felizeter, S.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2007)
In: Von der Chemodynamik in Oekosystemen zur Stoffbewertung, GDCh Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie Jahrestagung 2007, Osnabrueck (D), 26.-28.09.2007. - conference lecture: Limassol (CY); 27.-29.03.2007Simulating the benzo(a)pyrene distribution over Europe for 2000 and 2001Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2007)
In: 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Limassol (CY), 27.-29.03.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 08.01.-10.02.2007Emission sources, regional and global distribution of Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs)Ebinghaus, R. (2007)
In: ERCA 2007, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 08.01.-10.02.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 14.02.2007Wolken - Ihre Bedeutung fuer Wetter, Klima und UmweltQuante, M. (2007)
In: Oeffentlicher Vortrag im Naturmuseum Lueneburg im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins, Lueneburg (D), 14.02.2007. - conference lecture: Limassol (CY); 27.-29.03.2007Simulating the benzo(a)pyrene distribution over Europe for 2000 and 2001Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2007)
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, CD, Limassol (CY), 27.-29.03.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 08.01.-10.02.2007Introduction to Cloud PhysicsQuante, M. (2007)
In: ERCA 2007, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 08.01.-10.02.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 08.01.-10.02.2007Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2007)
In: ERCA 2007, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 08.01.-10.02.2007. - conference poster: Osnabrueck (D); 26.-28.09.2007Messungen von atmosphaerischem Quecksilber im Rahmen von CARIBICEbinghaus, R.,Brenninkmeijer, C.,Kock, H.H.,Slemr, F.,Zahn, A. (2007)
In: Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Osnabrueck (D), 26.-28.09.2007. - conference poster: Grenoble (F); 08.01.-10.02.2007Investigation and assessment of the past and future relevance of atmospheric input of PAHs into the ecosystem Wadden SeaBewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2007)
In: ERCA 2007, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 08.01.-10.02.2007. - conference poster: Porto (P); 20.-24.05.2007Determination of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in the river ElbePlassmann, M.,Ahrens, L.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2007)
In: SETAC Europe 2007, Porto (P), 20.-24.05.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 08.01.-10.02.2007The Role of Clouds in the Climate SystemQuante, M. (2007)
In: ERCA 2007, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 08.01.-10.02.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Geesthacht (D); 23.05.2007Klimawandel und Wasser - Bedeutung fuer Gletscher und WuestenQuante, M. (2007)
In: Fotovernissage Gletschereis und Wuestensand, Geesthacht (D), 23.05.2007. - conference lecture: Karlruhe (D); 09.10.2007Plaene am GKSS zur Nutzung von COSMO-CLM als meteorologischer Antrieb fuer das Chemietransportmodell CMAQQuante, M. (2007)
In: Workshop zu Chemie und Aerosol in COSMO und COSMO-CLM, Karlruhe (D), 09.10.2007. - conference poster: Tokio (J); 02.-07.09.2007Determination of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in water samplesAhrens, L.,Plassmann, M.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2007)
In: 27th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2007, Tokio (J), 02.-07.09.2007. - conference paper: Hamburg (D); 10.-14.09.2007Integritaetsueberlegungen beim Aufbau eines komplexen ModellsystemsKapitza, H. (2007)
In: Kurzfassungen der Meteorologentagung DACH, Deutsch-Oesterreichisch-Schweizerische Meteorologentagung 2007, Vol. 1, 152, Hamburg (D), 10.-14.09.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Sofia (BG); 01.-10.08.2007Atmospheric Aerosols - what they are and how they are represented in Chemistry Transport ModelsMatthias, V. (2007)
In: NATO Advanced Training Course on Modelling of the Transport and Transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere, Sofia (BG), 01.-10.08.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Lueneburg (D); 12.11.2007Klimawandel und WasserverfuegbarkeitQuante, M. (2007)
In: Festveranstaltung 100 Jahre Wasserturm Lueneburg, Lueneburg (D), 12.11.2007. - conference paper: Oxford (GB); 26.-29.06.2006The effect of temporal resolution of PAH emission data on transport and deposition patterns simulated with the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ)Bewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2007)
In: Proceedings of the TAC-Conference, International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, 241-246, Oxford (GB), 26.-29.06.2006. - conference paper: Tokio (J); 02.-07.09.2007Determination of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in water samplesAhrens, L.,Plassmann, M.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R. (2007)
