Küste Hero Istock-1199905757 Luchterduinen Aerovista Luchtfotografie

Dipl. Ing. Burkhard Erbslöh

Burkhard Erbslöh

Dipl. Ing. Burkhard Erbslöh

Inorganic Environmental Chemistry


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1841

Fax: +49 (0)4152 87-1875

E-mail contact

  • Multi-element analysis with Total-Reflection X-Ray Spectroscopy and ICP-MS/MS Techniques
  • Analysis of trace elements in environmental samples from different origins (Mytilus spp., sediments) to study origin, distribution and transport of inorganic contaminants
  • Organizing and execution of sampling campaigns
  • Lab safety officer
  • Radiation safety officer
  • 2011 Multielement examination of transplanted blue mussel in the locations Cuxhaven and Heligoland in relation of the function as bioindicator for polluted seawater
  • 2006 Development of a method to isolate the acute phase protein haptoglobin of common seal within a project dealing with seals health, working with several chromatographic devices
  • 1993 IKSE project, sampling of river Elbe water and sediments, methods development and execution of element analyzing
  • 1989 Entrance at GKSS (now Hereon) research centre for a forest damage project doing multielement analysis of airborne particles and rain water
  • 1988 Diplom-engineer diploma at Fachhochschule Hamburg department Bioingenieurwesen