In: Organohalogen Compounds, 27th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, DIOXIN 2007, Vol. 69, 2804-2807, Tokio (J), 02.-07.09.2007. - conference lecture: Westerland, Sylt (D); 05.-06.09.2007Die ersten Ergebnisse der CloudSat Mission und ihr moeglicher Nutzen fuer die Bewertung von Modellen zum Stofftransport und des photolytisch relevanten StrahlungsangebotsQuante, M. (2007)
In: Wolken-Strahlung-Mensch, Sonderseminarveranstalung der Universitaet Kiel, Westerland, Sylt (D), 05.-06.09.2007. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 10.-14.09.2007Integritaetsueberlegungen beim Aufbau eines komplexen ModellsystemsKapitza, H. (2007)
In: Deutsch-Oesterreichisch-Schweizerische Meteorologentagung 2007, Hamburg (D), 10.-14.09.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Bueckeburg (D); 13.07.2007Der Klimawandel - Ursachen und Antworten fuer die ZukunftQuante, M. (2007)
In: Bueckeburger Mittagsgespraech der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Bueckeburg (D), 13.07.2007. - conference lecture (invited): Moelln (D); 14.06.2007Wasserkreislauf und KlimawandelQuante, M. (2007)
In: Vortragsabend Rotary Club Herzogtum Lauenburg-Moelln, Moelln (D), 14.06.2007. - conference lecture: Aveiro (P); 24.-28.09.2007Modelling of Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) depositions over North Sea coastal areas: Impact of emissions from local and remote areasBewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2007)
In: International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Aveiro (P), 24.-28.09.2007. - conference lecture: Hongkong (VRC); 03.-06.06.2007Distribution and air-sea exchange fluxes of novel emerging organic contaminants in the North Sea and the ArcticXie, Z.,Ebinghaus, R.,Temme, C.,Lohmann, R.,Ruck, W. (2007)
In: 5th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Hongkong (VRC), 03.-06.06.2007.
- conference lecture: Toulouse (F); 15.-18.05.2006Evaluation of the meteorological Component of a chemistry transport modelling system using a suite of active and passive remote sensing instrumentsQuante, M.,Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A. (2006)
In: Applications of Atmospheric Profiles in Research and Operations, Final Symposium of COST 720, Toulouse (F), 15.-18.05.2006. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 16.-19.01.2006The role of clouds in the climate systemQuante, M. (2006)
In: ERCA 2006, Cours de Recherche Europeen sur les Atmospheres, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 16.-19.01.2006. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 16.-19.01.2006Introduction to Cloud PhysicsQuante, M. (2006)
In: ERCA 2006, Cours de Recherche Europeen sur les Atmospheres, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 16.-19.01.2006. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 09.01.-11.02.2006Emission sources, regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercuryEbinghaus, R. (2006)
In: ERCA 2006, Cours de Recherche Europeen sur les Atmospheres, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 09.01.-11.02.2006. - conference lecture (invited): Grenoble (F); 09.01.-11.02.2006Emission sources, regional and global distribution of classical and new Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)Ebinghaus, R. (2006)
In: ERCA 2006, Cours de Recherche Europeen sur les Atmospheres, European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble (F), 09.01.-11.02.2006. - conference lecture: Madison, WI (USA); 06.-11.08.2006European emissions of mercury derived from long-term observations at Mace Head, on the western Irish coastSlemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Simmonds, P.,Jennings, G. (2006)
In: 8th International Conference on Merucry as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI (USA), 06.-11.08.2006. - conference lecture: Hamburg (D); 31.01.2006Turbulenz in Cirruswolken der mittleren BreitenQuante, M. (2006)
In: Disputationsvortrag Universitaet Hamburg, Hamburg (D), 31.01.2006. - conference lecture: Madison, WI (USA); 06.-11.08.2006Distribution of gaseous mercury in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere as observed by CARIBIC flightsSlemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Zahn, A.,Brenninkmeijer, C. (2006)
In: 8th International Conference on Merucry as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI (USA), 06.-11.08.2006. - conference poster: Wien (A); 02.-07.04.2006Distribution of Gaseous Mercury in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Observed by CARIBIC flightsSlemr, F.,Ebinghaus, R.,Zahn, A.,Brenninkmeijer, C. (2006)
In: European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, Wien (A), 02.-07.04.2006. - conference poster: Den Haag (NL); 07.-11.05.2006Airborne polyfluorinated alkylated compounds – latitudinal trends between Europe and South AfricaJahnke, A.,Temme, C.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ahrens, L. (2006)
In: SETAC Europe 16th Annual Meeting, Den Haag (NL), 07.-11.05.2006. - conference poster: Oxford (GB); 26.-29.06.2006The effect of temporal resolution of PAH emission data on transport and deposition patterns simulated with the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ)Bewersdorff, I.,Aulinger, A.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2006)
In: International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, Oxford (GB), 26.-29.06.2006. - conference poster: Madison, WI (USA); 06.-11.08.2006Seasonal variations in gaseous elemental mercury concentrations at two altitudes in the atmospheric boundary layer at a coastal site (Cabauw, Netherlands)Kock, H.-H.,Collette, L.,Ebinghaus, R.,Quante, M. (2006)
In: 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI (USA), 06.-11.08.2006. - conference poster: Madison, WI (USA); 08.-12.08.2006Field intercomparison of mercury measurements in ambient air and precipitation within EMEPTemme, C.,Ebinghaus, R.,Schwerin, A.,Bieber, E. (2006)
In: 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI (USA), 08.-12.08.2006. - conference poster: Lancaster (GB); 24.-26.10.2006Airborne polyfluorinated alkyl substances in the marine atmosphere - comparison of concentrations between Northern Germany and remote regionsJahnke, A.,Berger, U.,Ebinghaus, R.,Temme, C. (2006)
In: Sources, Fate, Behaviour and Effects of Organic Chemicals at the Regional and Global Scale, Lancaster (GB), 24.-26.10.2006. - conference lecture (invited): Loccum (D); 17.-19.11.2006Der Klimawandel und die zukuenftige Verfuegbarkeit von WasserQuante, M. (2006)
In: Transnationale Gerechtigkeit im Zeitalter der Ressourcenkonflikte, Loccum (D), 17.-19.11.2006.
- conference lecture (invited): Kiel (D); 17.01.2005Cloud Radar Remote Sensing and related Projects in EuropeQuante, M. (2005)
In: Radarfernerkundung, Gastvortrag in Fernerkundung, Kiel (D), 17.01.2005. - conference lecture: Tokio (J); 22.-24.02.2005Two years of mercury atmospheric chemistry study in Ny Alesund, Svalbard. Air to Snow interaction. Seasonal evolution of mercury deposited onto Kongsvegen GlacierFerrari, C.,Gauchard, P.-A.,Temme, C.,Magand, O.,Bahlmann, E.,Ebinghaus, R.,Aspmo, K.,Berg, T.,Dommergue, A.,Planchon, F.,Nagorski, S.,Barbante, C.,Boutron, C.F. (2005)
In: Third International Symposium on the Arctic Research and Seventh Ny-Alesund Scientific Seminar, Tokio (J), 22.-24.02.2005. - conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 10.02.2005Verteilung und Transport des Wassers in der AtmosphaereQuante, M. (2005)
In: Vortrag im Fachbereich Umweltwissenschaften, Lueneburg (D), 10.02.2005. - conference poster: Valencia (E); 29.03.-01.04.2005Adapting CMAQ to investigate air pollution in North Sea coastal regionsMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2005)
In: 5th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Valencia (E), 29.03.-01.04.2005. - conference poster: Lille (F); 22.-26.05.2005Perfluorinated organic compounds in liver tissues of North Sea sealsHein, A.,Ebinghaus, R. (2005)
In: SETAC Europe 15th Annual Meeting, Lille (F), 22.-26.05.2005. - conference poster: Rio de Janeiro (BR); 05.-10.06.2005Atmospheric Accumulations of the Heavy Metals Lead, Mercury and Cadmium in Ombrotrophic Peatlands in the west of IrelandCoggins, M.,Jennings, G.,Ebinghaus, R. (2005)
In: 13th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Rio de Janeiro (BR), 05.-10.06.2005. - conference lecture: Athen (GR); 16.-20.05.2005Turbulence in cirrus clouds: what can models gain from observations?Quante, M.,Grassl, H.,Raschke, E.,Starr, D.O. (2005)
In: 3rd-Pan-GCSS, Athen (GR), 16.-20.05.2005. - conference poster: Toronto (CDN); 18.-20.08.2005Determination of airborne polyfluorinated organic compounds in Northern GermanyJahnke, A.,Temme, C.,Ahrens, L.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ruck, W. (2005)
In: FLUOROS Conference Toronto, Toronto (CDN), 18.-20.08.2005. - conference lecture: Muenchen (D); 04.-07.10.2005Einfuehrung in die Wolken- und NiederschlagsphysikQuante, M. (2005)
In: DWD-DLR Herbstschule Radarmeteorologie 2005, Muenchen (D), 04.-07.10.2005. - conference poster: Urbino (I); 12.-16.09.2005The influence of subgrid scale meteorological parameterisation schemes on PM10 deposition fields in North Sea coastal areasMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2005)
In: The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere, 1st ACCENT Symposium, Urbino (I), 12.-16.09.2005. - conference paper: Valencia (E); 29.03.-01.04.2005Adapting CMAQ to investigate air pollution in North Sea coastal regionsMatthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M. (2005)
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Urban Air quality - CDROM with collection of short papers, Valencia (E), 29.03.-01.04.2005.
- conference poster: Visby, Gotland (S); 06.-10.09.2004The Puzzling Difference between Radar Observations of Stratocumulus and Airborne in Situ DataRusschenberg, H.,Krasnov, O.,Crewell, S.,Loehnert, U.,Quante, M.,Meywerk, J.,Klein Baltink, H. (2004)
In: Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD 2004; ERAD3-A-00077, P0025, Visby, Gotland (S), 06.-10.09.2004. - conference lecture (invited): Oslo (N); 21.06.2004Cloud Radar Projects in EuropeQuante, M. (2004)
In: Guest Lecture at the University of Oslo, Oslo (N), 21.06.2004. - conference lecture: Laguna, CA (USA); 24.-27.05.2004Probing Clouds over the East China Sea in support for the planned ESA-JAXA EarthCare MissionQuante, M.,Matthias, V.,Meywerk, J.,Nagel, D.,Okamoto, H.,Kumagai, H.,Donovan, D.,Uchiyama, A.,Baptista, P.,Wursteisen, P. (2004)
In: CloudSat Science Team Meeting, Laguna, CA (USA), 24.-27.05.2004. - conference lecture: Visby, Gotland (S); 06.-10.09.2004Comparison of cloud microphysical parameters derived from conbined RADAR-LIDAR measurements and IN-SITU probes over the east China SeaQuante, M.,Matthias, V.,Nagel, D.,Meywerk, J.,Okamoto, H.,Kumagai, H.,Donovan, D.,Uchiyama, A.,Baptista, P.,Wursteisen, P. (2004)
In: Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD, Visby, Gotland (S), 06.-10.09.2004. - conference lecture: Visby, Gotland (S); 06.-10.09.2004Internal structure of stratiform and convective clouds as deduced from cloud radar measurements during the CliwaNet-BBC campaignsQuante, M.,Meywerk, J.,Matthias, V.,Siebert, H. (2004)
In: Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD, Visby, Gotland (S), 06.-10.09.2004. - conference poster: Matera (I); 12.-16.07.2004Comparison of EARLINET vertical extinction profiles and global aerosol modeling with LMDzT-INCA for the year 2000Matthias, V.,Boesenberg, J.,Guibert, S.,Schulz, M. (2004)
In: 22. International Laser Radar Conference, ILRC, Matera (I), 12.-16.07.2004. - conference lecture: Chicago, IL (USA); 07.-12.03.2004PLS Regression for River MonitoringEinax, J.W.,Aulinger, A. (2004)
In: PITTCON 2004, Chicago, IL (USA), 07.-12.03.2004. - conference poster: Ljubljana (SLO); 27.06.-03.07.2004Systematic studies on the apparent activation energy for mercury emission fluxes (MEFs) from soilsBahlmann, E.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ruck, W. (2004)
In: 7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana (SLO), 27.06.-03.07.2004. - conference poster: Ljubljana (SLO); 27.06.-03.07.2004The effect of soil moisture on the emission of mercury from soilsBahlmann, E.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ruck, W. (2004)
In: 7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana (SLO), 27.06.-03.07.2004. - conference poster: Ljubljana (SLO); 27.06.-03.07.2004Four years measurements of mercury depletion events (MDEs) at Ny Alesund, SvalbardBerg, T.,Aspmo, K.,Bahlmann, E.,Banic, C.,Deary, J.,Dommergue, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ferrari, C.,Gueheneux, G.,Gauchard, G.,Gardfelt, K.,Landis, M.,Magand, O.,Munthe, J.,Pirrone, N.,Planchon, F.,Sekkesaeter, S.,Sommar, J.,Sprovieri, F.,Stevens, R.,Temme, C.,Urba, A.,Valdal, A.-K-,Waengberg, I. (2004)
In: 7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana (SLO), 27.06.-03.07.2004. - conference poster: Bad Toelz (D); 22.-24.03.2004Intercomparison of different measures of cloud liquid water profiles from ground based remote sensing and in situ observationMeywerk, J.,Quante, M.,Nagel, D.,Rockel, B. (2004)
In: Atmosphaerenforschung 2000, AFO 2000 Abschluss-Symposium 2004, Bad Toelz (D), 22.-24.03.2004. - conference lecture: Bremerhaven (D); 07.-08.06.2004Seasonal Behavior of Atmospheric Mercury Species in Polar RegionsEbinghaus, R.,Temme, C. (2004)
In: Analytik als Werkzeug zur Klima- und Geoforschung, AMSEl Workshop 2004, Bremerhaven (D), 07.-08.06.2004. - conference lecture (invited): Maratea (I); 22.-27.05.2004Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atmospheric Mercury in Central and Northern Europe – Observations on Different Time-ScalesEbinghaus, R. (2004)
In: International workshop on harmonization of mercury measurement methods and models to assess source-receptor impacton air quality and human health, Maratea (I), 22.-27.05.2004. - conference poster: Ljubljana (SLO); 27.06.-03.07.2004A kinetic model to describe the effecht of soil temperature and soil moisture on mercury emission fluxes from soilsBahlmann, E.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ruck, W. (2004)
In: 7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana (SLO), 27.06.-03.07.2004. - conference poster: Ljubljana (SLO); 27.06.-03.07.2004Influence of solar radiation on mercury emission fluxes from soilsBahlmann, E.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ruck, W. (2004)
In: 7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana (SLO), 27.06.-03.07.2004. - conference poster: Bologna (I); 19.-23.07.2004Structure and length scales of a stratocumulus field developing under continental influence: The BBC case 23.09.01Quante, M.,Meywerk, J.,Nagel, D. (2004)
In: 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, ICCP 2004, Bologna (I), 19.-23.07.2004. - conference lecture: Visby (S); 06.-10.09.2004Radar observations of stratocumulus compared with in situ aircraft data and simulationsRusschenberg, H.,Crewell, S.,Loehnert, U.,Quante, M.,Meywerk, J.,Klein-Baltink, H.,Krasnov, O.,May, G.,van t`Hoff, E. (2004)
In: Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD, Visby (S), 06.-10.09.2004. - conference lecture (invited): Oberpfaffenhofen (D); 11.-12.10.2004Observations of turbulence in cirrus cloudsQuante, M. (2004)
In: COST 723, Data Exploitation and Modeling for the Upper Trposphere and Lower Stratosphere, Workshop on cirrus clouds and their supersaturated environment, Oberpfaffenhofen (D), 11.-12.10.2004. - conference poster: Aachen (D); 06.-08.10.2004Perfluorinated organic compounds in liver tissues of North Sea sealsHein, A.,Tuckermann, R.,Ebinghaus, R. (2004)
In: Crossing Borders - Molecular Mechanisms and Ecosystem Processes, Aachen (D), 06.-08.10.2004. - conference paper: Matera (I); 12.-16.07.2004Comparison of EARLINET vertical extinction profiles and global aerosol modeling with LMDzT-INCA for the year 2000Matthias, V.,Boesenberg, J.,Guibert, S.,Schulz, M. (2004)
In: Reviewed and Revised Papers of the 22nd International Laser Radar Conference, ILRC 2004, ESA SP-561, 915-918, Matera (I), 12.-16.07.2004. - conference paper: Visby (S); 06.-10.09.2004Radar observations of stratocumulus compared with in situ aircraft data and simulationsRusschenberg, H.,Crewell, S.,Loehnert, U.,Quante, M.,Meywerk, J.,Klein-Baltink, H.,Krasnov, O. (2004)
In: Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD Publication Series, Vol. 2, 296-300, Visby (S), 06.-10.09.2004. - conference lecture: Ljubljana (SLO); 27.06.-02.07.2004Characterizing Mercury Depletion Events in Ny-Alesund, 2003Steffen, A.,Berg, T.,Aspmo, K.,Bahlmann, E.,Banic, C.,Deary, J.,Dommergue, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ferrari, C.,Gauchard, P.-A.,Temme, C. (2004)
In: 7th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Ljubljana (SLO), 27.06.-02.07.2004.